Since Wallerstein's study, ______.A. there are fewer divorcesB. children of divorce no longer get therapyC. times and attitudes toward divorce have changedD. people don't talk about divorce any more
Since Wallerstein's study, ______.
A. there are fewer divorces
B. children of divorce no longer get therapy
C. times and attitudes toward divorce have changed
D. people don't talk about divorce any more
Can you do the work with _____ money and _____ people? A、less,fewerB、fewer,lessC、little,lessD、lest,fewest
类Student的声明如下:packagecom.schoolclassStudent{Stringname;intage;Student(Stringname,intage){//code}voidstudy(Stringsubject){//code}}正确调用方法study(Stringsubject)的是哪项?() A.Studentstu=newStudent(“Tom”,23);“数学”);“数学”);C.Studentstu=newStudent(“Tom”,23);;D.Studentstu=newStudent(“Tom”,23);“数学”);
4. A fat man should eat ________food and take ________ exercise.A. less,lessB. fewer,moreC. less,moreD. more, fewer
Dr. Calerin's efforts could lead to the development of a treatment for cancer, but they havereceived __________ media attention.A. least B. a few C. little D. fewer
Usually there is__traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays,A.littleB.lessC.fewD.fewer
There are some new books in the school library.They are__books.A.childB.childrens'C.childrenD.children's
In some libraries young people can check out ten juvenile books at one time.A:adventureB:large-printC:hardcoverD:children's
假设我们定义了以下谓词: Study(x) x肯学习 Lucky(x) x是幸运的 那么下列哪个谓词公式对于以下知识的表示是正确的? "小张不肯学习但他是幸运的"A.﹁Study(zhang)∧Lucky(zhang)B.﹁(Study(zhang)∧Lucky(zhang))C.﹁(Study(zhang)∨Lucky(zhang))D.﹁Study(zhang)∨Lucky(zhang)