97 Formal authority is often referred to as legitimate power. Which two other forms of power are also considered to be legitimate power?A. Reward and penaltyB. Reward and referentC. Referent and expertD. Expert and rewardE. Penalty and referent

97 Formal authority is often referred to as legitimate power. Which two other forms of power are also considered to be legitimate power?

A. Reward and penalty

B. Reward and referent

C. Referent and expert

D. Expert and reward

E. Penalty and referent


(ii) authority; (3 marks)

[A] legislative [B] legitimate [C] legalized [D] liberal

若在“销售总数’’窗体中有“订货总数”文本框控件,能够正确引用控件值的是 ( )。A.Forms.[销售总数].[订货总数]B.Forms![销售总数].[订货总数]C.Forms.[销售总数]![订货总数]D.Forms![销售总数]![订货总数]

\[A\] power\[B\] authority\[C\] ability\[D\] right

[A] authority [B] power [C] control [D] ruling

In Paragraph 2, the word" legitimate" most probably means ______.A) lawfulB) biologicalC) personalD) reasonable

若在“销售总数”窗体中有“订货总数”文本框控件,能够正确引用控件值的是( )。A.Forms.[销售总数].[订货总数]B.Forms![销售总数].[订货总数]C.Forms.[销售总数]![订货总数]D.Forms![销售总数]![订货总数]

[A] agency [B] organization [C] institution [D] authority

针对下列程序段,需要( )个测试用例才可以满足语句覆盖的要求。switch(value){case 0:other=30;break;case 1:other=50;break;case 2:other=300;case 3:other=other/value;break;default:other=other*value;}A.2B.3C.4D.5

1、针对下列程序段,需要()个测试用例才可以满足语句覆盖的要求。 switch (value ) { case 0: other = 30; break; case 1: other = 50; break; case 2: other = 300; case 3: other = other/value; break; default: other = other * value; }A.2B.3C.4D.5