To get their high school _________, students are required to pass competency tests. A. certificatesB. degreesC. diplomasD. rates

To get their high school _________, students are required to pass competency tests.

A. certificates

B. degrees

C. diplomas

D. rates


阅读以下说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内【说明】编写字符界面的Application程序,接收依次输入的10个整型数据,每个数据一行,将这些数据按升序排序后从系统的标准输出设备输出。【Java代码】import java.iO.*;import java.util.* ;public class compositor{public static void main ( String args[] ){final int NUMBER=10;Vector dataVector=new Vector ();try{BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader ((1) InputStreamReader ( ));System.out.println ("请输入"+NUMBER+"个整数");for (int i=0; i<NUMBER; i++ ){int temp=Integer.parselnt ( br.(2));int low=0, high=i-1, mid=0;while ((3)){System.out.println ( low+","+mid+","+high );(4);if ((( Integer ) dataVectOr.get( mid )) .intValue () ==temp ){data Vector.insertElementAt ( new Integer ( temp ), mid );break;}else if ((( Integer ) dataVector.get ( mid )) .intValue ( ) >temp ){high=mid-1;}else{(5);}}if ( low>high ){dataVector, insertElementAt ( new Integer ( temp ), iow );}}//输出System.out.println ( "\n升序的排序结果为; ");for (int i=0; i<NUMBER; i++ ){System.out.print ( dataVector.get( i ) .toString () +"\t" );}}catch ( NumberFormatException nfe){System.out.println ( nfe.toString ());System.out.println ( "整数格式输入错误。");}catch ( IOException ioe ){System.out.println ( ioe.toString ());}}}

A user wants to establish an FTP session to a server behind an SRX device but must authenticate to a Web page on the SRX device for additional authentication.Which type of user authentication is configured?()A. pass-throughB. WebAuthC. WebAuth with Web redirectD. pass-through with Web redirect

WhichfeatureisaddedwhenupgradingfromIPCCExpressStandardtoEnhanced?() A.textchatB.LogOut/NotReadyreasoncodesC.WrapUpStateD.WrapUptimerE.competency-basedrouting

The students failed to meet the necessary ( ) for admission to the course.A.fulfillmentB.requirementsC.qualitiesD.competency

给定一个JSP程序源代码,如下: <jsp:forward page="result.jsp"> <jsp:param name="school" value="FAFU"/> </jsp:forward > 在result.jsp中,使用()代码片段可以输出参数school的值A.<jsp:getParam name="school">B.<jsp:getParameter name="school">C.<%=request.getAttribute("school")%>D.<%=request.getParameter("school")%>

单选题:在下列的 HTML 网页中,哪个可以产生超链接? A.<a url=""></a> B.<a href="">W3School</a> C.<a></a> D.<a name=""></a>

声明并创建一个学生类Student的对象s,下列语法格式正确的是()。A.Student s = Student();B.Student s;C.Student s = new Student();D.Student s = new ();

8、在下列的 HTML 中,哪个可以产生超链接?A.<a url=""></a>B.<a href="">W3School</a>C.<a></a>D.<a name=""></a

创建students对象,_______语句可以选出第二个同学的身高。 students数据如下: age height weight 1 19 170 68 2 20 165 65 3 18 175 65A.students[1,'height']B.students.loc[2,'height']C.students.iloc[1, 1]D.students['height'][3]

创建students对象,_______语句可以选出第二个同学的身高。 students数据如下: age height weight 1 19 170 68 2 20 165 65 3 18 175 65A.students.loc[2,'height']B.students.iloc[1, 1]C.students[1,'height']D.students['height'][3]