OCJP(310-065) 题目列表
单选题Given: 1.package test; 2. 3.class Target { 4.public String name = "hello";5.} What can directly access and change the value of the variable name?()Aany classBonly the Target classCany class in the test packageDany class that extends Target

单选题Given: 11.String test = "This is a test"; 12.String[] tokens = test.split("/s"); 13.System.out.println(tokens.length); What is the result?()A0B1C4DCompilation fails.

单选题Given: What is the result?()A Compilation succeeds.B Compilation fails due to multiple errors.C Compilation fails due to an error only on line 20.D Compilation fails due to an error only on line 21.E Compilation fails due to an error only on line 22.

多选题A developer is creating a class Book, that needs to access class Paper. The Paper class is deployed in a JAR named myLib.jar.  Which three, taken independently, will allow the developer to use the Paper class while compiling the Bookclass?()AThe JAR file is located at $JAVA_HOME/jre/classes/myLib.jar.BThe JAR file is located at $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/myLib.jar..CThe JAR file is located at /foo/myLib.jar and a classpath environment variable is set that includes /foo/myLib.jar/Paper.class.DThe JAR file is located at /foo/myLib.jar and a classpath environment variable is set that includes /foo/myLib.jar.EThe JAR file is located at /foo/myLib.jar and the Book class is compiled using javac - cp /foo/myLib.jar/Paper Book.java.FThe JAR file is located at /foo/myLib.jar and the Book class is compiled using javac - classpath /foo/myLib.jar Book.java

多选题Given: And MainClass exists in the /apps/com/company/application directory. Assume the CLASSPATH environment variable is set to "." (current directory). Which two java commands entered at the commandline will run MainClass?()Ajava MainClass if run from the /apps directoryBjava com.company.application.MainClass if run from the /apps directoryCjava -classpath /apps com.company.application.MainClass if run from any directoryDjava -classpath . MainClass if run from the /apps/com/company/application directoryEjava -classpath /apps/com/company/application:. MainClass if run from the /apps directory

多选题Which two scenarios are NOT safe to replace a StringBuffer object with a StringBuilder object?()AWhen using versions of Java technology earlier than 5.0.BWhen sharing a StringBuffer among multiple threads.CWhen using the java.io class StringBufferInputStream.DWhen you plan to reuse the StringBuffer to build more than one string.

多选题Given a class whose instances, when found in a collection of objects, are sorted by using the compare To method, which two statements are true?()AThe class implements java.lang.Comparable.BThe class implements java.util.Comparator.CThe interface used to implement sorting allows this class to define only one sort sequence.DThe interface used to implement sorting allows this class to define many different sort sequences.

单选题Given: 12.Date date = new Date(); 13.df.setLocale(Locale.ITALY); 14.String s = df.format(date); The variable df is an object of type DateFormat that has been initialized in line 11. What is the result if this code is run on December 14, 2000?()AThe value of s is 14-dic-2000.BThe value of s is Dec 14, 2000.CAn exception is thrown at runtime.DCompilation fails because of an error in line 13.

单选题Given a valid DateFormat object named df,and 16.Date d = new Date(0L); 17.String ds = "December 15, 2004"; 18.//insert code here What updates d’s value with the date represented by ds?()A18. d = df.parse(ds);B18. d = df.getDate(ds);C18. try {19. d = df.parse(ds);20. } catch(ParseException e) { };D18. try {19. d = df.getDate(ds);20. } catch(ParseException e) { };

单选题Given that the elements of a PriorityQueue are ordered according to natural ordering,and: What is the result?()A apple pearB banana pearC apple appleD apple bananaE banana banana

多选题Given: Which three are true?()ACat is-a AnimalBCat is-a JumperCDog is-a AnimalDDog is-a JumperECat has-a AnimalFBeagle has-a Tail

多选题Which two scenarios are NOT safe to replace a StringBuffer object with a StringBuilder object?()AWhen using versions of Java technology earlier than 5.0.BWhen sharing a StringBuffer among multiple threads.CWhen using the java.io class StringBufferInputStream.DWhen you plan to reuse the StringBuffer to build more than one string.

单选题Given: 11.String test = "a1b2c3"; 12.String[] tokens = test.split("//d"); 13.for(String s: tokens) System.out.print(s + " "); What is the result?()Aa b cB1 2 3Ca1b2c3Da1 b2 c3

多选题Which three will compile and run without exception?()Aprivate synchronized Object o;Bvoid go() {synchronized() { /* code here */ }Cpublic synchronized void go() { /* code here */ }Dprivate synchronized(this) void go() { /* code here */ }Evoid go() {synchronized(Object.class) { /* code here */ }Fvoid go() {Object o = new Object();synchronized(o) { /* code here */ }

单选题Given: What is the result?()A r, t, t,B r, e, o,C Compilation fails.D An exception is thrown at runtime.