问答题The combined ages of Frasier and Niles is 88 years; the combined ages of Niles and Daphne is 76 years; the combined ages of Frasier and Daphne is 80 years. Then, how old is Frasier?

The combined ages of Frasier and Niles is 88 years; the combined ages of Niles and Daphne is 76 years; the combined ages of Frasier and Daphne is 80 years. Then, how old is Frasier?


设Frasier的年龄为X,Niles 的年龄为Y,Daphne的年龄为Z;故可得出方程式如下:
  X+Y=88, Y+Z=76, X+Z=80;求解可得出X=46。


Education is compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 16 years, but children may enter school at 5 and continue until they are 19.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

28. How old is John's brother now when John is fifteen in the story?A.Ten years old.B. Fifteen years oldC. Twenty years oldD. Twenty-five years old.

Her sickness ,___________ with terrible weather ,has completely ruined this long-expected tripA.combiningB.combinedC.to combineD.to be combined

How long did the Knights of Labor last?A. 60 years.B. 31 years.C. 50 years.D. 21 years.

- Haven't seen you for ages, Mike. ________________ - Pretty good. Everything goes well. A、What are you doingB、How are youC、How's it going

— Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?\n — _______A.Thank you a lot.B.It’s several years.C.Long time no see.D.Just so-so.

The manager is 40 years old,(用how old对划线部分提问)

目前信令信道的规划,网上的配置现在有两种情况:Combined方式和Non-Combined方式。 A.错误B.正确

An architectural Style defines as a family of such systems in terms of a ( )of structural organization. More specifically an architectural style defines a vocabulary of( ) and connector types, and a set of( )on how they can be combined. For many styles there may also exist one or more ( ) that specify how to determine a system's overall properties from the properties of its parts. Many of architectural styles have been developed over the years. The best-known examples of (请作答此空)architectures are programs written in the Unix shell.A.event-basedB.object-orientedC.pipe-and-filterD.layered

An architectural Style defines as a family of such systems in terms of a ( )of structural organization. More specifically an architectural style defines a vocabulary of( ) and connector types, and a set of( )on how they can be combined. For many styles there may also exist one or more (请作答此空) that specify how to determine a system's overall properties from the properties of its parts. Many of architectural styles have been developed over the years. The best-known examples of ( )architectures are programs written in the Unix shell.A.semantic modelsB.weak entitiesC.data schemasD.business models


nternational Transport Transport plays an important part in international business because goods produced have to be delivered to the buyers abroad, and the delivery of goods is to be made possible by transport services. Goods are carried by several means of transport on road or rail, by sea or air. And in recent years, combined transport which is a road-sea-rail carriage appeared. With the expansion of international trade, the container service has become popular. The use of containers provides a , highly effective form of transport . by road, rail and sea, Basically , orabout 98% of world trade is carried out by sea transport.Besides transport by sea, road, or rail, nowadays in order to speed up delivery, carriage by air international has also become popular. In recent years,combined transport which is aroad-sea-railcarriageappeared.

下面哪一个是合法的数组声明和构造语句()A、 int[] ages = [100];B、 int ages = new int[100];C、 int[] ages = new int[100];D、 int() ages = new int(100);

联合运输 combined transport

混合铁路枢纽 combined railway terminal


英译中:Combined transport


问答题The combined age of Frasier and Niles is 86 years.  The combined age of Niles and Daphne is 74 years.  The combined age of Frasier and Daphne is 78 years.  Figure out each person’s age.

问答题At what ages can people legally smoke, buy alcohol, and get married?

单选题Frasier Product公司一直以每年10%的速度增长,并期望保持该增长率,且下一年获得$4.00的每股收益。该公司的股利支付率为35%,β值为1.25。如果无风险利率为7%,市场回报率为15%,则Frasier公司估计的普通股现行市价为()。A$14B$16C$20D$28

单选题The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the Milankovitch theory?AIt is the only possible explanation for the ice ages.BIt is too limited to provide a plausible explanation for the ice ages, despite recent research findings.CIt cannot be tested and confirmed until further research on volcanic activity is done.DIt is one plausible explanation, though not the only one, for the ice ages.EIt is not a plausible explanation for the ice ages, although it has opened up promising possibilities for future research.

问答题In 10 years the ages of two brothers and two sisters will total 100. How much will their ages total in 7 years?

单选题下面哪一个是合法的数组声明和构造语句()Aint[]ages=[100];Bint ages=new int[100];Cint[]ages=new int[100];Dint()ages=new int(100);

问答题Since 2001, the company has spent more on A employee training than they did in the previous 10 years combined.                A     B                C                 DNo error  E

问答题Four years ago, Jane was twice as old as Sam. Four years on from now, Sam will be 3/4 of Jane's age. How old is Jane now?

单选题下面哪一个是合法的数组声明和构造语句()A int[] ages = [100];B int ages = new int[100];C int[] ages = new int[100];D int() ages = new int(100);