单选题The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.AcameBcomeCto comeDhave come

The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.





to come


have come


句意:有人看见那个中年人在谋杀案发生的下午从房子里出来。sb. be seen to do sth. 固定用法,故为C。


He said she must have been out of town for weeks; otherwise he ____________ her in office. (A) would see(B) should see(C) must have seen(D) would have seen

There is a monster living in the old man's house in the movie “Monster House”.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Six _______ ten people in Beijing have seen the movie Titanic. A. outB. out offC. out ofD. out to

Seen ________ the eyes of a young friend Einstein was a simple,modest and ordinary man. A. uponB. throughC. withD. in

Look , that is the man ____ house has burned down in the big fire. A.whoseB.whomD.whoD.who’s

Never before _______ seen such astupid man. A、am IB、was IC、have ID、shall I

Which of the following is an exocentric construction?A.The man in black.B.The old and the young.C.In the river.D.The big house.

I washed and (剃须), then hurried out of the house.

Ⅱ.完形填空One morning Mr Green is driving(11) the country and (12) a small hotel. When he sees an old man (13) 0ne side of the road,he stops his (14) and says to the old man,"l want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know how to get there?""Yes,"the old man answers,"I'll (15) the way."He (16) Mr Green's car,and they drive about twelve miles.(17) they come to a small house,the old man says,"Stop here. "Mr Green stops and (18)the house. "But this isn't the hotel,"he says to the old man. "Right," the old man answers. "This is my house. And I'll tell you the way (19)the hotel, Turn (20) and go back nine miles. Then you can see the hotel. "( )11,A.inB.toC.aroundD.off

I washed and________ (剃须), then hurried out of the house.

The house ______in bad repair since he moved out.A、wasB、has beenC、had beenD、was being

A middle-aged man might want to see himself as a strong, attractive athlete, which means ().A、All middle-aged men are in good physical health.B、Men also hope to have a beautiful and strong appearance.C、Men usually want to look as attractive as possible.D、Older men should all get exercise in the gym.

( ) the house on fire, he dialed 91 A、SeenB、SeeingC、Having been seenD、Being seen

That's the man()house was burned down. A、whoB、whoseC、whichD、that

We had to___ the house as we had lost the key. A、break intoB、break downC、break upD、break out

33. The young man was often seen _______, by the lake.A.to drawB.to drawingC.drawD.drew

Which indefinite article "a" should be read emphatically in the following sentencesA.He is a handsome boy, but not smart.B.He is not a suspect, he is the suspect.C.He bought a cartoon book for his son.D.He is talking with a middle-aged man.

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1 When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it's when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(预期寿命)increases, retirement planning needs to be changed .This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2 Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old,that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3 Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why.Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man .Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that's really about all we know.4 It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most rate their health as good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness. The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger. Nowadays men generally live longer than_________.A: in good healthB: in the pastC: in the wrongD: the old manE: a middle-aged manF: a young man

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1 When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it's when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(预期寿命)increases, retirement planning needs to be changed .This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2 Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old,that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3 Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why.Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man .Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that's really about all we know.4 It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most rate their health as good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness. The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.A man in his mid-60s is now regarded as________.A: in good healthB: in the pastC: in the wrongD: the old manE: a middle-aged manF: a young man

The president came out of the house, ____by his 3 bodyguards.A.followsB.followedC.followingD.follow

An immense cloud of smoke came out of the house.A:muchB: enormousC:littleD: extensive

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1.When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it is when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(寿命)increases,retirement planning needs to be changed. This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2.Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old, that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3.Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why. Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man.Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that is really about all we know.4.It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most old man think their health is good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.A man in his mid-60s is now regarded as______.A:in good healthB:in the pastC:in the wrongD:the old manE:a middle-aged man F: a young man

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1.When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it is when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(寿命)increases,retirement planning needs to be changed. This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2.Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old, that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3.Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why. Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man.Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that is really about all we know.4.It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most old man think their health is good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.Nowadays men generally live longer than______.A:in good healthB:in the pastC:in the wrongD:the old manE:a middle-aged man F: a young man

单选题Why did the Frenchman decide to follow the young man?ABecause the young man walked so fast.BBecause he found the young man was out of sight.CBecause he wanted to catch the young man.

单选题The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.AcameBcomeCto comeDhave come

单选题Which indefinite article a should be read emphatically in the following sentences?AHe is a handsome boy, but not smart.BHe is not a suspect, he is the suspect.CHe bought a cartoon book for his son.DHe is talking with a middle-aged man.

单选题He bought the house with a(n)()to making a quick profit out of it.AgoalBpurposeCeyeDreason

单选题What does the man usually do on Saturday?AHe relaxes.BHe goes fishing.CHe works around his house.