单选题The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.AcameBcomeCto comeDhave come

The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.





to come


have come


句意:有人看见那个中年人在谋杀案发生的下午从房子里出来。sb. be seen to do sth.固定用法,故为C。


In spite of your living so far away, we both hope very much _____. A.your comingB.that you comeC.you to comeD.that you have come

He asked me where () from. A、did I cameB、I cameC、do I comeD、I come

Tom, ____ on time tomorrow. A.is sure to comeB.will be sure to comeC.be sure to comeD.to be sure to come

_______yesterday, you would have met Professor Jones.But now he has left for London. A.Did you comeB.Had you comeC.Should you comeD.Were you to come

1.I ______they ______tomorrow.A. think; won’ t comeB. don- t think ; comeC. don't think; will comeD. think; come

Bob was fully occupied yesterday, otherwise he _______ to the meeting.A. would comeB. had comeC. must have comeD. would have come

She is always the first ______to school.A. comingB. to comeC. to have comeD. having come

Why hasn't he come? ______on time, we will have to put off the trip.A. If he doesn't comeB. If he won't comeC. If he shouldn't comeD. If he hadn't come

You ______ yesterday if you were really serious about the job.A. ought to comeB. ought comeC. ought have comeD. ought to have come

he was busy that day. otherwise he _____ to attend our conference. A. would comeB. comeC. cameD. would have come

Is it the first time you()to Chongqing? A、cameB、have comeC、had comeD、would come

She lived there before he____to Chin A cameB comesC comeD coming

Don’t come it with me, young man! A、behave rudelyB、goC、comeD、follow

She( )for twenty months until they finally( )to see her. A、patiently waited …cameB、patiently waited … had comeC、had patiently waited … cameD、had patiently waited … had come

Have you ___been to our town before? No. it’s my first time I _____here. A.ever, comeB. even, have comeC.ever, comeD. ever, have come

I hear Mary ________ back in two days. A.comesB.comeC.will comeD.coming

Look! Here ______ the famous player.A、comesB、comeC、had comeD、coming

" The days are getting longer." " Spring_______."A、must comeB、must be comeC、is having to comeD、must be coming

Here() the bus A、comesB、comeC、will comeD、coming

Scientists have many theories about how the universe ___ into being.A. cameB. was comingC. had comeD. would come

We will start as soon as our team leader__________.A.comesB.will comeC.comeD.is coming

Once man began to raise his own animals,he did not have to go out and hunt for his meat.And,since he did not have to move from one place to another hunting for food,man was able to( )down and live in one place.A.calmB.getC.comeD.settle

You__yesterday if you were really serious about the job.A.ought to comeB.ought have comeC.ought comeD.ought to have come

Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the murder.A: stimuliB: targetC: monotonousD: lengthy

You()to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A、needn't to comeB、don't need comeC、don't need comingD、needn't come

Look! Here()the famous playerA、comesB、comeC、had comeD、coming

I would rather you ()tomorrow.A、Will comeB、comeC、Would have comeD、came

单选题The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.AcameBcomeCto comeDhave come