Seen ________ the eyes of a young friend Einstein was a simple,modest and ordinary man. A. uponB. throughC. withD. in
Seen ________ the eyes of a young friend Einstein was a simple,modest and ordinary man.
A. upon
B. through
C. with
D. in
( ) from the moon, our earth, with water ( ) seventy percent of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”. A. Seen…coveredB.Seeing…coveringC.Seen…coveringD.To see…to cover
Assumethetaghandlerforast:simpletagextendsSimple Tag Support.Inwhatwaycanscriptletcodebeusedinthebodyofst:simple?() A.SetthebodycontenttypetoJSPintheTLDB.ScriptletcodeisNOTlegalinthebodyofst:simple.C.Addscripting-enabled=truetothestarttagforthest:simpleelementD.Addapass-throughClassictagwithabodycontenttypeofJSPtothebodyofst:simple,andplacethe scriptletcodeinthebodyofthattag
Einstein在哪栋楼办公?查询如下: select department.building from department,instructor where = 'Einstein';