drug administration

drug administration


国家药品监督管理局成立于1998年,2003年元月在国家局基础上组建国家食品药品监督管理局(State Food and Drug Administration,SFDA)。此题为判断题(对,错)。

根据下列题干及选项,回答 21~23 题:英汉对照术语A.PC(Pharmaceutical Care)B.DDD(Defined Daily Dose)C.DID(Drug Induced Diseases)D.ADR(Adverse Drug Reaction)E.TDM(Therapeutic Drug Monitoring)第 21 题 药学服务( )

according to the text, which of the following is not a dysfunction caused by drug abuse?A. There is a strong association between drug use and crime.B. Drug abuse is a major cause of unemployment.C. There are great economic losses because of drug abuse.D. Drug dependence takes a significant toll in terms of personal health and safety. .

治疗药物监测的英文是() A.therapeutic drug monitoringB.treatment drug monitoringC.drug concentration monitoringD.drug therapy monitoring

YoucreatedacustommenufortheOrderEntryapplication.Whichstepdoyouperformbeforeattachingthemenumoduletotheformmodule?() A.Selectfile--Administration--ConvertB.Selectfile--Administration--ExecuteC.Selectfile--Administration--CompileFileD.Nofurtherstepisnecessary.


Adverse Drug Reaction

Talk to anyone in the drug industry, you’ll soon discover that the science of genetics is the biggest thing to hit drug research since penicillin was discovered.[A] or[B] so[C] for[D] and


药物作用(drug action)

国家药品监督管理局成立于1998年,2003年元月在国家局基础上组建国家食品药品监督管理局(State Foodand Drug Administration,SFDA)。()

在Pubmed中检索有关“感冒的药物治疗”的循证医学文献,最佳途径为()A、Search (Common Cold and drug therapy)B、Search (Common Cold and drug therapy) Limits:Systematic ReviewsC、Search (Common Cold /drug therapy) Limits:Systematic ReviewsD、Search (Common Cold and drug therapy and EBM)

pharmacy administration

Drug E-Commerce of Drug

legislation of drug administration

宏观的药事管理是国家政府的行政机关,运用管理学、政治学、经济学、法学等多学科理论和方法,依据国家的政策、法律,运用法定权力,为实现国家制定的医药卫生工作的社会目标,对药事进行有效治理的管理活动,在我国称药政管理(drug administration)或药品监督管理(drug supervi-sion)

结合型药物(bound drug)

合理药物设计(rational drug design)

判断题国家药品监督管理局成立于1998年,2003年元月在国家局基础上组建国家食品药品监督管理局(State Foodand Drug Administration,SFDA)。()A对B错

单选题The United States Food and Drug Administration recently terminated a two-year moratorium (延期偿付) on the promotion of prescription drugs.AendedBdeterminedCpostponedDevaluated