要使用变量score来存储学生某一门课程的成绩(百分制,可能出现小数部分),则最好将其定义为()类型的变量。A、 intB、 decimalC、 floatD、 double
- A、 int
- B、 decimal
- C、 float
- D、 double
要建立一个学生成绩的随机文件,如下定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、三门课 程成绩(百分制)组成,下列程序段正确的是( )。A.Typepestudl no As Integer name As String score(1 To 3)As Single End TypeB.Typestudl no As Integer no As Integer name As String*10 score()As Single End TypeC.Typestudl no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 3)As Single End TypeD.Typestudl no As Integer name As String score(1 To 3)As Single End Type
(12)要建立一个随机文件记录学生的信息,下列定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、五门课程成绩(百分制)组成,下列的定义正确的是。A.Type stu no As Integer name As String score(1 To 5)As Single End Type B.Type stuno As Integename As String*10score()As SingleEnd TypeC.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 5)As Single End Type D.Type stuno As Integername As Stringscore()As SingleEnd Type
要建立一个随机文件记录学生的信息,如下定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、5门课程成绩(百分制)组成,下列的定义正确的是( )。A.Type sru no As Integer name As String score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeB.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score()As Single End TypeC.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeD.Type stu no As Integer name As String score()As Single End Type
要建立一个随机文件记录学生的信息,下列定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、五门课程成绩(百分制)组成,下列的定义正确的是( )。A.Type stu no As Integer name As String score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeB.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score()As Single End TypeC.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeD.Type stu no As Integer name As String score()As Single End Type
设有以下变量定义,并已赋确定的值: char w; int x; float y; double z; 则表达式:w*x+z-y所求得的数据类型为( )。A.charB.intC.floatD.double
关于类型转换的说法中,错误的是( )。A.如果a为血型变量,b为char型变量,则a+b的值为血型B.如果a为float型变量,b为int型变量,则a-b的值为float型C.如果a为double型变量,b为float型变量,则a*b的值为double型D.如果a为血型变量,b为血型变量,则a/(double)b的值为int型
设x为float型变量,y为double型变量,a为int型变量,b为long型变量, c为char型变量,则表达式x+y*a/x+b/y+c的值为()类型。A、intB、longC、doubleD、char
计算所有籍贯为河北或邯郸的学生的平均成绩,并将结果赋予变量score中,应使用命令()。A、AVERAGE 成绩 TO score FOR籍贯=“河北” AND 籍贯=“邯郸”B、AVERAGE 成绩 TO score FOR籍贯=“河北” OR 籍贯=“邯郸”C、AVERAGE 成绩 TO score FOR籍贯=“河北” AND “邯郸”D、AVERAGE 成绩 TO score FOR籍贯=“河北”OR “邯郸”