主给水丧失事故 loss of main feed water accident
主给水丧失事故 loss of main feed water accident
The fuel supply system to an automatic auxiliary boiler, will be automatically shutdown if the boiler() A.salinity is abnormallyB.high steam demand is tooC.feed-water flow is lowD.water level is abnormally low
If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler, the cause may be ______.A.high steam pressure in the boilerB.abnormally high feed-water temperatureC.abnormally high boiler water temperatureD.steam demand exceeding feed pump capacity
A protective suit which reduces the body heat-loss of a person wearing it in cold water is called______.A.water suitB.diving suitC.immersion suitD.swimming suit
Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive ______.A.loss of body temperatureB.loss of water and salt from the bodyC.gain in body temperatureD.intake of water when working or exercising
单选题The most common cause of scale formation in an auxiliary boiler is ()Aconcentrations of calcium sulfate in the boiler waterBfuel oil in the feed waterCimproper treatment of the feed water with calcium sulfateDexcessive feed water alkalinity
单选题The vacuum maintained in the salt water feed heater shell of a flash-type evaporator is generally accomplished by ().Aa separate air ejector unitBa direct unimpeded connection between second stage and salt water feed heaterCeither by vacuum drag or an external line from the first stage via a fixed orificeDthe fixed orifice provided in the steam supply line
单选题When distilling sea water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().Ato decrease scale formationBfor better cooling effectCfor more economical purposeDto raise vacuum
单选题The ()pump is usually used as the bilge feed pump to an oily water separator.AturbineBscrewCvaneDejector
单选题Where is the cooling water from the compensating tank in the cooling water system of main engine lead to?()Adischarge side of the centrifugal pumpBsuction side of the centrifugal pumpCthe lowest point of the cooling water systemDinlet of the main engine
单选题In the event of a flame failure in an auxiliary water-tube boiler, you must()Arelight the boiler immediately to prevent loss of steam pressureBrelight the fire off the brickwork as the bricks are cherry redCpurge the furnace of any combustible gases before attempting to relight the fireDspeed up the feed pump to prevent dry firing when the burner flame is reestablished
单选题The boiler feed water check valves are located on the ()Afeed pump suction lineBhot wellCshell of the feed heaterDfeed lines to the boiler
单选题Normally,potable water systems are connected directly to the().Afire-main systemBfeed-water systemCfreshwater sanitary systemDdomestic water tank
单选题A salinity indicator is used to determine the ().Acause of salt contaminationBlocation of salt water contaminationCchemical makeup of feed-waterDlevel of alkalinity in condensate
单选题When distilling salt water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().Ato cut down the amount of cooling water neededBto prevent an excess amount of cooling water from being discharged to the bilgesCto supply hot water to the evaporator for more economical operationDNone of the above is tree
单选题On a multistage flash-type evaporator, the flash chamber is ()Acombined as part of the salt water feed heaterBthe open area above the brine levels in the first and second stagesCcombined as part of the distillate coolerDanother term used to describe the vapor feed heater
单选题The second stage feed-water temperature and shell absolute pressure in a multistage, flash type, distilling plant is ()Ahigher than the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureBlower than the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureCthe same as the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureDnot related to the feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressure
单选题In a vacuum boiling evaporator, the fresh water generated is pumped out by ().Aa brine pumpBan air ejectorCa feed water pumpDa condensate pump
单选题The boiler feed pump discharge pressure is higher than the steam drum pressure to ().Aensure feed water flow into the boilerBkeep the steam drum pressure highCprevent water hammer in the feed lineDhelp the feed water flash to steam
单选题In an oil cooler circulated by sea water, the oil is at a larger pressure the result being that any leak in the cooler will mean a loss of ().AoilBsea waterCrefrigerantDfresh water
单选题In a general oil cooler circulated by sea water, the oil is at a higher pressure, the result being that any leak in the cooler will mean a loss of ().AoilBsea waterCairDfresh water
单选题The feed water to the boiler will comprise ().AcondensateBa small amount of make-up feedCA and BDNone of the above
单选题If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler, the cause maybe ().Ahigh steam pressure in the boilerBabnormally high feed water temperatureCabnormally high boiler water temperatureDsteam demand exceeding feed pump capacity