英译中:Noise pollution

英译中:Noise pollution


In the writer's view, the more new goods there are,______.A. the less pollution we haveB. the harder pollution can be done away withC. the more pollution there will beD. the more easily pollution can be controlled

Motor vehicles powered by the internal combustion engines are responsible for over 80 percent of the deadly carbon monoxide as well as the cancer-causing substances in the air. Eighty-nine percent of the vehicles on the road in Massachusetts are privately owned and are often operated with only one person in the car. If people would use public transportation instead of their cars, air pollution levels could be significantly lowered. Thirty percent of the land in downtown Boston is devoted to cars. Where there are garages, there could be gardens. Where there are highways, there should be homes and places to work and play. Studies show that people today show a greater hearing loss with age than ever before. Much of this is due to car-horns, loud engines and general traffic noise.The cost of a personal car is high to the individual. The average person pays about $2,000 per car per year in gasoline, insurance, taxes, and maintenance. But for society as a whole, personal cars are a luxury we cannot afford. We pay in death from auto accidents, in poor health from air pollution, in loss of hearing from noise pollution, and in the destruction of our cities by the ever-increasing number of highways.1、It is ____ that are the main cause of the air pollution in Boston.A、vehicles in generalB、the public transportation systemsC、carbon monoxidesD、personal motor vehicles2、The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to _____.A、remind people of the danger of air pollutionB、warn people of the danger of accidentsC、urge people to use private cars as less as possibleD、ask the Boston government to build more homes and gardens3、According to the last paragraph, ______.A、the cost of personal cars is high to the individuals but not to the societyB、an average car costs about $2,000 inBostonC、personal cars are so expensive that most people cannot affordD、society as a whole suffers much from the ever-increasing number of cars4、It is implied but not stated that ______.A、garages, highways and parking areas occupy nearly one third of the total Boston downtown area.B、because of highways, people in Boston have no more homes and places to live, work and play.C、C garages have replaced most of the gardens in BostonD、Boston is the most seriously polluted city in the U.S.5、The best title for this passage is “ ______.”A、Air Pollution in BostonB、More Homes, More Plays for PeopleC、Cars Are Too ExpensiveD、Public Transportation, A Solution to Air Pollution

The noise made it hard for me to?focus?in work.()

You are the Cisco Network Designer in Cisco.com. Which signal and noise values will result in the best phone communication with an access point?() A. signal strength 5dBmB. signal strength 6dBmC. noise level 4dBmD. noise level 5dBm

Life gets noisier every day and very few people can free from noise of some sort or another.It doesn′t matter where you live--in the middle of a modem city,or a faraway village--the chances that you will be disturbed by jet aero planes,transistor radios,oil powered engines,etc.,are almost everywhere.We seem to be getting used to noise,too.Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working.Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be very frightening experience for human beings.However,some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud,and this can do harm to their eardrums(耳鼓).The noise level in some disco is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.One recent report about noise and concentration(专心)suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration,what really affects their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise.It goes on to say that a background noise,which doesn′t change too much(music,for example)may even help people to concentrate.From this passage,the pollution of noiseA.doesn't matter muchB.has become worse everywhereC.has become better in big citiesD.has become better in villages

The problem is()by pollution.AcausedBbecauseCdueDbecause of

在Enterprise仿真参数设置中,下面属于对于移动终端属性设置的有()A、Body LossB、Noise FigureC、Power step sizeD、Noise Rise Limit

In the OSNR model for EDFA amplifiers, SNR OUT = 1/(1/SNR IN + FhvB/P IN ), what does SNR IN represent?()A、the signal to noise of the current optical amplifierB、the signal to noise of the previous amplifier or sourceC、the signal to noise introduced by the optical multiplexerD、the accumulated noise to signal ratio of the optical channel

Which of the following is MOST likely causing an intermittent flashing LED on an IR receiver when the remote control is not being used?()A、The power supply is faulty and should be replaced.B、The heat from a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) register is being received as infrared noise.C、The radio frequency interference (RFI) is being received as noise.D、A plasma display is emitting infrared noise.

以下哪个特效可用来直接创建灰度噪波纹理,也可模拟雾、云、流水、火等效果?()A、NoiseB、Noise AlphaC、Fracta lNoiseD、Noise HLS

土壤污染(soil pollution)

反应堆噪声 reactor noise

英译中:Air pollution

Which signal and noise values will result in the best phone communication with an access point?()A、 Signal strength 0dBm, noise level 6dBmB、 Signal strength 8dBm, noise level 9dBmC、 Signal strength 4 dBm, noise level 4 dBmD、 Signal strength 6dBm, noise level 5 dBm

Which signal and noise values will result in the best phone communication with an access point?()A、signal strength 46dBm, noise level 95dBmB、signal strength 74dBm, noise level 94dBmC、signal strength 68dBm, noise level 79dBmD、signal strength 50dBm, noise level 56dBm

You are the Cisco Network Designer in Cisco.com. Which signal and noise values will result in thebest phone communication with an access point?()A、 signal strength 5dBmB、 signal strength 6dBmC、 noise level 4dBmD、 noise level 5dBm

11. class Animal { public String noise() { return “peep”; } }  12. class Dog extends Animal {  13. public String noise() { return “bark”; }  14. }  15. class Cat extends Animal {  16. public String noise() { return “meow”; }  17. }  .....  30. Animal animal = new Dog();  31. Cat cat = (Cat)animal;  32. System.out.printIn(cat.noise());  What is the result?() A、 peepB、 barkC、 meowD、 Compilation fails.E、 An exception is thrown at runtime.

单选题In the OSNR model for EDFA amplifiers, SNR OUT = 1/(1/SNR IN + FhvB/P IN ),  what does SNR IN represent?()A the signal to noise of the current optical amplifierB the signal to noise of the previous amplifier or sourceC the signal to noise introduced by the optical multiplexerD the accumulated noise to signal ratio of the optical channel

单选题If a vessel moored at a U-Sterminal does not comply with coast guard pollution prevention regulation, it may be detained by the ()AInspector generalBCaptain of the portClocal port authorityDstate pollution board

填空题Oil pollution is mentioned as the most visible and familiar marine pollution.____

单选题The latest annex of MARPOL 73/78 is about()Athe Prevention of Pollution by OilBthe Prevention of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in BulkCPrevention of Pollution by Garbage from ShipsDPrevention of Air Pollution from Ships

单选题The Smiths were leaving that ______ town. Everybody wanted to escape its noise and pollution and was looking forward to a ______ country life.Acrowded; peaceful Bdeserted; peacefulCdesert; thrillingDempty; sour

单选题The Pollution Prevention Regulations require that all oil spills in United States water be reported immediately to the ().Alocal port authorityBCorps of EngineersCUSCoast GuardDstate pollution board

单选题What is the passage mainly about?AHow to fight air pollution in big cities.BHow to avoid air pollution in big cities.CHow to breathe fresh air in big cities.DHow serious air pollution is in big cities.

单选题In the OSNR model for EDFA amplifiers, SNR OUT = 1/(1/SNR IN + FhvB/P IN ), what does SNR IN represent?()Athe signal to noise of the current optical amplifierBthe signal to noise of the previous amplifier or sourceCthe signal to noise introduced by the optical multiplexerDthe accumulated noise to signal ratio of the optical channel

名词解释题英译中:Air pollution

名词解释题英译中:Noise pollution