单选题The Smiths were leaving that ______ town. Everybody wanted to escape its noise and pollution and was looking forward to a ______ country life.Acrowded; peaceful Bdeserted; peacefulCdesert; thrillingDempty; sour

The Smiths were leaving that ______ town. Everybody wanted to escape its noise and pollution and was looking forward to a ______ country life.

crowded; peaceful  


deserted; peaceful


desert; thrilling


empty; sour




Neither of us () to undertake the responsibility. A、wantsB、were wantingC、wantD、have wanted

●A PM wanted to show management,visually, how quality controls were affecting processes. The best tool to accomplish this is(74) .(74)A. DiagramsB. HistogramsC. FlowchartsD. Control charts

The cows broke into the store-house to feed themselves because______.A. they were too hungryB. they wanted to fight with the menC. they wanted to go on strikeD. they were so angry at their masters

Passage FiveDanny was just tired about the way things were going. His mom came to the school and went on and on talking about Rick Jackson. It seemed that she would never stop talking. "Somebody's got to stop that boy!" she was shouting, "Rick's troubling everybody in the neighborhood. And he loves to pick on little boys like Danny."Mrs. Green, Danny's teacher, was concerned a lot. "I didn't know that Danny was being picked on," she nswered. "He's never said anything about this to me!" Mrs. Green looked at Danny. "How long has this been going on?" She asked. Danny could only shake his head and look at the floor. He knew if he said a word about this, he would have trouble after school.Danny hadn't said anything about the problem because he wanted to play with the boys in the neighborhood. After all, most of them were nice to him. He hated to leave the gang just because of Rick. Maybe the time had come to find new friends. He felt it hard to make up his mind.52. We learn from the reading that______.A. Danny was not a good studentB. Danny's mother talked too much about the schoolC. Danny's teacher knew something about Danny's problem beforeD. Danny wanted to get away from Rick

The reason for the old woman's secret burial was that the three women ______.A. were too sad to let the public know itB. had no money to arrange for a public funeralC. wanted to collect the old woman's pensionD. were afraid that they might be put into prison

He wanted to help all the wounded people no matter which side they were fighting for.翻译

We're going to _____ with _____ today, aren't we?A. the tea…the SmithsB. tea…those SmithsC. a tea…a SmithD. tea…the Smiths

Everybody, men and women, old and young, ( )sports and games. A、is enjoyedB、enjoysC、were enjoyingD、enjoy

The drivers were killed in a head-on ( ) involving a number of cars on the main road into town. A. crashB. collisionC. clashD. crack

---Is the car yours? ---_______.A、No, SmithsB、No, that of SmithsC、No, the SmithsD、No, the Smiths

The house isn’t big enough for us, and ____, it’s too far from the town. A. furthermoreB. howeverC. thereforeD. thus

I ______ see you, but I didn't, for I had no time. A、had wanted toB、has wanted toC、wantedD、was wanted

A PM wanted to show management,visually how quality controls were affecting processes.The best tool to accomplish this is(74) .A.DiagramsB.HistogramsC.FlowchartsD.Control charts

He committed a mistake in leaving because his wife still wanted to sing karaoke in the parlor.A.revengeB.reproachC.blunderD.scandal

Every year a flood of farmers arrive in shenzhen for the money——making jobs they Before leaving their hometowns.A.promisedB.were promisedC.have promisedD.have been promised

BIt was snowing very hard for days. Jigs and Reels had nothing to eat for a day. They knew that things weren't right at home,so yesterday morning they wanted to go out. Bob put them out through a window. Because the snow was so thick outside that he couldn't open the door.Last night they didn't come back. "Dead, Bob said to himself. "They are only five months old. This weather will kill them. Just then Bob heard them calling him. He looked out and could not believe’they were drawing(拖) a big hare(野兔) through the snow. They threw it through the window into Bob’s hands. Hare for dinner! '( )26. Who were Jigs and Reels in this story?A. They were Bob's childrenB. They were dogs.C. They were hares.D. They were toys.

why did the villagers agree to sell frogs ?A the frogs were easy moneyB They needs money to buy medicineC they wanted to plwase the visitorsD.the forgs made too much noise

Why didn't the immigrants share the lands with the natives?A. They thought the Indians were not friendly to them.B. They wanted to seize the lands as their own.C. Because North America was first discovered by them.D. Because the Indian people liked making war to them.

The managers were discussing the plan which they all wanted to see ____________ out that month.A.to be carriedB.to carryC.carryingD.carry

The earliest immigrants to North America found Indians already living there.The Indians numbered about 500,000 at that time.Their society was a primitive society,but they lived peacefully and welcomed the white strangers to the land.However,these early immigrants from Europe didn't want to share the land with the natives.They killed off many of the Indians,seized their land or pushed them off to lands farther away.Today the Indians,not more than half a million,live in poverty and misery on the land on which they were once masters.The earliest immigrants were the Spanish,who settled in the southern part of what is now the US.The next large group were the English,after the English came the French,Dutch,Irish,Germans,and other nationality groups,mostly European.Another early group to arrive were the Negroes.But they were brought in as slaves from Africa.They didn't win freedom till generations later.Why didn't the immigrants share the lands with the natives?A.They thought the Indians were not friendly to theB.They wanted to seize the lands as their owC.Because North America was first discovered by theD.Because the Indian people liked making war to the

Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.A: wood B:meetingC:sign D:deck

单选题Everybody()in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.AassembledBaccumulatedCpiledDjoined

单选题The Romans climbed up the hill quietly because _____.Athey didn’t want to wake the ScotsBthey wanted to reach the topCthey wanted to catch the four guards firstDthey were afraid of the sharp needles of the thistle

单选题Which of the following reasons does not explain the coach’s motives in arranging the experience for the Burbank team?AThe coach wanted to inspire the boys.BHe wanted them to learn the benefits of integration.CHe wanted them to see how much better they were than the Churchill boys.DHe wanted them to appreciate the differences among people.

单选题Mr. Weeks told his students to finish Exercise 8 in Lesson 1 because _____.Ait was very interestingBhe wanted to know if they were honestCit was very importantDhe wanted to give them a maths example

单选题AThey liked traveling.BThey wanted to find a better place to live in.CThey were driven out of their homes.DThe reasons are unknown.

单选题Donald wanted to cheat because ______.Ahe didn’t do well in any subjectsBhis teacher didn’t explain things wellChe wanted to get a good grade in math