填空题The actual invention brought by the telephone was the Network.____

The actual invention brought by the telephone was the Network.____




A budget estimate should give the manager cost data accurate to within:A . -5 to +10 percent of actual costB . -25 to +75 percent of actual costC . -30 to +75 percent of actual costD . -10 to +25 percent of actual costE . None of the above

105 A budget estimate should give the manager cost data accurate to within:A. -5 to +10 percent of actual costB. -25 to +75 percent of actual costC. -30 to +75 percent of actual costD. -10 to +25 percent of actual costE. None of the above

Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in three months ___________ her weight to 100 pounds. A.brought backB.brought upC.brought downD.brought about

Nobody knows what _______ the change in his political thinking. A.brought forthB.brought aboutC.brought outD.brought up

How much has the company _________ this year? A.brought inB.brought downC.brought outD.brought up

We'd been ________ to think that borrowing money was bad.A brought forwardB brought aboutC brought outD brought up

____ mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Craham Bell contributed the whole life to helping the deaf. A.To rememberB.To be rememberedC.RememberingD.Though remembered

英译汉(共1题,满分5分)The invention of the Web brought an extraordinary expansion of digital services

The water level showing in a boiler water gauge glass is usually ( ) duringworking.A.higher than the actual drum water levelB.equal to the actual drum water levelC.increasing due to steam condensation in the glassD.lower than actual drum wafer level

What is the most helpful invention? Do you think?(合并为一句)What__________ __________ __________ __________the most useful invention?

The government has put forward new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.A:brought up B:brought inC:brought back D:brought forward


请问您的电话号码?用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Must I have your telephone number please?B、May I have your telephone number please?C、Need I have your telephone number please?D、Would I have your telephone number please?

“电话新装”在英文中的写法是“()”。A、local telephone removalB、local telephoneC、local telephone installationD、telephone

“本地网”的英文写法是“()”。A、telex networkB、local telephone networkC、telephone networkD、access network

查找yuangong表中所有电话号码(列名:telephone)的第一位为8或6,第三位为0的电话号码()A、SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[8,6]%0*’B、SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’(8,6)*0%’C、SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[86]_0%’D、SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[86]_0*’

单选题What did Diana mean when she said “... putting a face to those figures brought the reality home to me” (Para.1)?AMeeting the landmine victims in person made her believe the statistics.BShe just couldn’t bear to meet the landmine victims face to face.CThe actual situation in Angola made her feel like going back home.DSeeing the pain of the victims made her realize the seriousness of the situation.

填空题The “Trick or Treat!” tradition was brought to the United States by Irish immigrants.____

填空题Gear, though a great invention, is excluded from the author’s list because it doesn’t have independent function.____

单选题The water level showing in a boiler water gauge glass is usually () during working.Ahigher than the actual drum water levelBequal to the actual drum water levelCincreasing due to steam condensation in the glassDlower than actual drum water level

单选题While remembering mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.ArememberingBforCtoDhelping the deaf

填空题The author thinks the electricity is something existed all along that can’t be described as an invention.____

填空题The actual invention brought by the telephone was the Network.____

单选题According to the opinion of the interviewer _____.Athe future for invention dependsBthere is still a future for invention and inspirationCthere is no future for invention and inspiration in modern societyDthe future for invention and inspiration is unclear

填空题A telephone user may pay a fixed monthly charge and (allow) ____ to make an unlimited number of local calls in the month.

填空题When the actual price is lower than the price offered elsewhere, “Buy one get one free” sale can help you save money.____

填空题P ()refers to the realization of langue in actual use.

单选题_____AShe should repair the telephone herself.BShe can turn to Mike for help.CHe knows nothing about telephone.DHe will call the telephone company.