单选题When will we close hatch covers?()A我们何时开关舱盖?B我们何时关闭舱盖?C我们何时卸货?D我们何时开舱盖?

When will we close hatch covers?()









解析: 暂无解析


水手长,我们为什么要开舱盖?()A、Bosun, why do we open hatch covers?B、Officer, why do we open hatch covers?C、Bosun, why do we close hatch covers?D、Bosun, why do we open hatches?



船舶的舱盖有多种类型。()A、There are several types of hatch covers on board ship.B、There are several types of hatches on board ship.C、There is one type of hatches on board ship.D、There is one type of hatch covers on board ship.

Our ship is equipped with automatic hatch covers.()A、我船配有手动舱盖。B、我船配有自动舱盖。C、我船配有侧滚式舱盖。D、我船配有折叠式舱盖。

这些舱盖通常是用电力或液压驱动的。()A、These hatches are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power.B、These hatch covers are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power.C、These hatch covers are usually driven by electric.D、These hatch covers are usually driven by hydraulic power.

High-speed operation and rough handling of covers are dangerous.()A、高速操作和野蛮开关舱是危险的B、高速和野蛮操作舱盖是危险的C、低速操作和野蛮开关舱是危险的D、低速和野蛮操作舱盖是危险的

我船配有自动舱盖。()A、Our ship is equipped with automatic hatch covers.B、Our ship is equipped with folding-type hatch covers.C、Our ship is equipped with side-rolling hatch covers.D、Our ship is equipped with rolling-type hatch covers.

装卸货之前,打开舱盖。()A、After loading and discharging, hatch covers will be opened.B、After loading and discharging, hatch covers will be closed.C、Before loading and discharging, hatch covers will be opened.D、Before loading and discharging, hatch covers will be closed.

When will we close hatch covers?()A、我们何时开关舱盖?B、我们何时关闭舱盖?C、我们何时卸货?D、我们何时开舱盖?

These hatch covers are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power.()A、这些舱盖通常是用电力驱动的B、这些舱盖通常是用液压驱动的C、这些舱盖通常是用电力或液压驱动的D、这些舱盖通常是用油压或液压驱动的


单选题船舶的舱盖有多种类型。()AThere are several types of hatch covers on board ship.BThere are several types of hatches on board ship.CThere is one type of hatches on board ship.DThere is one type of hatch covers on board ship.

单选题High-speed operation and rough handling of covers are dangerous.()A高速操作和野蛮开关舱是危险的B高速和野蛮操作舱盖是危险的C低速操作和野蛮开关舱是危险的D低速和野蛮操作舱盖是危险的


单选题我船配有自动舱盖。()AOur ship is equipped with automatic hatch covers.BOur ship is equipped with folding-type hatch covers.COur ship is equipped with side-rolling hatch covers.DOur ship is equipped with rolling-type hatch covers.


单选题高速和野蛮操作舱盖均是危险的。()AHigh-speed operation and rough handling of hatches are dangerous.BLow-speed operation and rough handling of hatches are dangerous.CLow-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous.DHigh-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous.

单选题Are you testing the()(液压舱盖)?Ahydraulic hatch coverBhydraulic release unitChydraulic oil jackDautomatic hatch cover

单选题水手长,我们为什么要开舱盖?()ABosun, why do we open hatch covers?BOfficer, why do we open hatch covers?CBosun, why do we close hatch covers?DBosun, why do we open hatches?


单选题Our ship is equipped with automatic hatch covers.()A我船配有手动舱盖。B我船配有自动舱盖。C我船配有侧滚式舱盖。D我船配有折叠式舱盖。

单选题装卸货之前,打开舱盖。()AAfter loading and discharging, hatch covers will be opened.BAfter loading and discharging, hatch covers will be closed.CBefore loading and discharging, hatch covers will be opened.DBefore loading and discharging, hatch covers will be closed.

单选题These hatch covers are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power.()A这些舱盖通常是用电力驱动的B这些舱盖通常是用液压驱动的C这些舱盖通常是用电力或液压驱动的D这些舱盖通常是用油压或液压驱动的

单选题开关舱时,应注意的事项是() ①轨道畅通无杂物; ②滚动式舱盖先挂好牵引钢丝,并检查铁锲应位于正常位置,开关时防止出轨; ③禁止站立在舱盖上,开舱时桅屋放舱盖板处应无人; ④舱盖保险钩的挂(脱)可不必考虑; ⑤吊放大块钢质舱盖要挂好钩,稳起稳落,正下方不准站人。A①~④B②~⑤C①②③⑤D①②④⑤

单选题这些舱盖通常是用电力或液压驱动的。()AThese hatches are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power.BThese hatch covers are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power.CThese hatch covers are usually driven by electric.DThese hatch covers are usually driven by hydraulic power.

单选题滚动式舱盖开关舱时,应注意的事项是() ①正确挂(脱)舱盖保险钩 ②先挂好牵引钢丝绳并检查铁链应位于正常位置 ③禁止站立在舱盖上,开舱时舱口端部存放舱盖板处应无障碍 ④舱口关闭后应保证舱口的良好密合避免漏水 ⑤舱口关闭后,最后要打上压紧器,防止在海浪冲击或船舶摇摆时舱盖板发生移动A①~⑤B除⑤C除①D除③