单选题—_____ twenty dollars a big sum to her?—I suppose so.AWill beBIsCAreDWere

—_____ twenty dollars a big sum to her?—I suppose so.

Will be










–()– That’ll be twenty-six dollars. (A) How much will that be altogether?(B) Is it expensive?(C) How expensive is it?(D) How much money is it?


什么票据是有效的?() A.“Pay to M Co.or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.”B.“Pay to M Co.providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.”C.“Pay to M Co.out of the proceeds in our No.1 account the sum of one thousand US dollars.”D.“Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.”

Since taxi fare in the city may run _____ twenty dollars, I suggest that you take a bus.A. as high asB. as expensive asC. so high thatD. so expensive as

I first met her ( ) a summer afternoon some twenty years ago. A、onB、inC、atD、/

There was nothing to ________ so. A、keep her from doingB、keep her doC、prevent her doingD、stop her do

“() a hundred dollars enough? ”“I suppose so. ” A、IsB、AreC、Will beD、Were

下列程序段的输出结果是【】。 include void main() {inti=10,sum=0;do{sum=+sum+i;i=i 下列程序段的输出结果是【 】。include<iostream.h>void main(){int i=10,sum=0;do{sum=+sum+i;i=i-2;}while(i>=2);cout<<sum<<end1;}

She did me such a big favor. _____ I knew her name.A、ifB、onlyC、if onlyD、only just

I think we should let Mary to go camping with her boyfriend. ______ she is a big girl now.A、Above allB、First of allC、For allD、After all

That yellow purse _________ her 25 dollars. A、paidB、spentC、costD、took

以下C程序的运行结果为______。main(){ int i=1,sum=0; loop:if(i<=10) { sum+=i; i++; goto loop; } printf("sum=%d\n",sum);}A.sum=10B.sum=55C.sum=100D.sum=88

以下能够正确计算1+2+3+…+10的程序是A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0 ForI=1 To 10 Sum=Sum+I Next I Print Sum End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0,I=1 Do While I<=10 Sum=Sum+I I=I+1 Print Sum End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0: I=1 Do Sum=Sum+I I=I+1 Loop While I<10 Print Sum End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0: I=1 Do Sum=Sum+I I=I+1 Loop Until I<10 Print Sum End Sub

以下能够正确计算1+2+3+…+10的程序是A.Private sub Command1_Click( ) sum=0 For 1=1 To 10 Sum=sum+1, Next I Print Sum End SubB.Private sub Command1_Click( ) Sum=0,I=1 Do While l<=10 Sum=Sum+1 I=I+1 Print Sum End SubC.Private Sub command1_click( ) Sum=0:I=1 Do Sum=Sum+1 I=I+1 Loop While I<10 Print Sum End SubD.Private Sub command1_Click( ) Sum=0:I=1 Do Sum=Sum+1 l=I+1 Loop Until I<10 Print Sum End Sub

Although he is in financial difficulties, he is ()to accept my offer of the loan of twenty thousand dollars.A.reliableB.regularC.reluctantD.religious

Two hundred dollars__a large sum of money to the old man.A.isB.is to beC.areD.are to be

下列哪种写法符合合法汇票对金额的要求()。APay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars by installmentsBPay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars plus interestCPay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars onlyDPay from our N0.2 account to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars only converted into GBP

That yellow purse()her dollars.AcostBspentCtookDpaid

已经int i;int sum=0,要求求1加到10的和,能完成此操作的程序段正确的是()。A、for(i=1;i10;i++)sum+=i;B、for(i=1;i11;i++)sum=i;C、for(i=1;i=10;i++)sum=sum+i;D、for(i=0;i=20;i++)sum+=i;


以下程序的运行结果是().  main()  {  int  i=1,sum=0;  while(i10)  sum=sum+1;i++;     printf("i=%d,sum=%d",i,sum);  }A、i=10,sum=9B、i=9,sum=9C、i=2,sum=1D、运行出现错误

单选题That yellow purse()her dollars.AcostBspentCtookDpaid

单选题根据下列的汇票记载,可判定记载为()的汇票为有效汇票。APay to Tom Co. or order the sum of two thousand US dollars.BPay to Tom Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of five hundred US dollars.CPay to Tom Co. out of the proceeds in applicant’s No.3 account with us the sum of three thousand US dollars.DPay to Tom Co. the sum of four thousand US dollars upon receipt of Bill of Lading No.1235.

单选题根据下列汇票记载,可判定记载为()的汇票为无效汇票。APay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand US dollars. Drawn under L/C No.83419 issued by Westminster Bank Limited, London dated on 8th May 2004.BPay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account with you.CPay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand Hongkong dollars plus interest.DPay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand Hongkong dollars plus interest calculated at the rate of 8% p.a.

单选题That big dictionary _____ Tom two hundred dollars.AspentBpaidCcostDtook

多选题What bills are invalid?以下那些票据是有效的?()APay to M Co. or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.”BPay to M Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.”C“Pay to M Co. out of the proceeds in our No. 1 account the sum of one thousand US dollars.”D“Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.”E“Pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars plus interest

单选题下列哪种写法符合合法汇票对金额的要求()APay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars by installmentsBPay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars plus interestCPay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars onlyDPay from our N0.2 account to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars only converted into GBP

单选题—_____ twenty dollars a big sum to her?—I suppose so.AWill beBIsCAreDWere