I first met her ( ) a summer afternoon some twenty years ago. A、onB、inC、atD、/

I first met her ( ) a summer afternoon some twenty years ago.







执行下列程序,显示的结果是______。first="china"second=""a=LEN(first)i=aDO WHILE i>=1second=second+SUBSTR(first,i,1)i=i-1ENDDO?second

A: I’d like ________ information about the school. B: You could have ________ word with the schoolmaster. A.some / aB.an / someC.some / some

6.______ Jenny._______name is Tom.A.I'm;MyB.Her;MyC.I'm;HisD.She's;Her

There are three main school holidays in the UK. They are the_____________holiday, the _____________ holiday and the _____________ holiday. A.Halloween; summer;, ChristmasB.Thanksgiving Day; Easter; summerC.summer; winter; ChristmasD.Easter; Christmas; summer

--I' d like ___________ information about the management of your hotel, please.--Well, you could haveword with the manager, which might be helpful.A.some ; aB.an ; someC.some; someD.an; a

Bats are surprisingly long-Jived creatures, some__________a life span of around 20 years.A.havingB.hadC.haveD.to have

In__century,computers will be used more widely.A.twenty-oneB.the twenty-oneC.twenty-firstD.the twenty-first

28、以下程序的输出结果是: for i in "Summer": if i == "m": break print(i)A.mB.mmC.mmerD.无输出

一代EGFR-TKI药物最常见的继发性耐药机制是()。A.HER2扩增B.MET扩增C.BRAF V600E突变D.T790M突变