单选题Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _____ military service.Awill finishBhas finishedCfinishDwould finish

Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _____ military service.

will finish


has finished




would finish


句意:史密斯服完兵役后要学医。as soon as+现在完成时,表示将来完成,故为B。


He _______ his tie as soon as he walked out of the office building. A. unfoldB. undidC. unloadedD. undo

He was an expert ________agriculture,archeology,and medicine. A. inB. atC. aboutD. on

Mr Smith is coming to visit us soon.We'd better get everything ready before he _______. A.arrivesB.arriveC.will arriveD.arrived

from school because he is busy study what he has

___ he got out of the car, he was given some flowers. A.UntilB.As soon asC.BeforeD.If

Geoffrey ()French before, but he () at university now. A、study didn’t/studiesB、didn’t study/studyC、did not study/studiesD、didn’t studied/studies

If he should study hard, he () (can go)(请调整为合适的形式) to college.

He will write to me as soon as he()home.A. will have returnedB. returnsC. will return

I usually watch television in the evening ( ) I have to study for an examination. A.becauseB.unlessC.whileD.as soon as

Not until Mr. Smith came to China _____ what kind of country she is from. A: he knewB: he didn't knowC: did he knowD: he couldn't know

He suffers from a rare (罕见的) blood () A、illnessB、sicknessC、diseaseD、medicine

He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _____.[A] future[B] possibility[C] ability[D] opportunity

Not only ______ study well,but also he is always ready to help others.A. he doesB. he didC. does heD. did he

The burglar was caught__________.A.while he left the houseB.when he was left the houseC.as he was leaving the houseD.as soon as he was leaving the house

He said he would soon return the book to you.(改为一般疑问句)

He believes that from a military standpoint,the situation is under control.A:positionB:point of viewC:knowledgeD:argument

Mr.Smith was a wealthy industrialist,but he was not satisfied with life.He did not sleep well?and his food did not agree with him.This situation lasted for some time.Finally,after several sleepless nights,he decided to consult his doctor.The doctor advised a change of surroundings."Go?abroad,"he said."But I′m not good at foreign language,"said Mr.Smith."It doesn′t matter,"said the doctor.":It won′t hurt you to talk a little less.Go on a voyage.Take plenty of exercise.Try?to reduce your weight.Avoid rich food."Mr.Smith went to Switzerland.He did not know French or German,and had to communicate?through gestures.He attended a physical training′course.The instructor made him bend his knees,swing his arms,stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly.He had to lie on the ground and raise?his right and left legs alternately.After a time?his muscles grew hard and firm.He forgot the financial?crisis and the importance of raising the level of production.He even began to notice individual trees?and individual birds.Finally he returned home.But unfortunately his improvement was only temporary.Soon he was a?normal businessman again,worried about his property;his profits,his savings,his advancement in?a technological society,and things in general.Mr.′Smith went to see his doctor because he《》()A.had little to eatB.was seriously illC.had to sleepD.didn't feel well

Mr.Smith was a wealthy industrialist,but he was not satisfied with life.He did not sleep well?and his food did not agree with him.This situation lasted for some time.Finally,after several sleepless nights,he decided to consult his doctor.The doctor advised a change of surroundings."Go?abroad,"he said."But I′m not good at foreign language,"said Mr.Smith."It doesn′t matter,"said the doctor.":It won′t hurt you to talk a little less.Go on a voyage.Take plenty of exercise.Try?to reduce your weight.Avoid rich food."Mr.Smith went to Switzerland.He did not know French or German,and had to communicate?through gestures.He attended a physical training′course.The instructor made him bend his knees,swing his arms,stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly.He had to lie on the ground and raise?his right and left legs alternately.After a time?his muscles grew hard and firm.He forgot the financial?crisis and the importance of raising the level of production.He even began to notice individual trees?and individual birds.Finally he returned home.But unfortunately his improvement was only temporary.Soon he was a?normal businessman again,worried about his property;his profits,his savings,his advancement in?a technological society,and things in general.When he traveled abroad,Mr.Smith__________《》()A.learned boxingB.forgot all about his businessC.raised the level of productionD.shook his head all the time

单选题_____ turn up late at the meeting, he _____ forgot his relevant documents.ANot only did he; alsoBNo sooner did he; thanCAs soon as he did;DAs long as he did; never

单选题As no one in the small village knew nothing about medicine, Mrs. Smith, a former nurse, had to work as a doctor.AknewBnothingChad toDas

单选题The smith soon()three iron shoes for the horse.AforgedBformedCframedDformatted

单选题Mr. Smith is coming to visit us soon. We’d better get everything ready before he______AarrivesBarriveCwill arriveDarrived

单选题He will write to me as soon as he ______ home.Awill have returnedBreturnsCreturnedDwill return

单选题He()for military service against the wishes of his parents.AvolunteeredBfanciedCenteredDimagined

单选题Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _____ military service.Awill finishBhas finishedCfinishDwould finish

单选题The supervisor ______ our company 10 years ago after he decided to retire from military service.AjoinsBjoinedChas joinedDjoining

单选题As soon as his arrival at the airport, he made a long distance call to his wife.AAs soon asBatCmadeDto

单选题He()the medicine quickly and then drank some orange juice.AsuckedBswallowedClickedDdigested