单选题—Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()ANo, I can’t.BYes, you’re right.CI don’t know either.DSorry, I don’t know.

—Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()

No, I can’t.


Yes, you’re right.


I don’t know either.


Sorry, I don’t know.


解析: 暂无解析


“Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the railway station?”的含义是“对不起,请问去火车站怎么走?”。此题为判断题(对,错)。

– Excuse me. Could you tell me the best way to the China Bank from here? –() (A)No, I can’t say that.(B) You can’t miss it.(C) Sorry, I’m new around here, too.(D) Please don’t say so.

– Excuse me. Which bus could I take to the post office? –() (A)Ask the policeman over there.(B) I’m afraid there’s no bus in that direction.(C) Don’t ask me.(D) Sorry, I can’t say that.

________. Can you tell me where the library is? A. SureB. CertainlyC. NiceD. Excuse me

“Excuse me, could you tell me ______ the nearest post office?” “Of course.” A.where isB.where is the way toC.where to goD.how to get to

- ()- Besides Bank of China, you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank etc.. A、Could you tell me whether I need to fill in the exchange memoB、Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banksC、Could you tell me whether you can accept traveler’s checks

Could you tell me how you ship the goods.()

—Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —() A、No, I can’t.B、Yes, you’re right.C、I don’t know either.D、Sorry, I don’t know.

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?I'm sorry, I have no idea. I().A. don't knowB. am a stranger hereC. am not

Mr Green's secretary, Pat Kent, went to the airport to meet Mr Barnes for her boss.Miss Kent:()A、Excuse me, would you be Mr Barnes?B、Are you Mr Barnes?C、Excuse me, would you please tell me if you are Mr Barnes?D、You are Mr Barnes, aren't you?

At a bus stop Man: Excuse me, do you know which bus to catch for London Road, please?Woman:()(He then went to another person.)A、It doesn't matter.B、Oh.C、Never mind.D、Thank you

――Excuse me,could you tell me if there is a hospital near here?――____A.Yes,why noB.no,I couldn'C.Sorry,I'm a stranger here myselD.My pleasur

--__________?--That wound be great!Please drop me off at the library.A.Could you bring me the billB.Would you like me to give you a liftC.Could you tell me the postcodeD.Would you like to have my e-mail address

—Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()ANo, I can’t.BYes, you’re right.CI don’t know either.DSorry, I don’t know.

Excuse me, could you tell me the time?()AYou'd better buy a watch.BIt's three thirty by my watchCCan you see the clock?DIt's late I think.

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus stop?()AYes, go straight down this way to the end.BWhy do you ask me the way?CYes, I will.DNo, I can't tell you that.

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?()A、You can't miss iB、t I don't knowC、No, I can'tD、Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus stop?()A、Yes, go straight down this way to the end.B、Why do you ask me the way?C、Yes, I will.D、No, I can't tell you that.

Excuse me, could you tell me the time?()A、You'd better buy a watch.B、It's three thirty by my watchC、Can you see the clock?D、It's late I think.

下列日常生活用语中,表示询问的句子是()A、Could I have your name,please?B、Excuse me,what day is today?C、Excuse me.Could you tell me how toget to the railway station?D、Where do you live?

单选题Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus stop?()AYes, go straight down this way to the end.BWhy do you ask me the way?CYes, I will.DNo, I can't tell you that.

单选题You are on the beach and you want to know the time. You speak to a stranger, and after saying “Excuse me,” you say: “______”Awhat’s the time?Bmay you tell me the time, please?CI’d like to know the time, thank you.Dcould tell me the time, please?

单选题Excuse me, could you tell me the time?()AYou'd better buy a watch.BIt's three thirty by my watchCCan you see the clock?DIt's late I think.

单选题—Excuse me, sir, would you do me a favour?—Of course. What is it?—I _____ if you could tell me how to fill out this form.Ahad wonderedBwas wonderingCwould wonderDdid wonder

单选题—Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to No.1 Middle School?  —______.AI know it.It’s a key school.BSorry, I am a stranger here.CYes, take a bus.DWhy do you want to go there?

单选题—Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()ANo, I can’t.BYes, you’re right.CI don’t know either.DSorry, I don’t know.

填空题Where does Linda live? Could you tell me?→ Could you tell me ____?

单选题—Excuse me. Could you tell me the way ______the nearest supermarket?—Go down the street and turn left. Then you’ll see it.AtoBofCinDat