单选题A direct current passing through a wire coiled around a soft iron core is the description of a simple().Amagnetic shieldBelectromagnetCpiezoelectric deviceDelectromagnetic domain

A direct current passing through a wire coiled around a soft iron core is the description of a simple().

magnetic shield




piezoelectric device


electromagnetic domain


解析: 暂无解析


A ship in Hong Kong will sail for Port Said passing through the ________A.Panama CanalB.Grand CanalC.Kiel CanalD.Suez Canal

Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.The electromagnet was invented in England by William Sturgeon,who took an iron rod and bent it into the shape of a horseshoe. This “horseshoe” was coated with varnish and a layer of copper wire was wrapped around it. An electric current was passed through the wire,thus making the rod magnetic. The rod was now,because of magnetic attraction,able to support nine pounds of iron. In the US,a scientist named Joseph Henry improved on Sturgeon's electromagnet by insulating the copper wine with silk. He was able to wrap many turns of wire around an iron core without danger of short circuits between the turns. His magnet could hold 2,300 pounds. This experiment prompted Henry to try his hand at converting magnetism into electricity. First he coiled some insulated wire around an iron bar. connecting both ends of the wire to a galvanometer(电流表). The iron bar was placed across the poles of the electromagnet. Then the coil of the electromagnet was connected to a battery. The galvanometer indicated a voltage,then dropped to zero. Henry signaled his assistant to disconnect the coil. The galvanometer showed that once again a voltage had been produced,although this time in the opposite direction. The principle of electromagnetic induction had thus been discovered. Unfortunately for Joseph Henry he did not publish his findings and someone else(Faraday)got the credit for the discovery.The principle of electromagnetic was discovered by______.A. William SturgeonB. Joseph HenryC. FaradayD. someone else

Why did Sturgeon's electromagnet could support nine pounds of iron?A. Because the iron rod was bent into the shape of a “horseshoe”.B. Because the rod was coated with varnish.C. Because a layer of copper wire was wrapped around the rod.D. Because the rod was made magnetic by the passing current.

“Stop beating around the bush! If you don’t want to go with me, just tell me!”() A.hitting around the treesB.cheating meC.telling a lieD.avoiding giving me the direct answer

Fire dampers prevent the fire spreading through the process ofA.convectionB.conductionC.radiationD.direct contact

Which of the following components are used to convert alternating current produced in the generator windings to direct current?A.Armature and equalizerB.Commutator and brushesC.Rotor and interpolesD.Field and exciter

If kinking results while wire rope is being coiled clockwise, you should______.A.coil it counterclockwiseB.not coil itC.take a turn underD.twist out the kinks under a strain

Manila lines in which the strands are right-hand laid ______.A.should be coiled in a clockwise directionB.should be coiled in a counterclockwise directionC.may be coiled either clockwise or counterclockwiseD.should never be coiled

The direct way to use XPages in a notes 8.5.1 client is which of the following?()A、Through a composite application componentB、Through use of a file URLC、Client database Launch propertyD、XPages are accessed through eclipse and not a notes client

单选题A direct current passing through a wire coiled around a soft iron core is the description of a simple().Amagnetic shieldBelectromagnetCpiezoelectric deviceDelectromagnetic domain

单选题When the current flow through a copper wire increases, its ()Aresistance will decreaseBinsulation will bumCtemperature will increaseDconductivity will increase

单选题A “figure eight” knot is used to().Abe a stopperBshorten a lineCjoin lines of equal sizeDkeep a line from passing through a sheave

单选题A DC generator is used to supply direct current in order to maintain an AC generator field and is known as a/an ()ArotorBstatorCexciterDarmature

单选题In the voyage, duty officer should inform () situation to the duty engineer immediately.Ain/ut portBpassing through big bridgeCbig steering angle for direction changingDin/out port and passing through big bridge

单选题He said current interest rates are a direct_______of domestic(国内的) and international conditions.AaffectBeffectCincomeDoutcome

单选题What is the main reason to slush a wire rope?()AKeep the wire soft and manageableBLubricate the inner wires and prevent wearCPrevent kinkingDPrevent rotting

单选题After passing through the turbine the exhaust gas is conducted out into the().AintercoolerBcompressorCcylinderDopen air

单选题Inductance is the property of an electric circuit that ()Aopposes any change in the applied voltageBopposes any change in the current flow through the circuitCaids any changes in the applied voltageDaids any changes in the current through the circuit

单选题For a generator engine, after passing through the turbine the exhaust gas may be conducted out into the ().AintercoolerBopen airCoil fired boilerDB and C

单选题The main function of the core of a wire rope is to().Agive flexibilityBsupport the strands laid around itCallow some circulation around the strandsDallow lubrication inside the rope

单选题If kinking results while wire rope is being coiled clockwise,you should().Acoil it counterclockwiseBnot coil itCtake a turn underDtwist out the kinks under a strain

单选题Which of the following components are used to convert alternating current produced in the generator windings to direct current?()AArmature and equalizerBCommutator and brushesCRotor and interpolesDField and exciter

单选题After passing through the expansion valve the refrigerant should be in the state of ().AvaporBliquidCsolidDNone of the above is tree

单选题A()is the intersection of the surface of a sphere and a plane passing through the center of the sphere.Agreat circleBsmall circleClarge circleDgeneral circle

单选题The cleaned heated oil, after passing through the centrifuges, is to be pumped to a ().Asettling tankBservice tankCballast tankDdrain tank

单选题When the current in a power transmission line is increased, the power loss ()Aincreases as the square of the currentBdecreases as the square root of the currentCremains the same, as it is independent of current flowDincreases in direct proportion as the current

单选题Which current would you encounter on a direct passage from London,England,to Capetown,South Africa().AFalkland CurrentBBrazil CurrentCNorway CurrentDBenguela Current

单选题Manila lines in which the strands are right-hand laid().Ashould be coiled in a clockwise directionBshould be coiled in a counterclockwise directionCmay be coiled either clockwise or counterclockwiseDshould never be coiled