Which of the following components are used to convert alternating current produced in the generator windings to direct current?A.Armature and equalizerB.Commutator and brushesC.Rotor and interpolesD.Field and exciter

Which of the following components are used to convert alternating current produced in the generator windings to direct current?

A.Armature and equalizer

B.Commutator and brushes

C.Rotor and interpoles

D.Field and exciter


Our corporation handles exclusively the import and export business of light industrial ( ). A.productsB.goodsC.produceD.cargo

Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that ________ in the city. A.roseB.raisedC.aroseD.produced

You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

下列哪一个方法可以将数值型转换为字符串 A.Convert.ToUINT32B.Convert.ToCharC.Convert.ToStringD.Convert.ToByte

Whenperformingadatabaseduplication,whichduplicatedatabaseparameterwouldyousettoensurethattheonlineredologsarecreatedinthecorrectlocation?() A.log_file_name_convertB.convert_log_file_nameC.file_name_convert_logD.redo_log_file_name_convertE.logfile_convert_directory

In the RGB color spaces, each pixel on the screen has a corresponding RGB value which consists of(71)components.A.twoB.threeC.fourD.six

Which word indicates color variation in the characteristics of a light?A.OpposingB.ChangingC.ReversingD.Alternating

The engine has more than 300( ),made of a number of different materials.A.compositionsB.ingredientsC.compoundsD.components


Mary has derived a good deal of benefit from her job.A:obtained B:accepted C:bribed D:produced