单选题During a training exercise a submarine indicating that a torpedo has been fired will send up smoke from a float. The smoke’s color will be().AblackBredCorangeDyellow

During a training exercise a submarine indicating that a torpedo has been fired will send up smoke from a float. The smoke’s color will be().









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There is a great deal of evidencethat music activities engage different parts of the brain .A. indicate B. indicating C. to indicateD. to be indicating

You attempt to upgrade a Microsoft Windows XP computer to Windows Vista.You receive an error message during the upgrade process indicating that the upgrade has failed.You need to view the details of the error message.What should you do?()A.AB.BC.CD.D


Refertotheexhibit.Basedontheexhibitedroutingtable,howwillpacketsfromahostwithinthe192.168.10.192/26LANbeforwardedto192.168.10.1?() A.TherouterwillforwardpacketsfromR3toR2toR1B.TherouterwillforwardpacketsfromR3toR1C.TherouterwillforwardpacketsfromR3toR1toR2D.TherouterwillforwardpacketsfromR3toR2toR1ANDfromR3toR1

You are on international waters during a heavy rainstorm and hear a vessel sounding a fog signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. Which of the following could it be?Ⅰ.A vessel laying submarine cable making way.Ⅱ.A pilot vessel on station at anchor.A.Ⅰ onlyB.Ⅱ onlyC.Either Ⅰ or ⅡD.Neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

An orange flag showing a black circle and square is a ______.A.signal indicating a course changeB.distress signalC.signal of asking to communicate with another vesselD.signal indicating danger

What should an employee who has read the notice do next?A. Send an e-mail indicating session preferenceB. Show up for the Tuesday training sessionC. Call the office manager to discuss schedulingD. Go to the lunchroom and sign up for a session.

A new Catalyst switch is connected to an existing switch using a crossover cable. As a result of this, what would the switch port link lights display?()A、The switch port link lights will be off on both switches indicating the ports are not connected.B、The switch port link light will be off on one switch indicating that STP has disabled the port.C、The switch port link lights will flash amber indicating an error.D、The switch port link lights will be green indicating normal operation.

During an attempt to 'scp' between two hosts, an error indicating PRNG is not seeded is displayed. What is the likely cause of the error?()A、The sshd user id is locked.B、The /var/empty directory needs to be created.C、PRNG is set to 'no' in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.D、The permissions on /dev/random and /dev/urandom are incorrect.

You work as a senior administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers on the ABC.com network have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed. You are running a training exercise for junior administrators.You are currently discussing the new VHD format called VHDX.Which of the following is TRUE with regards to VHDX?()A、It supports virtual hard disk storage capacity of up to 64 GBB、It supports virtual hard disk storage capacity of up to 64 TBC、It does not provide protection against data corruption during power failuresD、It has the ability to store custom metadata about the file that the user might want to record

单选题After having activated the emergency position indicating radio beacon,you should().Aturn it off for 5 minutes every half-hourBturn it off and on at 5 minute intervalsCturn it off during daylight hoursDleave it on continuously

单选题A new Catalyst switch is connected to an existing switch using a crossover cable. As a result of this, what would the switch port link lights display?()AThe switch port link lights will be off on both switches indicating the ports are not connected.BThe switch port link light will be off on one switch indicating that STP has disabled the port.CThe switch port link lights will flash amber indicating an error.DThe switch port link lights will be green indicating normal operation.

单选题After you activate your emergency position indicating radiobeacon,you should().Aturn it off for five minutes every half-hourBturn it off and on at five-minute intervalsCturn it off during daylight hoursDleave it on continuously

单选题An orange flag showing a black circle and square is a().ASignal indicating a course changeBDistress signalCSignal of asking to communicate with another vesselDSignal indicating danger

单选题The broken magenta lines(long and short dashes)in and around Mobjack Bay indicate().AAmphibious training areasBGrounds for dredge spoilCFish trap areasDGunnery exercise areas

单选题During the day,a vessel picking up a submarine cable shall carry().Athree shapes,the highest and lowest shall be red balls,and the middle shall be a white diamondBtwo black ballsCthree shapes; the highest and lowest shall be black balls,and the middle shall be a red diamondDthree shapes; the highest and lowest shall be black balls and the middle shall be a black diamond

单选题A graphics card has been added to the system. After rebooting, the system hangs during the login process with a blue screen indicating "CDE please wait". Which of the following procedures should be performed next?()AReinstall the CDE softwareBCheck the name resolutionCUncomment the last line in .dtprofileDBoot in maintenance mode and perform fsck on file systems

多选题You work as a senior administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers on the ABC.com network have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed. You are running a training exercise for junior administrators.You are currently discussing the new VHD format called VHDX.Which of the following is TRUE with regards to VHDX?()AIt supports virtual hard disk storage capacity of up to 64 GBBIt supports virtual hard disk storage capacity of up to 64 TBCIt does not provide protection against data corruption during power failuresDIt has the ability to store custom metadata about the file that the user might want to record

单选题The color of the signal flare sent up by a submarine about to surface due to an emergency condition within the submarine is().AgreenBredCwhiteDyellow

单选题What is the function of the helper router during a restart event in OSPF?()ASends Rapid Hellos to the restarting router.BMaintains Adjancency with restarting router.CSends periodic DD packets to the restarting router.DFloods Type 9 LSAs to all routers indicating a restarting event.

单选题During an attempt to ’scp’ between two hosts, an error indicating PRNG is not seeded is displayed.What is the likely cause of the error?()AThe sshd user id is locked.BThe /var/empty directory needs to be created.CPRNG is set to ’no’ in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.DThe permissions on /dev/random and /dev/urandom are incorrect.

单选题The shipping authorities followed the ______ of the unidentified submarine on their radar screens.Achannel BwayCcourseDdirection

单选题During a training exercise a submarine indicating that a torpedo has been fired will send up smoke from a float. The smoke’s color will be().AblackBredCorangeDyellow

单选题ARest frequently during the day.BLack of sleep on weekends.CLack of exercise in the evening.DEating cheese before going to bed.

单选题A yellow signal floating in the air from a small parachute,about 300 feet above the water,would indicate that a submarine().Ahas fired a torpedo during a drillBis about to rise to periscope depthCis on the bottom in distressDis disabled and unable to surface

单选题The success of a training program depends on _____.Athe places where the training takes placeBthe correct evaluation of the costs and savings of the programCthe performance of the workers and technicians trained in the programDthe training methods and the quality of the training staff

问答题Passage 3Questions 34-45  ● Read the text below about training.  ● In most of the lines 34-45, there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.  ● If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.  ● If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.  ● The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00)  The cost of not training  0. Training is not a cost. It’s an investment. It really doesn’t matter that what we pay.  00. for an investment. What is relevant is what we get in return. One of the easiest  34. ways is to put an organisation’s future at risk would be to view training primarily as a  35. cost, and therefore provide with substandard training that operates only as a  36. temporary solution. Many companies attempt to quantify the results of training. For  37. example, a person paid $50,000 a year who wastes just one hour a day costs the  38. organisation between $6,250 per year. So if the organisation sends 25 people for  39. training and they all receive the same benefit, this would equal from $156,250  40. savings per year. A few years ago, training, apart from showing employees  41. what the basics of doing the job, was an optional extra for most organisations.  42. Today this is no longer the case. If we continue doing what we do in the same way,  43. most of us and our organisations will become obsolete within the five years. This is  44. because of our competitors are helping their staff to become more effective through  45. training. They understand that if the real price of not training is the company falling behind as a result.

单选题What does EPIRB stand for? ()AEmergency Position Indicating Radar BuoyBElectronic Pulse Indicating RadiobeaconCEmergency Position Indicating RadiobeaconDNone of the above