编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Form_ Key Down(Key Code As Integer, Shift As Integer) If(Button And3)=3Then Print"AAAA" End If End Sub 程序运行后,为了在窗体上输出“AAAA”,应按下的鼠标键为______。A.左B.右C.同时按下左、右D.按什么键都不显示

编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Form_ Key Down(Key Code As Integer, Shift As Integer) If(Button And3)=3Then Print"AAAA" End If End Sub 程序运行后,为了在窗体上输出“AAAA”,应按下的鼠标键为______。






下列程序中,实现将封装数据类型Integer和基本数据类型int之间的转换,以及Integer,int类型和String类型之间的转换。请将程序补充完整。程序运行结果如下:123456456public class ex7_1{public static void main(String[]args) {Integer intObj;int n;String s;intObj = new Integer(123);n=intObj.__________;System.out.printin(Integer.toString(n));s=new String("456");intObj=Integer._________;System.out.println(intObj.__________);n=Integer.parseInt(s);System.out.println(Integer.toString(n));}}

如果Add函数的调用代码为:func main() {var a Integer = 1var b Integer = 2var i interface{} = asum := i.(Integer).Add(b)fmt.Println(sum)}则Add函数定义正确的是() A.type Integer intfunc (a Integer) Add(b Integer) Integer { return a + b}B.type Integer intfunc (a Integer) Add(b *Integer) Integer { return a + *b}C.type Integer intfunc (a *Integer) Add(b Integer) Integer { return *a + b}D.type Integer intfunc (a *Integer) Add(b *Integer) Integer { return *a + *b}

设在窗体上有个文本框,然后编写如下的事件过程:Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer)Const Alt=4Const Key_F2=H71altdown%=(Shift And Alt)>0f2down%=(KeyCode=Key_F2)If altdown% And f2down% ThenText1.Text="BBBBB"End IfEnd Sub上述程序运行后,如果按“Shift+F2”组合键,则在文本框中显示的是A.Alt+F2B.BBBBBC.随机出几个数D.文本框内容无变化

设在窗体上有个文本框,然后编写如下的事件过程。 Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integef,Shift As Integer) Const Alt=4 ConstKey_F2=H71 altdown%=(Shift And Alt)>0 f2down%=(KeyCode=Key_F2) If altdown% And f2down% Then Text1.Text= "BBBBB" End If End Sub 上述程序运行后,如果按[Shift+F12],则在文本框中显示得是A.Alt+nB.BBBBBC.随机出几个数D.文本框平均内容无变化

设在窗体上有个文本框,然后编写如下的事件过程Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)Const Alt=4Const Key_F2=H71altdown%=(Shift And Alt) 0f2down%=(KeyCode=Key_F2)If altdown% And f2down% ThenText1.Text="BBBBB"End IfEnd Sub上述程序运行后,如果按【Shift+F2】,则在文本框中显示得是A.Alt+F2B.BBBBBC.随机出几个数D.文本框平均内容无变化

1、编写判断一个整数是否偶数的程序: isEven :: Integer -> Bool


8、下面哪些是将分数化为浮点数的正确定义?A.type Fraction = (Integer, Integer) rateq :: Fraction - Float rateq (a,b) = a/b###SXB###B.type Fraction = (Integer, Integer) rateq :: Fraction - Float rateq (a,b) = (fromInteger a)/ (fromInteger b)###SXB###C.type Fraction = (Integer, Integer) rateq :: Fraction - Float rateq (a,b) = fromInteger (a/b)###SXB###D.type Fraction = (Integer, Integer) rateq :: Fraction - Float rateq (a,b) = (fromIntegral a)/ (fromIntegral b)###SXB###E.ty

6.设按键key按下时,产生低电平0。实现key按下时,key_state 置1的程序段是()A.if(key == 1) { delay(200); if(key == 1) key_state = 1; }B.if(key == 0) { delay(200); if(key == 0) key_state = 1; }C.while(key == 0) { delay(200); while (key == 0) key_state = 1; }D.while(key == 1) { delay(200); while (key == 1) key_state = 1; }

11、下面哪些定义是类型正确的?A.f :: (Integer, Integer) - Float f (x,y) = x / yB.f :: (Integer, Integer) - Float f (x,y) = (fromInteger x) / (fromInteger y)C.f :: (Integer, Integer) - Float f (x,y) = 3*x + yD.f :: (Integer, Integer) - Integer f (x, y) = 3*x + y