decide whether the following translations are true or false. most studies use future income, the favorite yardstick of those dead souls called economists. 译文: 很多研究运用未来收入,因为这是那些被称为经济学家的老家伙们最青睐的计算标准。()

decide whether the following translations are true or false. most studies use future income, the favorite yardstick of those dead souls called economists. 译文: 很多研究运用未来收入,因为这是那些被称为经济学家的老家伙们最青睐的计算标准。()


35______A. healthB. safetyC.joyD. future

They ___________leave next Friday.A. decidedB. decided toC. decide

You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

() she wins()loses, this is her last chance.A. If…orB. whether…orC. Whether…or not


Before making an important __________(decide), think it over.

In the course of time, the study of language has come to establish close links with other branches of s() studies, such as sociology and psychology.

future __________ 子孙后代

2、已知A=1.0,B=2.0,C=3.0,L=.FALSE.则其值为.FALSE. 的表达式是:A.A*CB.AND. .NOT. LB..NOT.(BC+A) .OR.(L .NEQV.AC)C.B*AB+A .OR.(L.AND..TRUE.)D.L .EQV.A+CB

1、以下代码的执行结果是() if -1: print("True.") else: print("False.")A.TrueB.FalseC.0D.-1