The park put up a big new sign, picturing a cartoon rabbit giving the directions(翻译)

The park put up a big new sign, picturing a cartoon rabbit giving the directions(翻译)


You can stay here tonight.We can ( )you ______in the spare room.

Mrs.Browers told her children to ( )their toys __________and go to bed. A.put...awayB.put...upC.put...downD.put...on

Close your books and( )them__________. A.put...offB.put...onC.put ...downD.put...away

You needn't go back to London tonight.We can( )you______for the night. A.put...awayB.put ...upC.put...offD.put...down

Nobody can persuade him to do that. He is as timid as a _______. A.mouseB.donkeyC.catD.rabbit

请在(15)处填上最佳答案。[A] placing[B] delivering[C] taking[D] giving

2、家族性帕金森病-PD1型的分子病理是因为 基因突变所致。A.PARK1B.PARK2C.PARK3D.PARK4

家族性帕金森病-PD1型的分子病理是因为 基因突变所致。A.PARK1B.PARK2C.PARK3D.PARK4

金黄色葡萄球菌的肽聚糖生物合成中需要__________和__________2种载体。A.UDP和细菌萜醇B.ADP和细菌萜醇C.UDP和“Park”核苷酸D.UP和 万古霉素

进入到 cartoon 目录下,一条命令创建空文件 huamulan.rmvb nezhanao.mp4