The popular young doctor is the ____ director of the medical research institute.A. CurrentB. radicalC. averageD. typical

The popular young doctor is the ____ director of the medical research institute.

A. Current

B. radical

C. average

D. typical


May likes ()life.She quitted her job when she became a mother and devoted herself to the baby. A、internalB、domesticC、ordinaryD、popular

根据下列材料请回答 56~60 题:Sound pull can feel eatDoctor:What’S wrong with you?Emma:Oh,I have a toothache now.Doctor:How long have you56 like this?Emma:For three days.And I57 not sleep last night.Doctor:Open your mouth and let me look them over.Oh,one of your teeth is bad.It must be 58 0ut.Emma:It59 terrible.You’d better give me other advice.Perhaps it will be OK tomorrow.Doctor:I don’t think so.Emma:All fight.What should I do?Doctor:You won’t60 anything hard in many days after the operation(手术).Emma:OK.Thank you very much.Doctor.Not at all.第 56 题 请在(56)处填上最佳答案。

According to the passage, both "popular" words and "learned" words ______.A. seem to be of no useB. can help people to get a better comprehension of the language.C. are easy to masterD. have gone beyond our mother's reach

From the passage, we can infer that "popular" words are ______.A. essential to daily lifeB. not regular in usageC. convenient to useD. not*standard enough to be used

[A] research[B] operation[C] movement[D] search


The students who are not __________ with the progress they have made in their study willhave great success.A.contentB.seriousC.friendlyD.popular

He was a great supporter of socialized medicine,and was very liberal in his other views.A:favoring B:advancedC:opposite D:popular

医德医风 译为 medical ____

下面的程序中,条件语句中的哪个条件会最先被计算? if finalscore>=95 and (research='A' or (grade='A' and present='A')) then finalGrades='A+';A.finalscore>=95B.research='A'C.grade='A' and present='A'D.research='A' or (grade='A' and present='A')