After updating serverB‘s network configurations, anadministrator notices that serverA, which resides in a different subnet, is unable to communicate with serverB via ssh or telnet. As ping‘s to the server fail, the administrator logs onto serverB via a console and finds an available interface en0 in the ‘up‘ state. From the console connection, en0 can communicate with other servers in the same subnet.What is the most likely cause of the problem?()A.en0 has no associated ip address.B.serverB is missing its default route.C.serverB and serverA cannot connect due to a firewall.D.en0 has been set up to block traffic from servers that are in different subnets.
After updating serverB‘s network configurations, anadministrator notices that serverA, which resides in a different subnet, is unable to communicate with serverB via ssh or telnet. As ping‘s to the server fail, the administrator logs onto serverB via a console and finds an available interface en0 in the ‘up‘ state. From the console connection, en0 can communicate with other servers in the same subnet.What is the most likely cause of the problem?()
A.en0 has no associated ip address.
B.serverB is missing its default route.
C.serverB and serverA cannot connect due to a firewall.
D.en0 has been set up to block traffic from servers that are in different subnets.
TD->GSM空闲重选过程完成的信令不是() A.Location_Updating_CompleteB.TMSI_ReAllocation_CompleteC.TMSI_ReAllocation_CommandD.Location_Updating_Accept
TD->GSM空闲重选过程完成的信令是() A.LoCAtioN_UpdAtiNg_CompleteB.TMSI_ReAlloCAtioN_CompleteC.TMSI_ReAlloCAtioN_CommANdD.LoCAtioN_UpdAtiNg_ACCept
在ServerA的IPSec安全策略配置过程中,ServerA和ServerB-之间通信的IPSec筛选器“许可”属性设置为“协商安全”,并且安全措施为“加密并保持完整性”,如图4-4所示。根据上述安全策略填写图4-5中的空格,表示完整的IPSec数据包格式。(10)(10)~(12)备选答案:A.AH头 B.ESP头 C.旧IP头 D.新TCP头E.AH尾 F.ESP尾 G.旧IP尾 H.新TCP尾(10)
路由器R1的连接和地址分配如下图所示,如果在Rl上安装OSPF协议,运行下列命令:router ospf 100,则配置s0和E0端口的命令是——。 area 0 network area area0 network area area0 nework area area0 network area 1
下列程序段执行后,内存变量 s1 的值是s1= " network "s1=stuff(s1,4,4, " BIOS " )?s1A) networkB) netBIOSC)netD) BIOS
To access information on the Intemet,a user must first log on to the client computer'S______network.A.serverB.clientC.hostD.self
Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for ( ) remote login and other secure network services over an( )network.The standard( )port for SSH is 22. The best known example application is for remote login to computer systems by users.SSH provides a secure channel over an insecured network in a(请作答此空) architecture, connecting an SSH client application with an SSH server. Common applications include remote command-line login and remote command execution, but any network service can be secured with SSH. The protocol specification distinguishes between two major versions, referred to as SSH-1 and SSH-2.The most visible application of the protocol is for access to shell accounts on( )operating systems, but it sees some limited use on Windows as well. In 2015, Microsoft announced that they would include native support for SSH in a future release.A.client-serverB.browser-serverC.connectionlessD.P2P
4、单词foo(t)ball可以读成fooball,短语whi(t)e paper可以读作why paper。