I often swim ____ the river. A. acrossB. crossC. overD. /

I often swim ____ the river.

A. across

B. cross

C. over

D. /


Often,after I had told Walt or Larry what to do in a particular situation, I'd have_________ getting back to sleep. A. troubleB. pleasureC. hindranceD. time

Small talk is conversation that()leads to insight into anything significant. A、seldomB、often

____________A. even B. still C. never D. often

18.1 can _________ swim _________skate. Will you teach me how to swim and skate?A. not only,but alsoB. both,andC. either,orD. neither,nor

I’ve always enjoyed_____A. swimmingB. to swimC. swim

I've always enoyed _____.A. to swimB.swimmingC.swim

I watched Gerald for a while, but I didn't notice him ____ out of the water. A、swimming, comeB、swim, comeC、swim, comingD、swimming, coming

A) allB) partlyC) seldomD) often

Do you want to join the________(swim) club?

—How about_in the river with us?—Sorry,I can’t.My parents often tell me_that. A.swim;don’t doB.swim;to doC.swimming;not doD.swimming;not to do