We have got to abide by our commitment.A:stick to B:persist inC:safeguard D:apply to

We have got to abide by our commitment.

A:stick to
B:persist in
D:apply to


解析:本题考查的是对动词短语的认知。这句话的意思是:我们必须遵守承诺。 abide by的意思是遵守,信守。选项A stick to忠于,信守,例如:He is a man who sticks to his friends.他是个忠于朋友的人。选项B persist in坚持,持续。选项C safeguard保护,防卫。选项D apply to应用于。abide by和stick to意思最接近,所以选A。


If we all work together, I believe we can ____________ our goal. (A) apply(B) seek(C) make(D) accomplish

The negative feelings generated during the day tend to ________.[A] aggravate in our unconscious mind[B] develop into happy dreams[C] persist till the time we fall asleep[D] show up in dreams early at night

our writing in the g time. After that, we have to check our 79.

-We've done very well so far but if we want to see serious growth ______________. -Yeah...maybe. But I have my doubts. A it might be time to stick to original business model ;B it might be time not to change company model ;C it might be time to ditch our old business model and go public

We have little knowledge( ) or experience ( ) farming. A、or/ inB、of/ inC、in/ withD、about/ or

— Have you got a table for four, waiter?\n— _______A.Welcome to our restaurant.B.Yes, sure. This way, please.C.We have looked the seats.D.Here are the menus.

We are sending you our Sales Contract No.175 ()duplicateA、withB、inC、toD、for

We are offering a general agency () our textiles in Canada. How about you?A、towardsB、inC、forD、to

We hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you() your business extension.A、toB、inC、intoD、on

We are pleased to be able to accommodate you ()our hands.A、toB、inC、withD、by

WE regret that we have suffered heavy loss()your improper packing. A、resulted fromB、resulted inC、resulting fromD、resulting in

As you will see in our price-list, we have offered very competitive prices, supplying you our best quality goods.We solicit that you will favor us with your orders, which shall always have our best attention.(英译中)

We always supply our customers with high-quality goods()reasonable prices. A、atB、inC、ofD、with

We should work hard and ( )our parents’ expectation. A、live withB、live inC、live up withD、live up to

We haven't got ______furniture like theirs in our home.A、aB、theC、someD、any

The sentence "But we pay for our sensitivity." in the third paragraph implies that______.A) we should pay a debt for, our feelingB) we have to be hurt when We feel somethingC) our pain is worth feelingD) when we feel pain, we are suffering it

——Guess what ,we’ve got our visas for a short —term visit to the UK this summer. ——How mice! you a different culture then.A.will be experiencingB.have experiencedC.have been expriencingD.will have experienced

There are three kinds of goals: short-term,medium-range and long-term goals. Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less,or two weeks,or possible months.It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation ,out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals.Upon completing our short-term goals,we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals bukld on the foundation of the short-range goals.They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year,or they could even extend for several years.Any time you move a step at a time,you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step,you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow adn succeed.And as your list of completion dates grow,your motivation and desire will increase. Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing.We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.Once our goals are drawn up,______. A.we should stick to them until we complete them B.we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunities C.we had better wait for the exciting news of success D.we have made great decision

We must abide by the rules.A: stick toB: persist inC: safeguardD: apply

If we__sooner,we might have got there.A.startedB.had startedC.would have startedD.start

We will abide by their decision.A:persist in B:stick to C:safeguard D:apply

She will abide her promise.A:tolerate B:stick toC:endure D:reside

共用题干The Need to RememberSome people say they have no memory at all:"I just can't remember a thing!"But of course we all have a memory.Our memory tells us who we are.Our memory helps us to make use in the present of what we have learnt in the past.In fact we have different types of memory.For example,our visual memory helps us recall facts and places.Some people have such a strong visual memory that they can remember exactly what they have seen,for example,pages of a book,as a complete picture.Our verbal(言语的)memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not seen or written:Items of a shopping list,a chemical formula,dates,or a recipe.With our emotional(情感的)memory, we recall situations or places where we had; strong feelings,perhaps of happiness or unhappiness. We also have special memories for smell,taste, touch and sound,and for performing physical movements.We have two ways of storing any of these memories. Our short-term memory stores items for up to thirty seconds-enough to remember a telephone number while we dial.Our long-term mem-ory,on the other hand,may store items for a lifetime. Older people in fact have a much biter long-term memory than short-term .They may forget what they have done only a few hours ago,but have the clearest remembrance(记忆)of when they were very young.Psychologists tell us that we only remember a few facts about our past,and that we invent the rest. It is as though we remember only the outline of a story.We then make up the details. We of-ten do this in the way we want to remember them,usually so that we appear as the heroes of our own past , or maybe victims needing sympathy(同情). Visual memory helps us recall a place we have been to.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干The Need to RememberSome people say they have no memory at all:"I just can't remember a thing!"But of course we all have a memory.Our memory tells us who we are.Our memory helps us to make use in the present of what we have learnt in the past.In fact we have different types of memory.For example,our visual memory helps us recall facts and places.Some people have such a strong visual memory that they can remember exactly what they have seen,for example,pages of a book,as a complete picture.Our verbal(言语的)memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not seen or written:Items of a shopping list,a chemical formula,dates,or a recipe.With our emotional(情感的)memory, we recall situations or places where we had; strong feelings,perhaps of happiness or unhappiness. We also have special memories for smell,taste, touch and sound,and for performing physical movements.We have two ways of storing any of these memories. Our short-term memory stores items for up to thirty seconds-enough to remember a telephone number while we dial.Our long-term mem-ory,on the other hand,may store items for a lifetime. Older people in fact have a much biter long-term memory than short-term .They may forget what they have done only a few hours ago,but have the clearest remembrance(记忆)of when they were very young.Psychologists tell us that we only remember a few facts about our past,and that we invent the rest. It is as though we remember only the outline of a story.We then make up the details. We of-ten do this in the way we want to remember them,usually so that we appear as the heroes of our own past , or maybe victims needing sympathy(同情). Animals do not have a long-term memory.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

Have you got a table for four, Waiter?()A、Welcome to our restaurant.B、Yes, sure. This way, please.C、We have booked the seats.D、Here are the menus.

There are three kinds of goals: short-term,medium-range and long-term goals. Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less,or two weeks,or possible months.It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation ,out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals.Upon completing our short-term goals,we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals bukld on the foundation of the short-range goals.They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year,or they could even extend for several years.Any time you move a step at a time,you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step,you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow adn succeed.And as your list of completion dates grow,your motivation and desire will increase. Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing.We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.Once our goals are drawn up,().A、we should stick to them until we complete themB、we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunitiesC、we had better wait for the exciting news of successD、we have made great decision

单选题When our imports ______ our exports, we say we have a favorable trade balance; however, when our imports and exports are the other way round we say we have an unfavorable trade balance.Afall shortBfall short ofCrun out ofDare lack of