We must abide by the rules.A: stick toB: persist inC: safeguardD: apply

We must abide by the rules.

A: stick to
B: persist in
C: safeguard
D: apply


解析:题干意为“我们必须遵守规定。”句中划线词为动词短语,意为遵守;信守;承担……的后果。A项stick to意为:坚持;粘住;忠于;信守;例句:Obviously we are disappointed but the committee could do nothing less than stick to the rules.我们显然很失望,但委员会只能照章办事,别无他法。B项意为坚持;固执于;C项意为保护,保卫;D项意为申请;涂,敷药;应用;故选A。


We must work, and _____, we believe in ourselves. A、of courseB、above allC、for sureD、not at all

We must () action before it is too late. A、takeB、makeC、workD、find out

- Must we clean the room before we leave?- No , you_____ A.mustn'tB.can'tC.needn't

We must hurry .Come to think of it, do we really have to go?() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

We must have been drunk last might, _________? A. weren’t weB.mustn’t weC.hadn’t weD.didn’t we

We must ( ) the immediate replacement of the cargo. A、acquireB、respondC、request

AThe aim(目的) of students who come to school is ro srudy. But if we haven't a right way to study we will waste the time or the money. The following are ways for studying.The best time for reading js morning. Because in the morning, the air is fresh and our minds are clear.For that reason,we can get good results.Jt- studying we must be'patient(耐心的). If w.e don't understand a text well,we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one well.When we are studying,we must put our hearts into the book. We can not read absent-.mindedly(心不在焉地) ,or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.We must always ask "whys". If it is not well understood,write it down and ask our teach-ers or parents,brothers or friends,in any possible way. We must know it completely and then our knowledge can be used well.Though there are many ways for studying,however,the above mentioned(提及的) will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so,( )21. The article tells us_________A. to read in the morningB. to pay close attention to ways for studyingC. the importance of readingD. to have patience in studying

Will you take the job? We must have a quick() . A、mindB、decisionC、decidingD、manner

We believe we must increase our export sales if we want to continue to grow, and we hope to increase exports to 40 % of production.

We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking which must be strictly (). A、observedB、abide byC、signifiedD、submitted

When we are crossing the streets, we must look out ()cars. A、toB、forC、atD、of

We must do something to stop the pollution, and ______ we must make all the people realize how serious the problem is. A.after allB.above allC.in allD.at all

Whoever you are,you must comply with the law.A.adhere withB.confirm toC.accord toD.abide by

30. What is the passage mainly about? 、A. We must make more friends.B. Don-t quarrel with our parents.C. What should we do when our parents quarrel.D. Sometimes we must stay away from our parents.

We ______ last night, but we went to the cinema instead.A. must have studiedB. might studyC. should have studiedD. would study

We must abide by the rules.A: stick toB: persist inC: safeguardD: apply

We have got to abide by our commitment.A:stick to B:persist inC:safeguard D:apply to

We will abide by their decision.A:persist in B:stick to C:safeguard D:apply

Competitors must 【abide】 by the judge's decisionA.keepB.readC.understandD.obey

When we write, we must write as()as we can.AcarefulBcarefullyCmore carefulDmore carefully

“Must we start the experiment now?” “No, you ().”Awon’tBneedn’tCcan’tDmay not

The refrigerator is()we must buy some food.AbareBblankChollowDempty

When we write, we must write as()as we can.A、carefulB、carefullyC、more carefulD、more carefully

We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and markin9,which must be strictly__________.A、observedB、abide byC、submittedD、seen

我们必须仔细使用每件工具并且用完后归还。()A、We must use all kinds of tools carefully and return it after using.B、We must use every tool carefully and return it after using.C、A+BD、We must use everything carefully and keep it after using.

单选题—Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?—Yes, I’m afraid we ______. That’s the traffic rule.AcanBmayChave toDneed

单选题We must improve the farming method_______we may get high yields.Ain caseBin order thatCnow thatDeven if

单选题“We must win or we will die.” What the leader of the scots said means _____.Athey were sure to winBthey couldn’t escape from deathCthey would win and then they would dieDthey must try hard to win, otherwise they would be killed