成熟市场(Developed Markets)

成熟市场(Developed Markets)


进入21世纪以来,全球市场风险发生了一些新的变化,新兴市场与成熟市场之间的风险因素互动加剧,成熟市场风险对新兴市场的影响不断增大。( )

有效市场假说(Efficient markets hypothesis)

The markets for treasury bills in most developed countries have many different buyers and sellers.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

So in markets, price matters a lot. () A. 所以在市场上,价格很重要。B. 所以在市场上,价格意味着很多。C. 所以在市场上,价格方面的事情很多。

Our products have been enjoyed popularity in Latin American markets.()

企业服务导向的决定因素不包括:()。 A、成熟的品牌B、成熟的市场C、成熟的质量D、成熟的服务

现货市场(Spot Markets)

______ moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewell 972 by 160000GMT.A.Developed lowB.Developing lowC.Being developed lowD.Low to be developed

下列市场中,在( )更有可能赚取超额收益。A、成熟的大盘股市场B、成熟的债券市场C、创业板市场D、投资者众多的股票市场

The fifth-generation computers,with artificial intelligence,( )and perfected now. A.developed B.have developed C.are being developed D.will have been developed

Information about the current foreign markets () very important to our company.AisBwasCareDwere






单选题Which of the following is NOT true about the early 1990s?AEconomic growth slowed down in Europe and Japan.BThere was less investment in industrialized countries.CEmerging markets received little surplus funds from developed economies.DThe rate of return on investments turned out to be low.

单选题According to the passage, what are characterized by their less centralized trades negotiated between dealers?Asecondary markets.Bover-the-counter markets.Cauction markets.

单选题What does the writer think of the financial markets in the U.S.?AA difficult one.BAn unsuccessful one.CA highly developed.complex and efficient one.

名词解释题新兴市场(Emerged Markets)

单选题What was the impact of the currency crisis that broke out in Thailand in 1997?AEmerging markets had no confidence in their economic growth.BForeign capital continued to flow into emerging markets at a slower rate.CInternational investors profited a lot from emerging markets.DThere was a sudden outflow of foreign capital from emerging markets.

名词解释题成熟市场(Developed Markets)

单选题When 5P has a new idea it tries toAsell it only in new markets.Bsell it in markets it already controls.Cthink of different ways of exploiting it.Dkeep it secret as long as possible.

单选题According to the passage, what are characterized by their centrally executed bids?Aauction markets.Bover-the-counter markets.Cprimary markets.

问答题Discuss, and decide together:  ● What measures are most effective for identifying new export markets?  ● How to maintain sales in export markets?

