I’ve come to ask him for the book. That’s why I () wait until he comes back.A、needB、shouldC、oughttoD、have to

I’ve come to ask him for the book. That’s why I () wait until he comes back.

  • A、need
  • B、should
  • C、oughtto
  • D、have   to


---- Could you please tell Jim that I will call him later?---- Sure. I’ll tell him when he __________.A. comes B. came C. has come D. will come

Dear Linda,I’ve got a problem and as.l don't know what to do,l think I'd write to you and ask for your advice.I have worked at a (11) factory for about two months till now.It's a part-time job,so I only work in the evening.I've recently (12) that one of my workmates is stealing. From time to time,l notice that he puts a piece of meat under his trousers just (13) he leaves the facto- ry. Now the manager has found that things are (14) . But he says that all this (15) after I started working.What should I do? Maybe I (16) tell that workmate I knew (17) he was doing. Or possibly I should go to the manager and tell him who was (18)meat.I think I-m in a(n) (19) position. Please tell me how I can solve this problem.I'd like to have your (20) .Best wishes,Yours,Carl( )11.A.fruitB.metalC.tomatoD.meat

Not until______ the whole thing to him ______that he was wrong.A. had I explained, he realizedB. had I explained, that he realizedC. I had explained, that he realizedD. I had explained, did he realize

A:I haven't eaten all day.B:You _____he very hungry.A.mustB.shouldC.have to

_____________ he arrives before I get back,please ask him to wait.A. In the case ofB. In caseC. In case ofD. In that case

—Hello, May I speak to Zhang Hua —___________________I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment. A、OK, please wait .B、Yes, I will ask him to answer the phone.C、One moment, please.

听力原文:M: I've lost my credit card issued by your bank. What should I do, please?W: I am sorry for that. But you have to go to that counter over there for the card business.Q: Why does the customer come to the bank?(15)A.He got a credit card of his friend and come to ask how to use it.B.He got a card and did not know whose card it is.C.He has lost his credit card and come to ask what to do.D.He has found a credit card and come to ask what to do.

Why do you look unhappy. What's the matter?()A. I'm satisfied with the good performance of the radio I've just bought.B. I'm glad to have bought this radio at such a price.C. I'm rather disappointed with the poor quality of the radio I've just bought.

You'd better tell him what to do next as soon as he _______ back.A:comeB:cameC:is comingD:comes

Oh. But why didn’t he just own up and tell someone?()A. So be careful with our jobB. He was too scared that he would be fired, I supposeC. You should have told him that earlier

I( )to ask you something, but I’ve never seen you for the last few months. A、have meantB、am meaningC、have been meaningD、mean

I think I’ll wait until the mail _____.A. should comeB. is comingC. comesD. will come

–– How is your brother these days?–– He hasn’t been too well recently.–– ______What’s the matter?–– I think he ’s been overworking.A: It ’ll be pleased to hear you ask after him.B: That ’s not too bad.C: I ’m sorry to hear that.D: I ’ te ll him what you said.

I’ve come to ask him for the book. That’s why I ________ wait until he comes back. A.needB.shouldC.ought toD.have to

-How's your brother these days?-He hasn't been too well just recently.-________. What's the matter?-I think he's been overworking.A、It'll be pleased to hear you ask after himB、That's not too badC、I'm sorry to hear thatD、I'll tell him what you said

– Wait here and I'll get my car and go there together.– ( ).A. I'm sorry to have kept you waitingB. Your sports car is fabulousC. I'm afraid I won't wait very longD. Why bother? It's within walking distance

If I had come here yesterday, I _______him. A. would have seenB. would seeC. have seenD. saw

Beth: Did you hear that Ron was in the hospital?Mimi: Oh, really?( 56 ) with him?Beth: He's got a very high temperature. I guess it may be cholera (霍乱).Mimi: Cholera! How in the world did( 57 ) ?Beth: Who knows?!Mimi: ( 58 ) for a long time?Beth: For a couple of weeks, apparently. But he only( 59 ) on Monday.Mimi: Why did he wait so long? He should have seen a doctor earlier.Beth: Yes, I know. But luckily the doctor says if he stays in the hospital for a few weeks, be should be able to improve.Mimi: Gee,( 60 ) .A. it comeB. I hope soC. he get thatD. was sickE. What’ s the matterF. What happenedG. Has he been sickH. went to see the doctor

根据下面资料,回答I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning my Dad told me I could drive him into a 16 village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be 17 at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and 18 to pick him up at 4 p.m. then dropped off the car at the 19 . With several hours to spare, I went to a theater 20 , when the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours late! I knew Dad would be angry if he 21 I′d been watching movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I 22 there I apologized for being late, and told him I′ d 23 as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I′ll never forget the 24 he gave me. "I′m disappointed you 25 you have to lie to me, Jason." Dad looked at me again. "When you didn′t 26 , I called the garage to ask if there were any 27 , and they told me you hadn′t yet picked up the car." I felt 28 as I weakly told him the real reason. A 29 passed through Dad as he listened attentively. "I′m angry with 30 . I realize I′ve failed as a father. I′m going to walk home now and think seriously about 31 I′ve gone wrong all these years." "But Dad, it′s 18 miles!" My protests and apologies were 32 . Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him, 33 him all the way, but he walked silently. Seeing Dad in so much 34 and emotional pain was my most painful experience. However, it was 35 the most successful lesson. I have never lied since. 第(26)题选A.turn upB.drive outC.go awayD.come out

Ron was an engineer.He planned a change and tried the new job of teaching kids how to swim.Ron′s easy?manner soon made him a full-time employee at the swim school.Now,the 40 hours he works a week takes in weekends,early mornings and late afternoons.He earns around?25%less than he did in engineering.But,at 49,he says he has never been happier."I′ve had a drop in pay,but I′ve?cut back on spending,too.I seldom drive to work so don′t have to pay as much for petrol(汽油).I don′t drink as much.I go walking in my lunch break and I′ve lost 20 kilos.I love going to work.The whole family is a lot happier."When one of his brothers called,offering to help him find"a real i oh",he answered,"I don′t care.I know what?I′m doing is good."He admits it was fearful making such a big change when there was the mortgage(分期付款)to pay and kids to clothe and feed,but in the end he feels it is a simple choice."If you′re in a job you don′t like,get out.Money′s not?everything.If you don′t like it,change—find something you′re going to be happy with."What′s Ron′s advice to the readers?A.Stick to the job if you have kids to raise.B.Change the job if you don't like it any more.C.Stick to the job if you have mortgage to pay.D.Change the job if you don't get enough money.

I’ve come to ask him for the book. That’s why I () wait until he comes back.AneedBshouldCoughttoDhave to

Wait here and I'll get my car and go there together.()A、I‘m sorry to have kept you waiting.B、Your sports car is fabulous.C、I‘m afraid I won‘t wait very long.D、Why bother? It‘s within walking distance.

Please ().I’ll go and ask him to come.A、wait a momentB、goC、standD、Sit down.

单选题He must have sensed that I_______ him. He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly, Why are you staring at me like that?Awould look atBlooked atCwas looking atDam looking at

单选题Please ().I’ll go and ask him to come.Await a momentBgoCstandDSit down.

单选题I would have told him about the change of time for the class, _____ to class last time.Adid he comeBhe cameChad he comeDhe had come

单选题I’ve come to ask him for the book. That’s why I () wait until he comes back.AneedBshouldCoughttoDhave to