现在pay paul用的是三星的生产线。

现在pay paul用的是三星的生产线。


________, he remained honest. (A) As poor as Paul was(B) As Paul was poor(C) Poor as Paul was(D) Since Paul was poor

三星SV4002H谁懂?? 我从老式台式机中拆下来了SV4002H三星硬盘,我想问问与它配套的硬盘壳现在还有卖的吗?牌子和价位大约多少?

The passage is basically a ______.A. biography of John Paul JonesB. criticism of John Paul JonesC. history of the United States NavyD. comparison of the American and Russian navies

什么票据是可流通的?() A.Pay to John David onlyB.Pay to John David not transferableC.Pay to the order of ABC Co.D.Pay to ABC Co

爸爸现在非常注意他的体重。(pay attention to)(汉译英)

John: Paul, this is Mr Smith, my landlord.Paul: I'm pleased to meet you.Mr Smith: ( ).A. Good morning, Paul.B. Very pleased to meet you, too.C. I'm fine, too.

共用题干第二篇A Desert Between Paul and ClaraPaul had long promised to marry Clara.But at thirty-three he met and married Alice. Clara was driven mad.Paul was taken to court.The judge ordered him to pay Clara$600 because of the broken promise.Paul had to borrow the money from a moneylender. He agreed to pay back$5 a month一for twenty years.His wages at the time were$16 a month,Paul and Alice were poor but not unhappy.They had little enough food,certainly, even before the children began to arrive.Each month Paul paid$5 to the moneylender. He worked hard,never taking a holiday,In time,there were seven mouths to feed.Illness was always with them.It grew serious when the oldest child was eight.The years of hunger weakened the family,because each month Paul paid$5.The details of the sickness were ugly,but the result was this:after twelve years of family life,Paul was alone in the world.He lived alone,except for memories.Work was not now a god for him:it was a pain-killer. Each month he paid,and in time the twenty years ended.From that moment his wages were his own.One day,it was a holiday一he went to the seaside.He sat down on a seat by the sea. A middle-aged woman came and sat down near him.They recognized each other at once.The woman said,"The$600 has been in the bank since the day it was paid to me.It is now$6,000,and I have kept it for you.Will you let me share it with you?""No,"said Paul,gently."Each thousand is a lost life in a desert between us.It can never bring any happiness." How many children did Paul and Alice have?A:Two. B:Four.C:Five. D:Eight.

共用题干第二篇A Desert Between Paul and ClaraPaul had long promised to marry Clara.But at thirty-three he met and married Alice. Clara was driven mad.Paul was taken to court.The judge ordered him to pay Clara$600 because of the broken promise.Paul had to borrow the money from a moneylender. He agreed to pay back$5 a month一for twenty years.His wages at the time were$16 a month,Paul and Alice were poor but not unhappy.They had little enough food,certainly, even before the children began to arrive.Each month Paul paid$5 to the moneylender. He worked hard,never taking a holiday,In time,there were seven mouths to feed.Illness was always with them.It grew serious when the oldest child was eight.The years of hunger weakened the family,because each month Paul paid$5.The details of the sickness were ugly,but the result was this:after twelve years of family life,Paul was alone in the world.He lived alone,except for memories.Work was not now a god for him:it was a pain-killer. Each month he paid,and in time the twenty years ended.From that moment his wages were his own.One day,it was a holiday一he went to the seaside.He sat down on a seat by the sea. A middle-aged woman came and sat down near him.They recognized each other at once.The woman said,"The$600 has been in the bank since the day it was paid to me.It is now$6,000,and I have kept it for you.Will you let me share it with you?""No,"said Paul,gently."Each thousand is a lost life in a desert between us.It can never bring any happiness." After his wife and children died,Paul turned to his work toA:ease his pain. B:forget his debt. C:get pleasure. D:seek friendship.

共用题干第二篇A Desert Between Paul and ClaraPaul had long promised to marry Clara.But at thirty-three he met and married Alice. Clara was driven mad.Paul was taken to court.The judge ordered him to pay Clara$600 because of the broken promise.Paul had to borrow the money from a moneylender. He agreed to pay back$5 a month一for twenty years.His wages at the time were$16 a month,Paul and Alice were poor but not unhappy.They had little enough food,certainly, even before the children began to arrive.Each month Paul paid$5 to the moneylender. He worked hard,never taking a holiday,In time,there were seven mouths to feed.Illness was always with them.It grew serious when the oldest child was eight.The years of hunger weakened the family,because each month Paul paid$5.The details of the sickness were ugly,but the result was this:after twelve years of family life,Paul was alone in the world.He lived alone,except for memories.Work was not now a god for him:it was a pain-killer. Each month he paid,and in time the twenty years ended.From that moment his wages were his own.One day,it was a holiday一he went to the seaside.He sat down on a seat by the sea. A middle-aged woman came and sat down near him.They recognized each other at once.The woman said,"The$600 has been in the bank since the day it was paid to me.It is now$6,000,and I have kept it for you.Will you let me share it with you?""No,"said Paul,gently."Each thousand is a lost life in a desert between us.It can never bring any happiness." Paul was ordered to pay Clara$600 becauseA:he had borrowed$600 from her.B:he had broken his word to marry her.C:he had promised to give her$600.D:he had spent a lot of her money.



What bills are negotiable? 什么票据是可以背书流通的?()A、Pay to John David onlyB、Pay to John David not transferableC、Pay to the order of ABC Co.D、Pay to bearer.

下列四种汇票中,注明()是不可转让的。A、Pay to Johnson Co. onlyB、Pay to Johnson Co. and its orderC、Pay to bearerD、Pay to the order of Johnson Co.

下列抬头的票据可以流通转让的是()A、pay to a specified personB、pay to the order of a specified personC、pay to a specified person or orderD、pay to bearer

下列收款人名称属于指示性抬头的是()。A、pay to AB、pay to A onlyC、pay to the order of AD、pay to A or bearer


下列()汇票的写法是指示性抬头。A、pay to John Davids or bearerB、pay to John Davids onlyC、pay to John Davids not transferableD、pay to John Davids



What bills are negotiable?什么票据是可流通的?()A、Pay to John David onlyB、Pay to John David not transferableC、Pay to the order of ABC CoD、Pay to ABC Co


问答题Peter, David and Paul said following sentences:  Peter: David is a liar, Paul always tells the truth.  David: Peter is truthful.  Paul: David is a liar, Peter is truthful.  Two of these men always tell the truth, one of them sometimes tells the truth and sometimes lies. Which of these men is a liar?

单选题Waiter: Would you like to have one bill or separate bills,sir?  John: It’s my treat. One bill,please.  Paul: You paid last time. ______  John: Well,all right if you insist. But next time you must let me pay.AThis is on me.BStop kidding me.CI have money.DKnock it out.

判断题现在pay paul用的是三星的生产线。A对B错


