下列收款人名称属于指示性抬头的是()。A、pay to AB、pay to A onlyC、pay to the order of AD、pay to A or bearer
- A、pay to A
- B、pay to A only
- C、pay to the order of A
- D、pay to A or bearer
If you want to watch the game, you should ________ it. (A) pay back(B) pay off(C) pay for(D) pay up
“I don’t have much money。”he’d say.“I need to _________my schoolloans.”A.pay outB.pay backC.pay downD.pay for
什么票据是可流通的?() A.Pay to John David onlyB.Pay to John David not transferableC.Pay to the order of ABC Co.D.Pay to ABC Co
什么票据是有效的?() A.“Pay to M Co.or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.”B.“Pay to M Co.providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.”C.“Pay to M Co.out of the proceeds in our No.1 account the sum of one thousand US dollars.”D.“Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.”
Dealers often tell customers that if their car gets wrecked in a crash they could be financially harmed because regular insurance may not______the entire amount owed on the loan。A.pay upB.pay offC.pay outD.pay away
根据下列汇票记载,可判定记载为()的汇票为无效汇票。A、Pay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand US dollars. Drawn under L/C No.83419 issued by Westminster Bank Limited, London dated on 8th May 2004.B、Pay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account with you.C、Pay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand Hongkong dollars plus interest.D、Pay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand Hongkong dollars plus interest calculated at the rate of 8% p.a.
下列哪种写法符合合法汇票对金额的要求()。A、Pay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars by installmentsB、Pay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars plus interestC、Pay to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars onlyD、Pay from our N0.2 account to the order of A Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars only converted into GBP
What bills are negotiable? 什么票据是可以背书流通的?()A、Pay to John David onlyB、Pay to John David not transferableC、Pay to the order of ABC Co.D、Pay to bearer.
下列四种汇票中,注明()是不可转让的。A、Pay to Johnson Co. onlyB、Pay to Johnson Co. and its orderC、Pay to bearerD、Pay to the order of Johnson Co.
下列抬头的票据可以流通转让的是()A、pay to a specified personB、pay to the order of a specified personC、pay to a specified person or orderD、pay to bearer
下面四种抬头的汇票,哪种不需要背书即可转让?()A、Pay to ABC Co., LTDB、Pay to ABC Co., LTD onlyC、Pay to bearerD、Pay to the order of Bank of China, Zhejiang Branch
下列()汇票的写法是指示性抬头。A、pay to John Davids or bearerB、pay to John Davids onlyC、pay to John Davids not transferableD、pay to John Davids
下面三种汇票抬头分属哪种?是否可以转让?转让时有什么手续? (1)pay Smith Co. Ltd.Only. (2)pay to the order of Smith Co. Ltd (3)pay bearer
What bills are negotiable?什么票据是可流通的?()A、Pay to John David onlyB、Pay to John David not transferableC、Pay to the order of ABC CoD、Pay to ABC Co
问答题下面三种汇票抬头分属哪种?是否可以转让?转让时有什么手续? (1)pay Smith Co. Ltd.Only. (2)pay to the order of Smith Co. Ltd (3)pay bearer
单选题“Pay…Co.Only”或“Pay…Co.,not transferrable”的抬头规定方法属于()。A指示性抬头B限制性抬头C持票人或来人抬头D空白抬头