单选题______AIn particularBIn contrastCIn generalDIn comparison


In particular


In contrast


In general


In comparison


in general总体上来说。in particular具体而言。in contrast相比而言。in comparison比较地说。


问答题胡锦涛与南非总统姆贝基会谈  2007年2月6日,国家主席胡锦涛在比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)同南非总统姆贝基(Thabo Mbeki)举行会谈。双方回顾了建交近10年来中南关系特别是两国务实合作的成功经验和丰硕成果,就中南关系的未来发展达成广泛共识。双方都表示,继续从战略和全局高度看待和发展中南关系,进一步拓展两国各领域合作,加强在非洲和国际事务中的协调和配合,积极推进建立在平等互利、共同发展基础上的中南战略伙伴关系,造福两国人民,推动中南世代友好。  胡锦涛指出,中南两国人民有着深厚的传统友谊。在南非人民反对种族隔离制度的长期斗争中,中国人民始终坚定地同南非人民站在一起。建交近10年来,中南关系呈现高速度、多领域、全方位的发展态势。经贸、科技、教育、文化、旅游、司法等领域的交流合作成果丰富,人民往来密切。双方在国际事务中保持着密切沟通和配合。中方对两国关系发展的良好势头感到高兴。中方赞赏南方奉行一个中国政策、支持中国统一大业。

问答题An Early History of Australia  Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal and Tortes Strait (托雷斯海峡) Islander peoples inhabited most areas of the Australian continent. Each people spoke one or more of hundreds of separate languages, with lifestyles and religious and cultural traditions that differed according to the region in which they lived.  Adaptable and creative, with simple but highly efficient technology, Indigenous Australians had complex social systems and highly developed traditions reflecting a deep connection with the land and environment.  Asian and Oceanic people had contact with Australia’s Indigenous peoples for thousands of years before the European expansion into the Eastern Hemisphere. Some formed substantial relationships with communities in northern Australia.  In 1606, the Spanish explorer Luis Vaez de Torres sailed through the strait that separates Australia and Papua New Guinea (巴布亚新几内亚). Dutch explorers charted the north and west coasts and found Tasmania. The first British explorer, William Dampier, landed on the northwest coast in 1688. But it was not until 1770 that his countryman, Captain James Cook, on the Endeavour, extended a scientific voyage to the South Pacific in order to chart the east coast of the continent that had become known as New Holland, and claimed it for the British Crown.  The American war of independence shut off that country as a place to transport convicts, requiring Great Britain to establish a new penal colony. Sir Joseph Banks, the President of the Royal Society, had sailed as a naturalist (博物学家) with Captain Cook, and suggested Australia for this purpose.  The First Fleet of 11 ships arrived at Botany Bay in January 1788. Governor Phillip preferred Sydney Harbor and the date he landed in the Harbor,26 January, is now commemorated as Australia Day. The First Fleet carded 1,500 people, half of them convicts. Robert Hughes’ The Fatal Shore (1987) is a classic book on the convict system. Hughes suggests that the penal system had lasting effects on Australian society. About 160,000 convicts were sent to the Australian continent over the next 80 years.  The wool industry and the gold rushes of the mid-19th century provided an impetus to free settlement. Scarcity of labor, the vastness of the bush and new wealth based on farming, mining and trade all contributed to the development of uniquely Australian institutions and sensibilities. At the time of European settlement in 1788 it is estimated there were at least 300,000 Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders in Australia. European settlement involved the displacement and dispossession of Indigenous peoples. It disrupted traditional land management practices and introduced new plants and animals into fragile Australian ecosystems.

问答题Oxford  When language learners arrive in Oxford, many ask where the university is, thinking that they will be shown just one building. It’s up to their teachers to explain that Oxford university is made up of a collection of many different colleges and institutions, each with its own history and characteristics.  There are many other surprises that learners discover about the city and its university. Katie Jennings is a social organizer at King’s St Joseph’s Hall in East Oxford, and it is her job to organize activities for learners outside of lesson time. She says many learners are surprised to discover that Oxford is a home to a wide variety of nationalities and ethnic groups, and one of the most popular social events is a night out at one of the town’s Latin American dance clubs. After a day spent learning English and absorbing the ancient atmosphere of the university, learners can samba the night away.  The city also has a thriving Asian community, and the sight of women in saris is as common in Oxford’s streets as academics in gowns and mortarboards. There is also a mouth-watering selection of Asian restaurants serving curries, as well as shops stocked with exotic vegetables and fruits.  The city has attracted such a diverse population not only because of the university, but also because it is an important industrial centre which is known for car manufacturing among other things. In spite of large industrial areas, the old of the city centre has remained surprisingly intact.  Carmel Engin, who teaches at the Lake School, says many learners are surprised to find that the city is free from the usual high-rise modern buildings. “From the centre of Oxford, you can see green hills in the distance, and this will make learners deeply feel that they are in a small, friendly town, but not just another modern metropolis.”  Some learners will be tempted to explore those green hills—Oxford is surrounded by some of the most beautiful countryside in southern England—but, as Engin admits, with so much to do and see in the city, few learners find the time, to explore its surroundings.

问答题中国教育  政府已对全国农村义务教育阶段学生全部免除学杂费、全部免费提供教科书,对家庭经济困难寄宿生提供生活补助,使1.5亿学生和780万名家庭经济困难寄宿生受益。西部地区如期完成了基本普及九年义务教育、基本扫除青壮年文盲的计划。国家提供资金支持了2.2万多所农村中小学改造危房、建设7000多所寄宿制学校,远程教育已覆盖36万所农村中小学,更多的农村学生享受到优质教育资源。更加重视职业教育发展,2007年中、高等职业教育在校生分别达到2000万人和861万人。普通高等教育院校本科生和研究生规模达到1144万人。高校重点学科建设继续加强。2007年开始在教育部直属师范大学实施师范生免费教育试点。我们在实现教育公平上迈出了重大步伐。

单选题These observations indicates the extreme difficulty in cultivating this precious thing called democracy.Aelaborate Btreasonable Cvaluable Ddeliberate

单选题According to Paragraph 1, the tamarin story can be retold chronologically as follows:Ⅰ. Tamarins were declared extinct.Ⅱ. No one saw a tamarin in the wild.Ⅲ. Tamarins used to live in forests in southern Brazil.Ⅳ. The researchers have been doing everything they can to save tamarins.Ⅴ. Some researchers found by chance a small set of tamarins.AⅣ— Ⅱ —Ⅰ— Ⅲ—ⅤBⅢ — Ⅰ —Ⅱ—Ⅴ— ⅣCⅡ—Ⅰ— Ⅲ— Ⅴ— ⅣDⅠ— Ⅱ— Ⅲ— Ⅳ—Ⅴ

单选题Which of the following is NOT true of online shopping?ACustomers can save time by online shopping.BOnline shopping helps reduce retailers’ cost.COnline shopping saves customers’ energy.DCustomers are sure to buy high-quality goods online.

单选题Clark Gable gave a comic performance in the movie It Happened One Nightand he was widely welcomed.Asophisticated Bpessimistic Cdiscreet Dfunny

单选题After crude oil is extracted from a well, it is usually piped to a refinery.Aunrefined Btoxic Ctransparent Dturbid

问答题2006年我省实现国内生产总值7493亿元,同去年相比增长l2.1%,人均生产总值11830元,约合l500美元。正处于加速发展的新阶段。我省农业比较发达,主要农产品产量一直位居全国前列。工业门类齐全,已基本形成10大优势产业集群和77个初具规模、各具特色的工业园区,全省有近30种工业产品产量居全国前10位。第三产业快速发展,商贸、物流、电信、广播影视、旅游、出版、动漫卡通等产业呈现良好发展势头,在全国均有一定地位。  我省是6774万人口的大省,消费市场非常活跃、潜力巨大。在我省投资设厂,可以辐射东南沿海市场、中西部地区市场以及国内外市场。我省综合营商成本相对低廉,劳动力、水电、土地使用价格与沿海地区相比低1/3左右,近年来加快了产业配套和现代物流业发展步伐,企业营商成本将进一步降低。因此,我省已由历史上兵家必争之地发展成现代商家必争之地。

单选题The pupils’ attitudes are NOT influenced by __________.Atheir parents’ persuasion to behave properlyBtheir teachers’ attitudesCthe speeches they hear and the books they readDsuch media as social studies, science matter and classroom atmosphere

单选题It is not so much the language that the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand.Abut Bnor Cas Dlike



问答题The Grand Canyon  A famous American John Muir said in 1898:“The Grand Canyon…as unearthly in the color and grandeur(宏大)and quantity of its architecture as if you had found it after death on some other star. ”  Like Muir, those of us who stand along the rim are prompted to wonder about the unearthliness and the forces that created and are still changing this place.  After more than 100 years of studies, many things are still obscure. Today visitors come by the thousands—the great and simple of the earth — all in a spirit of marvel. Travelers come from every state of the Union, from every country in Europe and Asia, pilgrims(朝圣者)to a shrine(神殿)that is the same as the creed(信仰).  From the depths of the canyon(峡谷)comes welling silence. Seldom can you hear the roar of the river. For all sounds are swallowed in this gulf of space. ‘It makes one want to murmur. A woman once whispered to her companion. This silence is not the silence of death;rather, it is a presence. It is like a great piece of music. But music made of man works up to a climax and ceases;the Grand Canyon is all climax, a chord(和音)echoing into eternity. Perhaps the most spectacular feature of the Grand Canyon, its Redwall limestone(石灰石) cliff, stands about half way up the chasm (裂口) and is practically vertical. Its average height is550 feet almost exactly that of the Washington Monument. Though it is actually gray-blue limestone, the surface of the cliff has been stained to a sunset hue by iron salts washing out of the rocks. Above the Redwall come alternating layers of red sandstone and shale(页岩)1, 000 feet thick, then comes the next pale-blue layer. The topmost layers are a yellowish limestone.  Now, visitors to the South Rim alone may number 18, 000 in a single day. Some of that number will travel by mule(轻型牵引机)train down Bright Angel Trail to the canyon’s floor, cross the raging fiver by a suspension bridge and amount to the North Rim.  Though the two rims face each other across only 12 miles, it is a journey of 214 miles by car from one to the other. Nor can you visit the North Rim except in summer;some 1, 200 feet higher than the South Rim, it is snow covered much of the year except in July and August.  But there is no day that you may not visit the South Rim and find the sun warm on your face and the air perfumed with the incense of smoke from an Indian hearth. The Grand Canyon is an unearthly sight. No wonder an American writer and journalist said, “I came here an atheist(无神论者), and departed a devout (虔诚的) believer. ”

问答题我们污染了空气  清洁的空气对于健康是至关重要。空气中含有杂质,这些杂质会被我们的身体吸收,使人生病。我们需要清洁的空气,但不幸的是,目前普遍存在着空气污染,尤其是在城市里。  城市里有许多食品厂、服装厂和制造其他东西的工厂。每天这些工厂把千百万吨烟灰排人空气中。燃煤的工厂也大大加重了空气污染。  工厂产生的东西过一个时期就会损坏,然后就作为垃圾扔掉。我们烧掉许多垃圾,烟灰就增多了。还有工厂制造的汽车。汽车一旦出厂在街上行驶,将会吸进空气,排出有毒的气体,并增加空气中的烟尘。  世界上还没有一个彻底摆脱了空气污染的地区。我们必须采取些措施来控制空气污染。  现在越来越多的人认识到清洁的空气的重要性。学校正在把有关污染的问题纳入教学内容。企业界在帮着净化空气,他们安装了特别的设备来清除烟雾。科学家和发明家们正在努力开发更加清洁的汽车和火车引擎,终有一天我们会驾驶着电力汽车,会有一种新型的纸,在水里溶化而不需要燃烧。一些国家正在开发研制一种新型的、会在阳光下溶化和消失的玻璃瓶。  或许,人们在城市里能呼吸新鲜空气的日子将会到来。

单选题______AHaving BWith CIn DOn


单选题According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?AConnections with businesses overseas.BAbility to speak the client’s language.CTechnical know-how.DBusiness experience.

单选题Which of the following is NOT true?AThe mental tedium will not exist in the end.BHand-loom weaver is the thing of the past.CAutomation is an out-of-date topic today.DPhysical burden in the factory has already been replaced.

单选题It is not so much the language that the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand.Abut Bnor Cas Dlike

单选题______Aartisan Bart Carts Dartistic

单选题______Arequire Badvise Cask Dtell

单选题______Avillages Bareas Ctowns Dhouses

单选题The advertising industry in today’s world does have its share of responsibilities in leading people to misconceptions.Afor leading people toBto lead people toCto lead people intoDfor leading people into

单选题The lumber bridges were devised to __________.Aimprove chances for tamarins to meet and mateBconnect once separated habitats for the sake of researchCmake use of some lumber cut downDboth A and C


单选题Through receiving financial support from family, community or the government is allowed, it is never admired.AAsBOnceCAlthoughDLest