


固定搭配,release ... from ...,可知应选J项。


单选题It can be inferred from the passage that ______.Anew radio devices should be developed for tracking the endangered blue whalesBblue whales are no longer endangered with the use of the new listening systemCopinions differ as to whether civilian scientists should be allowed to use military technologyDmilitary technology has great potential in civilian use

问答题Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the topic “It Pays to Be Honest.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

单选题AIron and steel.BRubber and wood.CIron and wood.DRubber and steel.

问答题Practice 1  文明是什么意思?它意指一个建立在平民百姓舆论基础上的社会。它意味着暴力、武士和暴君的(despotic)统治、战争冲突、暴动暴政(tyranny)为立法议会所取代,被法律得以长期维护的独立法庭所代替。这就是文明,在文明的土壤里,自由、舒适和文化不断发展壮大。如果文明在任何一个国家里占了支配地位(reign),那么便可给人民群众提供一种更加宽松的较为平静的生活,过去的传统则受人珍重,英明伟人或勇士们留给(bequeath)我们的遗产则成为咱们大家共同享用的丰富的财产。


单选题ARest frequently during the day.BLack of sleep on weekends.CLack of exercise in the evening.DEating cheese before going to bed.


填空题Of issues associated with green food, consumers took organic production as the most important.____

填空题Women were supposed to score higher than men in the test, but actually they didn’t.____

单选题Early fitness spas were intended mainly for _____.Athe promotion of aerobic exerciseBendurance and muscular developmentCthe improvement of women’s figuresDbetter performance in aerobic dancing

填空题Donald Jenkins of Halifax Regional Police suggests installing steel doors with a solid-steel strip.____

填空题By increasing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, human activities are strengthening Earth’s natural greenhouse effect.____




填空题The houses in a good neighborhood also suffer break-ins because burglars look for the place where goods are good.____

填空题According to the passage, to slow the process of adaptation is the solution to “hedonic treadmill”.____

填空题Carey Graham’s mother was his special teacher when he started Grade One.____

填空题Aerobic respiration would occur in endurance events.____

单选题ATo protect environment.BTo cool buildings.CTo change the climates.DTo provide drinking water.

单选题AAt a doctor’s office.BIn a biology lab.CAt a radio station.DIn a lecture hall.

单选题Why can businessmen make money in the emerging elder market?ARetirees are more generous in spending money.BThey can employ more gerontologists.CThe elderly possess an enormous purchasing power.DThere are more elderly people working than before.

单选题Which of the following statements does the author support?ASpecialists are more expensive to hire than generalists.BFormal schooling is less important than job training.COn-the-job training is, in the long run, less costly.DGeneralists will outdo specialists in management.


填空题When you arrive at the destination, you should turn yourself into a relaxed traveler rather than an outsider.____

填空题Lactic acid makes your muscles hurt.____


填空题Always before bedtime, Rozon reads with the children for at least a half hour/at least haft an hour.____