




填空题When Lu Yu was a child, he was greatly influenced by the Buddhist philosophy.____

问答题Practice 4  李白小时候学习刻苦,青年时很想为国家做一番事业。他到处游历,饮酒写诗。他写了大量赞美祖国大好河山的诗篇。后人尊他为“诗仙”。

填空题The world’s most extensive research effort on climate change is now regulated by the U.S. Global Change Research Program.____

单选题What do the environmentalists mean by saying “Not so fast” (Line1. Para. 3)?ADon’t be too optimistic.BDon’t expect fast returns.CThe oil drilling should be delayed.DOil exploitation takes a long time.

问答题Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the topic “How to Solve the Energy Problem.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

填空题When you start running, the muscle cells bum off the ATP they have floating around in about 3 seconds.____

单选题In the 1950s, classroom violence ______.Awas something unheard ofBwas by no means a rare occurrenceCattracted a lot of public attentionDbegan to appear in analysts’ data

单选题AThey might eventually cause you unable to sleep.BThey help produce a substance that induces sleep.CYou must not drink milk if you take them.DThey make it unnecessary to take naps.

填空题Preliminary evidence suggests that, once hurricanes do form, they will be stronger if the oceans are warmer due to global warming.____

填空题Julia Goforth believes that learning never ends, so she is going to learn to belly dance and play the violin this year.____

填空题Kerri Paquette’s eldest kid is thirteen years old.____

单选题Recent studies have suggested that weight training _____.Ahas become an essential part of people’s lifeBmay well affect the health of the traineesCwill attract more people in the days to comeDcontributes to health improvement as well


填空题Specific Media can be regarded as independent player?____

单选题AThey have the same pay.BThey involve working outdoors.CThey are part of college courses.DThey’re part-time.

填空题When the kids help Kerri Paquette cook, they learn math and science at the same time.____

填空题When making caramel apples, boiling water is used to melt the caramels.____


填空题According to the passage, visualization works without searching deeply into concepts and theories.____

填空题According to the Yale University’s study, autistics aren’t susceptible to contagious yawning because they received little information from the cues around people’s eyes.____

填空题When you are starving, proteins can also be broken down into amino acids.____


填空题Now some consumers are willing to pay extra money for food with a special nutritional or health benefit.____

单选题The author chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts university because he _____.Awanted to be an example of practicality and rationalityBintended to be a combination of engineer and humanistCwanted to coordinate engineering with liberal-arts courses in collegeDintend to be a sensible student with noble ideals

单选题The returned plastic bottles in New York used to _____.Aend up somewhere undergroundBbe turned to raw materialsChave a second-life valueDbe separated from other rubbish

填空题After the invention of printing press, people no longer had to live by oral tradition and memory.____

单选题Which of the following is true about the U.S. Navy underwater listening net-work?AIt is now partly accessible to civilian scientists.BIt has been replaced by a more advanced system.CIt became useless to the military after the cold war.DIt is indispensable in protecting endangered species.

填空题Those who only visualized playing basketball do as well as the ones who had actually practiced because they build a path in the mind about how to throw.____