肥皂粉()A、soap powderB、dry powderC、wet powderD、rain coat


  • A、soap powder
  • B、dry powder
  • C、wet powder
  • D、rain coat


Yesterday Mr Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through.______ he caught a bad cold A.ConsequentlyB.FinallyC.LatelyD.Strangely

The streets are very wet because there was a ( ) rain last night. A、thickB、strongC、deepD、heavy

Her coat gave her _____ from the rain.A: warmthB: helpC: protectionD: convenience

It ______ last night, for the ground is wet.A、must rainB、must be going to rainC、must have rainedD、ought to rain

According to the stranger, in the West the winters are______.A. dry and coldB. warmer than in the EastC. wet and coldD. mild

As the amount of moisture in the air increases, the difference between the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures will ______.A.increaseB.decreaseC.remain unchangedD.be greatest at dew point

A sling psychrometer is used to measure ______.A.seawater temperatureB.engine temperatureC.dry bulb and wet bulb temperaturesD.barometric pressure

___________in the rain, he was wet to the skin.A.CaughtB.CatchingC.Having caughtD.To be caught

Since the road is wet this morning,__last night.A.it must rainB.it must be rainingC.it must have rainedD.it must have been rain

Standing under a big tree to()getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.AavoidBkeepCstopDdrop

That is the()(干粉)cargo.A、smellB、dry powderC、chemicalD、odorous

干货通常被装载到货舱里。()A、Dry cargo is usually stowed in the hold.B、Dry cargo is usually stowed at the hatch.C、Wet cargo is usually stowed in the hold.

Sufficient time should be given for each coat to ().A、blowB、cleanC、dryD、wet

Ropes should be kept ().A、in wet placesB、close to the heatC、away from chemicalsD、in dry places

湿货要远离干货。()A、Wet cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.B、Heavy cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.C、Light cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.D、Wet cargo must be kept away from light cargo.

The ()(干货船 )can’t carry wet cargo.A、liquid cargo shipB、drummed cargoC、dry cargo shipD、barge

()must be kept away from dry cargo.A、Light cargoB、Wet cargoC、Heavy cargoD、Bulk cargo

Which of the following should a technician use to clean the glass on a flatbed scanner?()A、glass cleaner and paper towelsB、dish soap and a wet towelC、a soft, pre-moistened towel or wipeD、dry paper towels

单选题肥皂粉()Asoap powderBdry powderCwet powderDrain coat

单选题Her hair and coat were wet because it _____ .Awould be rainingBhad been rainingCwould have been rainingDhad rained

单选题Yesterday Mr. Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through. _____ he caught a bad cold.AConsequentlyBFinallyCLatelyDStrangely

单选题Standing under a big tree to()getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.AavoidBkeepCstopDdrop

单选题Why did Macintosh wear the “rubber coat” on rainy days?ATo show his nice “rubber coat”.BTo sell it to a farmer.CTo test if it could keep off the rain.DTo go to work in the field.

单选题The dew point of air is reached when the wet bulb temperature is ().ATwice the dry bulb temperatureB10℃ above the dry bulb temperatureC5℃ above the dry bulb temperatureDEqual to the dry bulb temperature

单选题Which of the following should a technician use to clean the glass on a flatbed scanner?()Aglass cleaner and paper towelsBdish soap and a wet towelCa soft, pre-moistened towel or wipeDdry paper towels

单选题One advantage of dry cylinder liners used in a diesel engine is the()Alower thermal expansion rates than wet linersBgreater heat transfer rate than wet linersCgreater wear resistance than wet linersDprocedure to replace dry liners is simpler than for wet liners

单选题Ropes should be kept ().Ain wet placesBclose to the heatCaway from chemicalsDin dry places