Bow thrust full to starboard!()A、尾推半速向左B、首推全速向右C、首推全速向左D、首推半速向右

Bow thrust full to starboard!()

  • A、尾推半速向左
  • B、首推全速向右
  • C、首推全速向左
  • D、首推半速向右


首推全速向右!A.Bow stern full to port!B.Bow stern half to port!C.Bow thrust full to starboard !D.Bow thrust full to port!

首推全速向左!A.Bow stern full to port!B.Bow thrust half to port!C.Bow thrust full to starboard !D.Bow thrust full to port!

You are approaching the pilot station with the wind fine on the starboard bow and making about 3 knots.You can help to calm the seas by taking what action just before the pilot boat comes along on the port side ________.A.Backing fullB.Stopping the enginesC.Giving right full rudderD.A short burst of ahead full with left full rudder

The rudders are amidships and both screws are going ahead.What will happen if the starboard screw is stopped ________.A.The bow will go to portB.The bow will go to starboardC.The bow will remain steadyD.The stern will go to starboard

首推半速向右!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Bow thrust half to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

尾推全速向左!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Stern thrust half to starboard !D、Stern thrust full to port!

Bow ()full to starboard.A、thrustB、sternC、engineD、speed

首推全速向右!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Bow thrust full to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

Bow thrust full to port!()A、尾推半速向左B、首推全速向右C、首推全速向左D、尾推半速向右

尾推停车。()A、Stern thrust stop.B、Stern stop.C、Bow thrust stop.

Bow ()(推进器) full to starboard.A、thrustB、sternC、engineD、speed

尾推半速向右!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Stern thrust half to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

首推停车。()A、Stern thrust stop.B、Stern stop.C、Port ten.D、Bow thrust stop.

When facing the bow on a ship, the left side is called the().A、left sideB、starboard sideC、port sideD、port bow

Bow thrust half to starboard!()A、尾推半速向左B、首推全速向右C、首推全速向左D、首推半速向右

首推全速向左!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow thrust half to port!C、Bow thrust full to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

单选题尾推半速向右!()ABow stern full to port!BBow stern half to port!CStern thrust half to starboard !DBow thrust full to port!

单选题Bow thrust half to starboard!()A尾推半速向左B首推全速向右C首推全速向左D首推半速向右

单选题Bow thrust full to starboard!()A尾推半速向左B首推全速向右C首推全速向左D首推半速向右

单选题Bow thrust full to port!()A尾推半速向左B首推全速向右C首推全速向左D尾推半速向右

单选题首推全速向右!()ABow stern full to port!BBow stern half to port!CBow thrust full to starboard !DBow thrust full to port!

单选题You are docking a vessel starboard side to with the assistance of two tugs.You are attempting to hold the vessel off by operating both tugs at right angles to the vessel and at full power.You must ensure that().Asteerageway is not taken offBthe bow doesn't close the dock firstCthe bow closes the dock firstDthe ship has no headway at the time

单选题首推全速向左!()ABow stern full to port!BBow thrust half to port!CBow thrust full to starboard !DBow thrust full to port!

单选题The order “Bow thrust stop” means “()”.ABow thrust full to pertBBow thrust full to starboardCNo bow thrust revolutionsDNo stern thrust revolutions

单选题首推半速向右!()ABow stern full to port!BBow stern half to port!CBow thrust half to starboard !DBow thrust full to port!

单选题Which of the following radar contacts will present the most immediate danger?().AA vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is changing and range is decreasingBA vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is steady and range is increasingCA vessel on the port bow whose bearing is steady and range is decreasingDA vessel on the port bow whose bearing is changing to the left and range decreasing

单选题You are approaching the pilot station with the wind fine on the starboard bow and making about 3 knots.You can help to calm the seas by taking what action just before the pilot boat comes along on the port side().ABacking fullBStopping the enginesCGiving right full rudderDA short burst of ahead full with left full rudder