● A (75) system placed between the company network and the outside world may limit outside access to the internal network.(75)A. firewallB. modemC. gatewayD. key

● A (75) system placed between the company network and the outside world may limit outside access to the internal network.


A. firewall

B. modem

C. gateway

D. key


He knew there were answers _____ his intellectual ________ . A. beyond⋯fieldB. beyond⋯reachC. outside ⋯fieldD. outside ⋯reach

__________[A] outside [B] on [C] by [D] across

[A] Around [B] Under [C] Above [D] Outside


On a virtual memory system, the logical memory space available to the program is totally(14) of the physical memory space.A.dependentB.independentC.inD.outside

阅读以下说明,回答问题1至问题6,将解答填入对应的解答栏内。[说明]某企业的网络拓扑结构如图4-1所示。防火墙使用安全区域的概念来表示与其相连接的网络。图4-1中inside、outside和dmz区域对应Trust区域、Untmst区域和dmz区域,不同区域代表了不同的可信度,默认的可信度由高到低的顺序为(1)。 (1)备选答案: A.inside、outside、dmzB.inside、dmz、outsideC.outside、dmz、insideD.outside、inside、dmz

In C language, external variables have to be defined(54) function, this(55)actual storage for it.A.inB.outC.insideD.outside

3. Please put on your sweater.lt-s very __________outside.A. hotB. coldC. expensiveD. small

13、Java程序向显示器输出信息“Hello, World”,下列哪种写法是错误的?A.System.out.print(“Hello, world” );B.System.out.println(“Hello, world” );C.System.out.print(“Hello, world\n” );D.printf(“Hello, world\n” );
