He knew there were answers _____ his intellectual ________ . A. beyond⋯fieldB. beyond⋯reachC. outside ⋯fieldD. outside ⋯reach

He knew there were answers _____ his intellectual ________ .

A. beyond⋯field

B. beyond⋯reach

C. outside ⋯field

D. outside ⋯reach


After Brooks is released after 50 years in Shawshank, he tries to get along on the outside but finds he can’t. In one of the most emotional moments in the movie he hangs himself in his room after carv A.Brooks was hereB.I love hereC.I am brooksD.I am free

These misfortunes almost deprived him () his future career. A.withB.ofC.fromD.beyond

He sat there, (), astounded beyond words. A、surrenderedB、thunder-struckC、impenetrableD、genetic

The discussion should reach beyond scientific societies because __________.A. scientists have failed to predict the outcomesB. the ties between different areas need strengtheningC. united efforts are necessary for the development of scienceD. people need to work together to prevent the bad use of science

Why didn't Peter take more money from the bank?A.He was afraid that be would be caught on the spot.B.The maximum sum allowed was $5,000.C.He was limited by time and the size of his pockets.D.Large bills were not within his reach.

According to the passage, both "popular" words and "learned" words ______.A. seem to be of no useB. can help people to get a better comprehension of the language.C. are easy to masterD. have gone beyond our mother's reach

The sound outside distracted him ____ his homework. A. ofB. fromC. off

He () (forget, take) the keys with him, so he had to wait outside his house.

Her fingers outside her woolen mittens were numb ______ the cold.A: inB: onC: atD: with

We were impressed by his straightforward answers. (翻译)

In the old days, the children ____________ by the mother because she did not work outside the house.A、took care ofB、were taking care ofC、taken care ofD、were taken care of

BIt was snowing very hard for days. Jigs and Reels had nothing to eat for a day. They knew that things weren't right at home,so yesterday morning they wanted to go out. Bob put them out through a window. Because the snow was so thick outside that he couldn't open the door.Last night they didn't come back. "Dead, Bob said to himself. "They are only five months old. This weather will kill them. Just then Bob heard them calling him. He looked out and could not believe’they were drawing(拖) a big hare(野兔) through the snow. They threw it through the window into Bob’s hands. Hare for dinner! '( )26. Who were Jigs and Reels in this story?A. They were Bob's childrenB. They were dogs.C. They were hares.D. They were toys.

It was not until he came back_________he knew the police were looking for him.A.whichB.sinceC.thatD.before

Finding a job in such a big company has always been ___________his wildest dreams.A.underB.aboveC.overD.beyond

Louise decided to lend money to the author because__________.A.She wanted to join his companyB.She knew he would build a teamC.She knew his plan would succeedD.She wanted to help promote his sales

The goods were packed ( )plywood cases,with gunnies covering the outside. A. about B. on C. in D. up

His answers were 【obscure】 and confusing.A.unclearB.obviousC.clearD.direct

Not that John doesn′t want to help you,______ it′ s beyond his power.A.but that B.for thatC.and that D.in that

Finding a job in such a big company hasalways been ______ his wildest dreams.A.under B.aboveC.over D.beyond

英译中:If a guest wants his room done at some specific time, he can hang the sign outside on the doorknob.

()these honours he received a sum of money.A、ExpectB、ButC、BesidesD、Outside

问答题Practice 3  Einstein was one of the intellectual heroes of history, and such heroes, like Newton and like Darwin, are always twofold — rebels in their work and heretics in society. He prized the integrity of man's personality more highly than man's science. Back in the 1920's he said, in some desultory interview, that two discoveries might destroy mankind: atomic energy and universal thought-reading. The wry prophecy sums up Einstein's passions. He saw deeply into nature, her promise and her threat, but he was not too abstracted to remember .the fallibility of men. For him the key to the world lay in the minds of men. He fought for freedom of the mind from his rebellious school-days and the manifesto of 1914 to his dying day. In his last years he spoke out constantly against the inquisition which then darkened America. But even his love for science and for freedom was not abstract. These were for him the high places of the human mind, and he lived those; he loved people.  His richness of sympathy made him a symbol to an age. It carried his ideas beyond their scientific setting so that, more profoundly than the work of any philosopher, they changed the outlook of philosophy. All his ideas grew from one conception: that the world is not given to us absolutely, but is something which we actively observe and thereby shape. For Einstein was a practical thinker; to him, truth was that which is experienced in action. When he died, on April 18, 1955, Einstein had created a new empiricism, as revolutionary and as lasting as that with which Galileo laid the foundation of science.

单选题Not that John doesn't want to help you,____ it's beyond his power.Abut thatB.for thatC.and thatBin that

单选题According to the passage, which of the following did NOT happen in the room where the college entrance exam was going on?AThe teachers in the exam hall tried to stop the police from entering into the room.BSome examinees sent answers with mobile phones to people outside the room to make profits.CThe mobile phones were confiscated by the police.DSome examinees forwarded answers to people who have paid a lot of money.

单选题In fact, as he approached this famous statue, he only barely resisted the _____ to reach into his bag for his camera.AimpatienceBimpulseCincentiveDinitiative

单选题AHe was afraid that he would be caught on the spot.BLarge bills were not within his reach.CThe maximum sum allowed was 55,000.DHe was limited by time and the size of his pockets.

单选题Mrs.Woo and her family didn’t get hurt because _____.Aher husband knew there would be a stormBthey were all outside the house when the storm became worseCshe felt the house was movingDthe welfare department helped her