Extra-linguistic context refers to factors beyond language.( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Extra-linguistic context refers to factors beyond language.( )



He knew there were answers _____ his intellectual ________ . A. beyond⋯fieldB. beyond⋯reachC. outside ⋯fieldD. outside ⋯reach

[A] relates [B] refers [C] responds [D] resorts

\[A\] Beyond\[B\] Except\[C\] Including\[D\] Excluding

( ) school, she is a quiet girl. A、WithB、OutsideC、FromD、Beyond

He stressed that the disadvantages of the change would _____ its advantages.A、overtakeB、outweighC、overcomeD、beyond

The young seedlings remained alive _____ the protecting snow. A、underB、belowC、beneathD、beyond

[A] With[B] To[C] Among[D] Beyond


Industrialization of sofware trade leads to the production of software( ). A.elements B.sections C.components D.factors

According to Skinner, language behavior can only be studied through observation of the()factors.