Idon’tliketheway______hetalks. A./






–Can you come to our party this Friday?–() A、Yes, that would be fun.B、No, I don't.C、Yes, but I'm busy this Friday.D、No, I don't like it.

– It’s so hot today. I simply can’t work. –() (A) So do I(B) I would like it very much(C) I don’t know(D) I don’t like it at all

I don’t know what l should do next.(改为简单句)I don’t know_____ _____ _____next.

6. —Do you like oranges?—__________.I like bananas.A. Yes, I doB. No, I don'tC. Yes, I don'tD. No, I do

-- I don't like dancing.-- I don't like dancing, ________. A.neitherB.tooC.alsoD.either

-- I don't like dancing.-- I don't like dancing, ____ (连词)(也).

– Would you like pizza or pie? -- ________________A、I like.B、I don’t like eating pizza.C、I don’t want pizza.D、Neither.

I don’t think it advisable that Tom ________选择 Idon’tthinkitadvisablethatTom________tothejobsincehehasnoexperience.A)isassignedB)willbeassignedC)beassignedD)hasbeenassigned

--Do you think it will snow tomorrow?-- ______.A. Yes, I think itB. I'm afraid soC. I don't believeD. I don't hope so

I don’t care whether he is honest or not;__________,I don't like him.A.anywayB.thoughC.butD.however