—My children are always arguing. —________. A: Just ignore them.B: That's all fight.C: Are you sureD: How old are the boys
—My children are always arguing. —________.
A: Just ignore them.
B: That's all fight.
C: Are you sure
D: How old are the boys
2、选出正确的触发器描述A.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always@(Clock,D) Q <= D; endmoduleB.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always@(posedge Clock) Q <= D; endmoduleC.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always@(negedge Clock) Q <= D; endmoduleD.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always_ff@(posedge Clock) Q <= D; endmoduleE.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always_ff Q
10、在过程赋值语句always语句块里赋值,称为过程赋值,always@ 后面的括号里是敏感列表,如下用持续赋值语句描述了一个异或门电路,与它等价的过程赋值语句是() input wire a,b; output wire c; assign c = a^b;A.input wire a,b; output reg c; always@(a,b) assign c = a^b;B.input wire a,b; output wire c; always@(a and b) assign c = a^b;C.input wire a,b; output reg c; always@ * assign c = a^b;D.input wire a,b; output logic c; always_comb assign c = a^b;
1、选出正确的锁存器描述A.module Latch (input D,E, output reg Q); always_latch if(E) Q=D; endmoduleB.module Latch (input D,E, output reg Q); always@(E or D) if(E==1) Q=D; else Q=Q; endmoduleC.module Latch (input D,E, output reg Q); always@(E or D) if(E==1) Q=D; endmoduleD.module Latch (input D,E, output reg Q); always@(E or D) if(E==1) Q=D; else Q=0; endmodule
3、下列哪一个表述是正确:A.always@(posedge CLK or RST)B.always@(posedge CLK or negedge RST or A)C.always@(posedge CLK or D or Q)D.always@(posedge CLK or negedge RST)
下列描述中采用时钟clk正边沿触发且rst异步低电平复位的代码描述是A.always @ (posedge clk, negedge rst) if (rst)B.always @ (posedge clk, rst) if (!rst)C.always @ (posedge clk, negedge rst) if (!rst)D.always @ (negedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst)