Limiting the use of deficiency judgments in the area of consumer lending will ______.A.increase the risk of lendingB.reduce the risk of lendingC.increase the availability of credit facilityD.set up the credit record of borrowers

Limiting the use of deficiency judgments in the area of consumer lending will ______.

A.increase the risk of lending

B.reduce the risk of lending

C.increase the availability of credit facility

D.set up the credit record of borrowers


信用风险组合模型包括( )。A.Credit MonitorB.Credit MetricsC.Credit Portfolio ViewD.Credit Risk+E.VAR

目前国际银行业应川比较广泛的组合模型包括( )。A.CreditMetrics模B.Credit Portfolio View模型C.Credit Risk+模型D.KMV模型E.ZETA模型

听力原文:M: What margins will the lending bank charge?W: Margins mainly depend on these factors: evaluation of credit risk, maturity of credit, and the starting point from which onwards the rate of interest shall be firm.Q: How many factors do margins charged by the lending bank mainly depend on?(12)A.Four.B.Two.C.Three.D.Five.

听力原文:M: Can you give an example of types of risks Banks face?W: Yes. The major type of risks is called credit risk. It means a counterpart fails to perform. according to a contractual arrangement.Q: What are they talking about?(13)A.A contractual arrangement.B.A counterpart.C.Many types of risks.D.Credit risk.

短文理解听力原文: In the United States, even if you decide that you do not want to borrow in order to go on vacation, it is still a good idea for you to have several major credit cards. These provide positive identification when renting an automobile and can be used for the deposit. The credit card receipts will serve as an accurate record of all hotel, plane, train, and restaurant expenses. The use of credit cards avoids the necessity of carrying large amount of cash, purchasing large amounts of traveler's cheeks and keeping track of them, or attempting to use personal checks in places other than your own locality.Many major credit cards provide an instant cash service in case you run out of money. American Express, for example, has set up machines in major airports in which you can purchase traveler's checks using your American Express card.21. The credit card receipts will serve as accurate record for all but which of the following choices?22.Which of the following is not true about the use of credit card?23.Concerning the advantages of credit cards, which of the following is true?24.According to the passage, which card has set up machines in major airports?(21)A.hotel expensesB.stock exchangeC.plane expenses

Banks in international lending face the risks common to all banks: liquidity risk, interest rate risk, credit (asset) risk, and contingent liabilities risk.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

目前,信用风险管理领域比较常用的违约概率模型不包括( )。A.Credit Monitor模型B.Credit Risk+模型C.死亡率模型D.RiskCalc模型

目前,信用风险管理领域比较常用的违约概率模型不包括( )。A.Credit Monitor模型B.Credit Risk+模型C.死亡率模型D.Risk Calc模型

目前国际银行业应用比较广泛的组合模型包括( )。A.CreditMetrics模型B.Credit Portfo1io View模型C.Credit Risk+模型D.KMV模型E.ZETA模型

信用风险组合模型包括( )。A.Credit Monitor模型B.CreditMetrics模型C.Credit Portfo1io View模型D.Credit Risk+模型E.VaR模型

Credit Risk+模型的一个基本假定是贷款组合的违约率服从二项分布.( )

目前国际上应用比较广泛的信用风险组合模型包括(  )。A.Credit Metrics模型B.死亡率模型C.Credit Risk+模型D.KPMG模型E.Credit Portfo1io View模型

下列关于各种信用风险组合模型的说法,正确的有(  )。A. Credit Metrics的本质是VaR模型B. Credit Metrics只能用于计算交易性资产组合VaRC. Credit Risk+模型假设在组合中,每笔贷款只有违约和不违约两种状态D. Credit Portfolio View比较适合保守类型的借款人E. 在计算过程中,Credit Risk+模型假设每一组的平均违约率都是固定不变的

在客户信用评级模型中,( )通过应用期权定价理论求解出信用风险溢价和相应的违约率。A.Credit Metrics模型B.Credit Portfolio View模型C.Credit Monitor模型D.Credit Risk+模型

在客户信用评级模型中,(  )通过应用期权定价理论求解出信用风险溢价和相应的违约率。A、Credit Metrics模型B、Credit Portfolio View模型C、Credit Monitor模型D、Credit Risk+模型


下列各项不属于违约概率模型的是( )。A.RiskCalc模型B.KMV的Credit Monitor模型C.死亡率模型D.Credit Risk+模型

以下模型中,()通过应用期权定价理论求解出信用风险溢价和相应的违约率。A.Credit Metrics模型B.Credit Portfolio View模型C.Credit Monitor模型D.Credit Risk+模型

目前国际上应用比较广泛的信用风险组合模型包括()。A.Credit Metrics模型B.死亡率模型C.Credit Risk+模型D.KPMG模型E.Credit Portfolio View模型

资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores.If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions.If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control.Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done.It can be inferred that the potential lenders______A.will probably loan money bad-credit people as they still have open accounts.B.will probably loan money no-credit people as they haven’t made any financial mistakes.C.won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to no-credit person or bad-credit person.D.None of above

资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores.If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions.If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control.Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done.How to establish credit if you fall into the no-credit category?A.To have a credit-builder loanB.To acquire secured credit cards(which require a security deposit) or college student credit cardsC.To acquire a credit cardD.All of above

( )是根据针对火灾险的财险精算原理,对贷款组合违约率进行分析,并假设在组合中,每笔贷款只有违约和不违约两种状态。A. Credit Metrics 模型 D. Credit Risk+模型C. Credit Portfolio Vien 模型 D. Credit Monitor 模型

Credit Risk +模型的一个基本假定是贷款组合的违约率服从二项分布。 ( )

目前国际银行业应用比较广泛的组合模型包括( )。A. Credit Metrics 模型 B. Credit Portfolio View 模型C. Credit Risk+模型 D. KMV 模型E. ZETA模型

( )是根据针对火灾险的财险精算原理,对贷款组合违约率进行分析,并假设在组合中,每笔贷款只有违约和不违约两种状态。A、Credit Metrics模型B、Credit Risk+模型C、Credit PortfolioView模型D、Credit Monitor模型

目前国际上应用比较广泛的信用风险组合模型包括()。A、Credit Metrics模型B、死亡率模型C、Credit Risk+模型D、KPMG模型E、Credit Portfo1io View模型

下列各项不属于违约概率模型的是()。A、RiskCalc模型B、KMV的Credit Monitor模型C、死亡率模型D、Credit Risk+模型