The tendency______(simplify)complex problems blinds managers to other alternatives.

The tendency______(simplify)complex problems blinds managers to other alternatives.


Mental health problems were identified by the presence of symptoms generally associatted( ) major depression, manior and other mental problems. . A、byB、toC、withD、in

The Pareto Principle is a technique used by quality managers to determine which quality control problems of a particular service or manufacturing process should be corrected. Which of the following statements represents the philosophy of the principle?A . In order to minimize financial losses from quality control problems, all problems which have a measurable cost associated with them should be corrected.B . the majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable problems. Improvements efforts should be reserved for these vital few problems.C . in order to achieve zero defects, all quality control problems, including those which do not have a direct financial cost should be corrected.D . generally, 80 % of the quality control problems are justifiable for correction via cost-benefit analysis. The remaining 20% are not financially worthy of improvement efforts.E . A and D

Universal characteristics of effective project managers include such skills as communication, decision-making, planning, ability to identify problems and:A . Performing feasibility studiesB . Proposal preparationC . being close to the customerD . MaturityE . None of the above are universal characteristics

136 Universal characteristics of effective project managers include such skills as communication, decision-making, planning, ability to identify problems and:A. Performing feasibility studiesB. Proposal preparationC. being close to the customerD. MaturityE. None of the above are universal characteristics

158 The Pareto Principle is a technique used by quality managers to determine which quality control problems of a particular service or manufacturing process should be corrected. Which of the following statements represents the philosophy of the principle?A. In order to minimize financial losses from quality control problems, all problems which have a measurable cost associated with them should be corrected.B. the majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable problems. Improvements efforts should be reserved for these vital few problems.C. in order to achieve zero defects, all quality control problems, including those which do not have a direct financial cost should be corrected.D. generally, 80 % of the quality control problems are justifiable for correction via cost-benefit analysis. The remaining 20% are not financially worthy of improvement efforts.E. A and D

The traditional approach with complex problems is to break them down into samller, more easily managed problems. A、to dealingB、in dealingC、dealingD、to deal

Most companies expect IT (Information Technology) managers to head an IT staff of computer technicians. But IT managers can also specialize in other areas. Some managers may also be responsible for keeping their company’s Internet safety. They protect both their company and their online customers from thieves.Other managers focus more on the business rather than the technical part of computing. They become project managers, helping companies reach as many online customers as possible.Some companies also look for IT managers who can act as trainers. These trainers help a company’s computer technicians keep up-to-date on computer skills.Most companies require their IT managers to have both a bachelor’s degree and some experience in the computer field. Often, companies hire IT managers out of their existing staff of computer technicians.Since IT managers are extremely important to companies’ success, it’s no surprise that they receive such high salaries – around US $56,000 a year to start with. And, in such a fast-changing field,managers’ salaries usually increase after only a couple of years.The world will be watching to see just how quickly e-commerce replaces the old ways of doing business. And as computers change the way the world does business, IT managers will be in the middle of it all. Few companies can survive without them.Besides being the leader of computer technicians, IT managers are also expected to be ________.(A) experienced product designers(B) skilled online technicians(C) doctorate holders(D) online safety specialists

According to the passage, companies often look for IT managers from ________.(A) non-computer technicians(B) their own professionals(C) other companies(D) another country

empathy is the ability to understand other people's feelings and problems.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

My partner often helps me _______ the complex problems. A. proveB. resolveC. involveD. reserve

Tylor defined culture as“…that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”

-Are the Project Managers linking up OK? -They seem to be, yes._________ . A One of them hopes to quit now ;B There's been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings ;C They don't seem to know each other

All moneys collected by the Managers under the terms of this Agreement(other than moneys payable by the Owners to the Managers)and any interest thereon shall be held to the credit of ______ in a separate bank account.A.ShippersB.CharterersC.OwnersD.Carriers

An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education____.A.settlementB.establishmentC.constructionD.structure

A management information system__( )__the business managers the information that they need to make decisions.Early business computers were used for simple operations such__(请作答此空)__tracking inventory,billing,sales,or payroll data,with little detail or structure.Over time,these computer applications became more complex,hardware storage capacities grew,and technologies improved for connecting previously__( )__applications.As more data was stored and linked,managers sought greater abstraction as well as greater detail with the aim of creating significant management reports from the stored__( )__.Originally,the term"MIS”described applications providing managers with information about sales,inventories,and other data that would help in__( )__the enterprise.Over time,the term broadened to include:decision support systems,resource management and human resource management,enterprise resource planning(ERP),enterprise performance management(EPM),supply chain management(SCM),customer relationship management(CRM),project management and database retrieval toD.that

A management information system__( )__the business managers the information that they need to make decisions.Early business computers were used for simple operations such__( )__tracking inventory,billing,sales,or payroll data,with little detail or structure.Over time,these computer applications became more complex,hardware storage capacities grew,and technologies improved for connecting previously__( )__applications.As more data was stored and linked,managers sought greater abstraction as well as greater detail with the aim of creating significant management reports from the stored__( )__.Originally,the term"MIS”described applications providing managers with information about sales,inventories,and other data that would help in__(请作答此空)__the enterprise.Over time,the term broadened to include:decision support systems,resource management and human resource management,enterprise resource planning(ERP),enterprise performance management(EPM),supply chain management(SCM),customer relationship management(CRM),project management and database retrieval applications.A.setting upB.foundingC.improvingD.Managing

Software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human construct,because no two parts are alike(at least above the statement level).If they are,we make the two similar parts into one,a(1),open or closed.In this respect software systems differ profoundly from computers,buildings,or automobiles,where repeated elements abound.Digital computers are themselves more complex than most things people build;they have very large numbers of states.This makes conceiving,describing,and testing them hard.Software systems have orders of magnitude more(2)than computers do.Likewise,a scaling-up of a software entity is not merely a repetition of the same elements in larger size;it is necessarily an increase in the number of different elements.In most cases,the elements interact with each other in some(3)fashion,and the complexity of the whole increases much more than linearly.The complexity of software is a(an)(4)property,not an accidental one.Hence descriptions of a software entity that abstract away its complexity often abstract away its essence.Mathematics and the physical sciences made great strides for three centuries by constructing simplified models of complex phenomena,deriving,properties from the models,and verifying those properties experimentally.This worked because the complexities(5)in the models were not the essential properties of the phenomena.It does not work when the complexities are the essence.Many of the classical problems of developing software products derive from this essential complexity and its nonlinear increases with size.Not only technical problems but management problems as well come from the complexity.4、____A.surfaceB.outsideC.exteriorD.essential

Software entities are more complex fortheir size than perhaps any other human construct, because no two parts arealike (at least above the statement level). If they are, we make the twosimilar parts into one, a(71 ), open or closed. In this respect software systems differprofoundly from computers,buildings, or automobiles, where repeated elementsabound.Digital computers are themselves morecomplex than most things people build; they have very large numbers of states.This makes conceiving, describing, and testing them hard. Software systems haveorders of magnitude more (72 )than computers do.Likewise, a scaling-up of a software entityis not merely a repetition of the same elements in larger size; it is necessarily an increase inthe number of different elements. In most cases, the elements interact witheach other in some( 73 )fashion,andthe complexity of the whole increases much more than linearly.The complexity of software is a(an)(74 )property, notan accidental one. Hence descriptions of a software entity that abstract awayits complexity often abstract away its essence.Mathematics and the physicalsciences made great strides for three centuries by constructing simplifiedmodels of complex phenomena, deriving properties from the models, and verifyingthose properties experimentally. This worked because the complexities(75 )in the modelswere not the essential properties of the phenomena. It does not work when thecomplexities are the essence.Many of the classical problems ofdeveloping software products derive from this essential complexity and its nonlinear increases withsize. Not only technical problems but management problems as well come from the complexity.A.statesB.partsC.conditionsD.expressions

The customer has both AIX and Windows hosts and is complaining that their storage infrastructureis complex and distributed. They need to simplify backup and restore operations. What productshould the storage specialist be prepared to discuss with them?()A、Softek B、Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack C、Tivoli Storage Manager D、Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication

The customer and order tables are often used in joins, thereby resulting in complex queries. You created views to simplify the writing of queries. These views are stored in().A、user tablesB、view segmentC、table segmentD、data dictionaryE、object segmentF、performance tables

单选题In the passage, the author implies that _____.Ait is not good for people to travel aloneBone should explore philosophical problems under the guidance of other philosophersCone should follow the path of other philosophersDone would study philosophy with others

单选题Each of the following, if true, would weaken the conclusion drawn above, EXCEPT ______.AMany of the world’s problems can be solved only by highly specialized experts working on specific problems.BRelatively few generalists are needed to coordinate the work of the many specialists.CSpecialization does not necessarily entail losing the ability to see the broad picture.DIncreasingly complex problems require a growing level of technical expertise that can be acquired only through specialization.EEven the traditional liberal education is becoming more highly specialized today.

单选题Too much tourism can cause all these problems EXCEPT _____.Aa bad impact on other industriesBa change of tourists' customsCovercrowdedness of places of interestDpressure on traffic

单选题What does the writer say about entrepreneurs in the first paragraph?AIt is wrong to assume that they are different from other managers.BThe problems they have to cope with are specific to small businesses.CThey find it difficult to attract staff with sufficient expertise.DThey could learn from the organisational skills of managers in large companies.

单选题What is NOT listed as a duty of the advertised position?AHolding professional development sessionsBManaging the operations of the book-keeping departmentCInterviewing and hiring bookkeeping staffDAssisting other managers with budget plans

单选题The customer and order tables are often used in joins, thereby resulting in complex queries. You created views to simplify the writing of queries. These views are stored in().Auser tablesBview segmentCtable segmentDdata dictionaryEobject segmentFperformance tables

单选题Let's not waste time on matters of no important.We have other vital problems to deal with.ALet's notBmatters of no importantCvitalDdeal with