One of the remote branch offices of Certkiller branch is running a Windows Server 2008 having ready only domain controller (RODC) installed.For security reasons you don’t want some critical credentials like (passwords, encryption keys) to be stored on RODC. What should you do so that these credentials are not replicated to any RODC’s in the forest()A、Configure RODC filtered attribute set on the serverB、Configure RODC filtered set on the server that holds Schema Operations Master role.C、Delegate local administrative permissions for an RODC to any domain user without granting that user any user rights for the domainD、Configure forest functional level server for Windows server 2008 to configure filteredattribute set.E、None of the above
One of the remote branch offices of Certkiller branch is running a Windows Server 2008 having ready only domain controller (RODC) installed.For security reasons you don’t want some critical credentials like (passwords, encryption keys) to be stored on RODC. What should you do so that these credentials are not replicated to any RODC’s in the forest()
- A、Configure RODC filtered attribute set on the server
- B、Configure RODC filtered set on the server that holds Schema Operations Master role.
- C、Delegate local administrative permissions for an RODC to any domain user without granting that user any user rights for the domain
- D、Configure forest functional level server for Windows server 2008 to configure filteredattribute set.
- E、None of the above
以下()不是REM的生理特点。 A、REM期脑血流量增加,大部分脑区神经元活动增加,脑组织温度升高B、REM期自主神经系统的功能活动不稳定,呼吸浅块而不规则C、REM期体温调节功能丧失,各种感觉功能显著减退D、REM期声音刺激唤醒阈比NREM期底一些,比其他睡眠期更不容易自发性地醒来E、REM期肌肉的张力极度下降,颈后肌及四肢肌张力几近消失,呈姿势性张力弛缓状态
REM睡眠与多个方面息息相关,以下说法不正确的是()。 A、REM睡眠在神经系统发育成熟的过程有着重要的作用B、学习和训练可以增加REM睡眠C、在REM期脑活动增强的同时,体温调节也更加灵敏D、由于REM睡眠是间断性出现,心率、血压、呼吸和自主神经系统的活动发生明显而又不规则的阵发性变化,因此REM阶段常会与某些疾病的突然发作有关E、选择性地剥夺REM睡眠,可能引起情绪和精神方面的异常
关于正常睡眠的说法正确的是()。 A、整个睡眠期间,NREM—REM睡眠反复循环3-5次,每个周期中的各期不一定齐全,多从1期开始B、正常睡眠分为NREM与REM,由于人的个体差异较大,所以NREM与REM期在整个睡眠所占的结构不是恒定的C、精神类的药物可能会对睡眠有抑制作用,如,巴比妥类药物抑制REM睡眠,苯二氮卓类药物使NREM的4期减少D、NREM各期与REM睡眠可直接转变为觉醒状态,但NREM期自动醒来的可能性更大E、儿童及病理情况下,睡眠周期可以由REM睡眠期开始
关于正常人睡眠过程的描述,不正确的是 A、正常睡眠是由NREM和REM睡眠两个不同睡眠时相构成B、在睡眠过程中NREM和REM睡眠常常交替出现C、平均90 min出现一次REM睡眠D、睡眠时先进入REM期,然后再转为NREM期E、入睡开始进入NREM期,之后由1期依次进入2、3、4期,并持续下去
下列正确的Visual Basic注释语句是A.Dim a(10) As Integer Rem这是一个VB程序B.这是一个VB程序 Private Sub Command1_Click()…C.a=1:b=2:_Rem这是一个VB程序:c=3D.If Shift=6 And Button=2 Then Print"BBBB" Rem 这是一个VB程序 End If
放射工作人员全身均匀照射时,防止随机性效应的年剂量当量限值是A.1rem/年B.2rem/年S 放射工作人员全身均匀照射时,防止随机性效应的年剂量当量限值是A.1rem/年B.2rem/年C.3rem/年D.4rem/年E.5rem/年
According to the passage,some scientists believe that a dose of one rem of radiation continued over a period of generations would( ) A.raise the strontium 90 levels in the body but otherwise have little effect B.relieve the acute suffering of those afficted with arthritis of the spine without side effects C.have the effect of increasing by 1 percent the cases of serious genetic defects D.cause an additional 1 ,000 per million cases of cancer of the bone marrow or lymphatic system
单选题关于REM睡眠期的特点,正确的是( )。AREM睡眠期易唤醒B做梦常发生于REM睡眠期CREM睡眠潜伏期多在30~40minD前半夜REM睡眠期持续时间较长E每一段REM睡眠期持续约40~50min
单选题REM睡眠行为障碍常见于( )。ABCDE