A prospect is considering a BladeCenter H chassis with the Multi-Switch Interconnect Modules. The number of Ethernet ports is important to them. What is the maximum number of Ethernet ports an HS22 blade server can support if the blade does not have any expansion blades attached?()A、8 B、6 C、4 D、2

A prospect is considering a BladeCenter H chassis with the Multi-Switch Interconnect Modules. The number of Ethernet ports is important to them. What is the maximum number of Ethernet ports an HS22 blade server can support if the blade does not have any expansion blades attached?()

  • A、8 
  • B、6 
  • C、4 
  • D、2


The prospect of working under a woman_________ the ultimate indignity. A. formedB. cameC. constitutedD. composed

The text suggests that early settlers in New England__________.[A] were mostly engaged in political activities[B] were motivated by an illusory prospect[C] came from different backgrounds.[D] left few formal records for later reference

Text 3 The provision of positive incentives to work in the new society will not be an easy task. But the most difficult task of all is to devise the ultimate and final sanction to replace the ultimate sanction of hunger—the economic whip of the old dispensation. Moreover, in a society which rightly rejects the pretence of separating economics from politics and denies the autonomy of the economic order, that sanction can be found only in some conscious act of society. We can no longer ask the invisible hand to do our dirty work for us.I confess that I am less horror-struck than some people at the prospect, which seems to me unavoidable, of an ultimate power of what is called direction of labour resting in some arm of society, whether in an organ of state or of trade unions. I should indeed be horrified if I identified this prospect with a return to the conditions of the pre-capitalist era. The economic whip of laissez-faire undoubtedly represented an advance on the serf-like conditions of that period: in that relative sense, the claim of capitalism to have established for the first time a system of “free” labour deserves respect. But the direction of labour as exercised in Great Britain in the Second World War seems to me to represent as great an advance over the economic whip of the heyday of capitalist private enterprise as the economic whip represented over pre-capitalist serfdom.Much depends on the effectiveness of the positive incentives, much, too, on the solidarity and self-discipline of the community. After all, under the system of laissez-faire capitalism the fear of hunger remained an ultimate sanction rather than a continuously operative force. It would have been intolerable if the worker had been normally driven to work by conscious fear of hunger; nor, except in the early and worst days of the Industrial Revolution, did that normally happen. Similarly in the society of the future the power of direction should be regarded not so much as an instrument of daily use but rather as an ultimate sanction held in reserve where voluntary methods fail. It is inconceivable that, in any period or in any conditions that can now be foreseen, any organ of state in Great Britain would be in a position, even if it had the will, to marshal and deploy the labour force over the whole economy by military discipline like an army in the field. This, like other nightmares of a totally planned economy, can be left to those who like to frighten themselves and others with scarecrows.第31题:1. The word “sanction”(Line 2, Paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to______.[A] corrective measures[B] encouraging methods[C] preventive efforts[D] revolutionary actions

The recent Genome Wars were symbolic of _____.[A] the enthusiasm in scientific research[B] the significance of the space race[C] the public versus private conflict[D] the prospect of the completion of DNA sequence

he teacher said that the children are vigorous and have good _____.A. perspective B. respect C. prospect D. prosperity

Great changes are in prospect in this area ()foreign investment. A、due toB、becauseC、owingD、due

When people in developing countries worry about migration, they are usually concerned at the prospect of their best and brightest departure to Silicon Valsey or to hospitals and universities in the developed world. These are the kind of workers that countries like Britain Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates.Lots of studies have found that well-education people form. developing counting are particularly likely to emigrants , A big survey of Indian households in 2004found that nearly 40% of emigrants had morn than a high-school education ,compared with around 3.3%of all Indian over the age of 25. This "brain drain" has long bothered policymakers in poor counties .They fear that it hurts their economies, depriving them of much-needed skilled worker who could have taught at their universities, worked in their hospital and come up with clever new product for their factories to make

A :spectacle B:perspective C:Prospect D :outlook

The text suggests that early settlers in New EnglandA.were mostly engaged in political activities.B.were motivated by an illusory prospect.C.came from different intellectual backgrounds.D.left few formal records for later reference.

共用题干Congratulations, It Will Be A Boy!Until just a few years ago,making a baby boy or a girl was pretty much a hit-or-miss affair. Not anymore .Parents who have access to the latest genetic testing techniques can now predeter-mine their baby's sex with great accuracy,as Monique and Scott Collins learned to their delight two years ago,when their long-wished-for daughter Jessica was born after genetic prescreening(基因筛选)And baby Jessica is just the beginning. Within a decade or two,it may be possible to screen kids almost before conception(怀孕)for an enormous range of attributes(特性),such as how tall they are likely to be,what body type they will have,their hair and eye color,what sort of ill-ness they will be naturally resistant to, and even, conceivably(可想见地),their IQ and personality type.In fact,if gene therapy lives up to its promise,parents may someday be able to go beyond weeding out(筛去)undesirable traits and start actually inserting the genes they want-perhaps e- yen genes that have been crafted(创造)in a lab. Before the new millennium is many years old, parents may be going to fertility clinics(生殖诊所)and picking from a list of options the way car buyers order air conditioning and chrome-alloy(铬合金)wheels."It is the ultimate shopping experience:designing your baby,"says biotechnology critic Jeremy Rifkin,who is appalled by the prospect."But in a society used to cosmetic surgery(整容手术),this is not a big step."The prospect of designer(定制)babies,like many of the ethnical conundrums(难题)posed by the genetic revolution,is confronting the world so rapidly that doctors,ethicists(伦理学家), religious leaders and politicians are just starting to grapple with(与……进行格斗)the implica-tions-and trying to decide how they feel about it all.They still have a bit of time .Aside from gender,the only traits they can now be identified at the earliest stages of development are about a dozen of the most serious genetic diseases.Gene therapy in embryos(胚胎)is at least a few years away. And the gene or combination of genes re-sponsible for most of our physical and mental attributes has not even been identified yet. Besides, say clinicians,even if the techniques for making designer babies are perfected within the nextdecade,they should be applied in the service of disease prevention,not improving on nature. Which of the following statement is true?A: Designing babies may cause ethical concerns.B: Designing babies is purely scientific and will not cause ethical problems.C: The prospect of designing babies has already led to strong criticism from various communities.D: People are concerned about the possible harm done to science by designing babies.

共用题干Congratulations, It Will Be A Boy!Until just a few years ago,making a baby boy or a girl was pretty much a hit-or-miss affair. Not anymore .Parents who have access to the latest genetic testing techniques can now predeter-mine their baby's sex with great accuracy,as Monique and Scott Collins learned to their delight two years ago,when their long-wished-for daughter Jessica was born after genetic prescreening(基因筛选)And baby Jessica is just the beginning. Within a decade or two,it may be possible to screen kids almost before conception(怀孕)for an enormous range of attributes(特性),such as how tall they are likely to be,what body type they will have,their hair and eye color,what sort of ill-ness they will be naturally resistant to, and even, conceivably(可想见地),their IQ and personality type.In fact,if gene therapy lives up to its promise,parents may someday be able to go beyond weeding out(筛去)undesirable traits and start actually inserting the genes they want-perhaps e- yen genes that have been crafted(创造)in a lab. Before the new millennium is many years old, parents may be going to fertility clinics(生殖诊所)and picking from a list of options the way car buyers order air conditioning and chrome-alloy(铬合金)wheels."It is the ultimate shopping experience:designing your baby,"says biotechnology critic Jeremy Rifkin,who is appalled by the prospect."But in a society used to cosmetic surgery(整容手术),this is not a big step."The prospect of designer(定制)babies,like many of the ethnical conundrums(难题)posed by the genetic revolution,is confronting the world so rapidly that doctors,ethicists(伦理学家), religious leaders and politicians are just starting to grapple with(与……进行格斗)the implica-tions-and trying to decide how they feel about it all.They still have a bit of time .Aside from gender,the only traits they can now be identified at the earliest stages of development are about a dozen of the most serious genetic diseases.Gene therapy in embryos(胚胎)is at least a few years away. And the gene or combination of genes re-sponsible for most of our physical and mental attributes has not even been identified yet. Besides, say clinicians,even if the techniques for making designer babies are perfected within the nextdecade,they should be applied in the service of disease prevention,not improving on nature. What does the author mean when he says,"They still have a bit of time"?A: Designer babies will soon be a reality.B: Nature will be altered by designer babies.C: There is no need at the moment to be too worried about designer babies.D: Scientists are working against time to design baby.

We're bringing health care to"where people live and work."So declared Larry Merlo,CEO of CVS Health,an American retail-pharmacy giant,announcing a$69 billion deal to buy Aetna,a heatth insurer.One rationale for the deal-assuming the regulators wave it through-is for the merged firm to develop personalised health care that people can easily get access to.There is another,more defensive,impetus behind the deal-the prospect of Amazon going into prescription medicine.The American pharmaceutical market is an alluring one for the online giant.It is large,worth$450 billion in 2016.And it is widely regarded as inefficient,leaving customers without good information about products they are buying.Compared with books,toys and other bulky items,the drugs market would appear to be a nirvana for Amazon.Prescription medicines weigh almost nothing,take up little space and can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per pill.But three barriers block the road to this idyll.First,the sale and distribution of drugs is heavily regulated.Amazon would not be able to dump prescription drugs into the same fulfilment channels as its other products.It must acquire pharmaceutical licences for any state where it wishes to operate.Amazon would also need approval from the Food and Drug Administration at a federal level.Operating in a controlled industry would be a departure for a free-wheeling tech firm.Second,most drugs are paid for by insurers,not by consumers.The pharmacy-benefits managers(PBMs),a sort of middlemen that buy drugs for insurers and companies,perform the complex task of matching purchases with patients'insurers,so that drugs are paid for.That is a source of the sort of opacity that Amazon would seek to remove.But the rcommerce firm would still need to handle issues of payment in the background,without keeping asking consumers for insurance details.Third,although drugs do come in small packages,their shipping and handling often require special attention.Many drugs must be kept cold throughout the supply chain.Others are dangerous,and must be kept in locked cages.Yet these drugs are often also the most expensive.If Amazon cherry-picks drugs that fit well into its existing network,it will miss out on a large slice of the market.Customers could find it confusing to be able to get some prescriptions through Amazon's store but not others.Amazon could find itself a partner,however.In July the boss of Express Scripts,a PBM,said it could use Amazon as an"efficient provider in networks".Or Amazon could buy what it needs.It might buy Rite Aid,a big pharmacy chain,giving it licences,a"cold-chain"infrastructure and Rite Aid's small PBM in one swoop.A prospect like that goes a long way to explaining the marriage of CVS and Aetna.What is a PBM responsible for?A.It maiches drug purchases with patients.B.It seeks to remove the opacity about drugs.C.It explains the insurance details to consumers.D.It handles the issues concerning drugs payment

Zhu Guang,a 25-year-old product tester,is a university graduate,the only child of a pair of factory workers in Shanghai.He works for Lenovo,one of China's leading computer-makers.He earns 4,000 yuan a month after tax and says he feels like a faceless drone at work.He eats at the office canteen and goes home at night to a rented,20-square-metre room in a shared flat,where he plays online games.He does not have a girlfriend or any prospect of finding one."Lack of confidence",he explains when asked why not.Like millions of others,he mockingly calls himself a diaosi.Vividly it is a declaration of F powerlessness in an economy where it is getting harder for the reg-ular guy to succeed.Calling himself by this nickname is a way of crying out,"like Gandhi",says Mr Zhu,It is a quiet form of protest

We're bringing health care to"where people live and work."So declared Larry Merlo,CEO of CVS Health,an American retail-pharmacy giant,announcing a$69 billion deal to buy Aetna,a heatth insurer.One rationale for the deal-assuming the regulators wave it through-is for the merged firm to develop personalised health care that people can easily get access to.There is another,more defensive,impetus behind the deal-the prospect of Amazon going into prescription medicine.The American pharmaceutical market is an alluring one for the online giant.It is large,worth$450 billion in 2016.And it is widely regarded as inefficient,leaving customers without good information about products they are buying.Compared with books,toys and other bulky items,the drugs market would appear to be a nirvana for Amazon.Prescription medicines weigh almost nothing,take up little space and can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per pill.But three barriers block the road to this idyll.First,the sale and distribution of drugs is heavily regulated.Amazon would not be able to dump prescription drugs into the same fulfilment channels as its other products.It must acquire pharmaceutical licences for any state where it wishes to operate.Amazon would also need approval from the Food and Drug Administration at a federal level.Operating in a controlled industry would be a departure for a free-wheeling tech firm.Second,most drugs are paid for by insurers,not by consumers.The pharmacy-benefits managers(PBMs),a sort of middlemen that buy drugs for insurers and companies,perform the complex task of matching purchases with patients'insurers,so that drugs are paid for.That is a source of the sort of opacity that Amazon would seek to remove.But the rcommerce firm would still need to handle issues of payment in the background,without keeping asking consumers for insurance details.Third,although drugs do come in small packages,their shipping and handling often require special attention.Many drugs must be kept cold throughout the supply chain.Others are dangerous,and must be kept in locked cages.Yet these drugs are often also the most expensive.If Amazon cherry-picks drugs that fit well into its existing network,it will miss out on a large slice of the market.Customers could find it confusing to be able to get some prescriptions through Amazon's store but not others.Amazon could find itself a partner,however.In July the boss of Express Scripts,a PBM,said it could use Amazon as an"efficient provider in networks".Or Amazon could buy what it needs.It might buy Rite Aid,a big pharmacy chain,giving it licences,a"cold-chain"infrastructure and Rite Aid's small PBM in one swoop.A prospect like that goes a long way to explaining the marriage of CVS and Aetna.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A.The Personalized Health Care:A Dream of Retail-Pharmacy GiantsB.The American Pharmaceutical Market:A Goldmine for Online GiantsC.The Prospect of Amazon's Entry:A Spur to a Massive Deal in Health CareD.The Marriage of CVS and Aetna:A Tough and Long Road to Go

根据以下内容,回答226-229题。ENTRY-LEVER POSITIONS WITH EMPLOYCORespected employment agency seeks recent graduates for entry-level positions in the field of job recruitment. No experience is required, but you must have a bachelor's degree or higher. De-sired qualities include precision, punctuality, and communication skills. A familiarity with general office computer programs is helpful, but not required. Selected candidates will assist our head-hunters in recruiting personnel for some of the top corporations in America, while earning a guar-anteed salary, unlimited commissions, and invaluable experience. Three weeks of paid training is required.Don't miss this chance to get out of the job market and into the nation's fastest-growing,most lucrative industry. Interested applicants should contact our Human Resources Department atHR@employco.com or 1-800-937-9924, extension 44.From: Marshall Nixon To: HR department Subject: About the jobTo whom it may concern,I am writing in response to your advertisement for entry-level positions at Employco. As a re-cent college graduate with a degree in Communications, I read your advertisement with great inter-est. With unemployment rates high these days, the employment industry seems more promising than ever. Therefore, I have made it my goal to establish a career at a respected agency in the field.I am familiar with your firm through your website, which I have used extensively as a re-source in my job search. I have been quite impressed with your agency's customized service for job applicants. Your website offers a refreshing blend of helpful advice, useful information, and straightforward statistics.In short, I am excited at the prospect of joining your agency as a full-time employee. With my educational background and broad range of experiences, I feel I can make an immediate contribution to Employco. At your earliest possible convenience, please send me more information about your job vacancies and let me know how to begin the application process.Sincerely,Marshall NixonWhat type of job applicant is this advertisement aimed at?A.Those considering changing jobsB.Recent university graduatesC.Anyone looking for a new careerD.Experienced employment professionals

In World War II the factory was heavily bombed and rebuilt afierwards.Bankruptcy forced the factory to close its doors in 1980.After years of 1,large parts of the factory had become ruined and run 2,An unsafe,abandoned place,with widespread vandalism the factory soon 3 into a source of nuisance to the local 4.The project aims to reconvert the old textile factory into a city park.This reconversion is part of a mixed-use development urban renewal project 5 by Sogent,the urban development company of Ghent.Surrounded,as it is,by a 6 0f functions and users,the park is under a lot of outside pressure.The aim was to create a diversified park which could 7 this pressure and stimulate a 8 community life for the neighbourhood.The design briefproved a simultaneous exercise in creating a site with plenty of flow,9 preserving walls and constructions and maintaining a l0,workable zoning of the park's functions.The orthogonal plan ofthe old textile factory is 11 as a basic template for a zoning ofthe park.New,organic green spaces and a paths network 12 with what remains ofthis underlying structure.By preserving some historical marks,the park becomes an"architectural 13".On another level,the integration of portraits of former employees in the factory(central gangway),14 a social dimension to the historical one already present in the park's design.On the whole,new meaning and new life are 15 by the bringing together of past and present.The walls and structures become the historical placemat for the development of new activities.16 the diversified park was 17 there has been a revival of activity in the neighbourhood.The reconversion has positive 18 0n the buildings and quarters around the park.Thanks to the public participation sessions,locals have felt very 19 with the project.The park is now being used 20 across the generations(senior citizens,families,children),becoming,much like it used to be,the meeting place for the neighbourhood.13选?A.landscapeB.perspectiveC.outlookD.prospect

共用题干The Industrial Age and EmploymentThe industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people's work has taken the form of jobs.The industrial age may now be coming to an end,and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought about may have to be reversed.This seems a daunting(大胆的)thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work.Universal employment,as its history shows,has not meant economic freedom.Employment became widespread when the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving(剥夺)them of the use of the land,and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves.Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people's homes.Later,as transport improved, first by rail and then by road, people commuted(乘车往返)longer distances to their places of employment until,eventually,many people's work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they lived.Meanwhile,employment put women at a disadvantage.In pre-industrial times,men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community.Now it became customary(惯例的)for the husband to go out to paid employment, leaving the unpaid work of the home and family to his wife.Tax and benefit regulations still assume this norm today,and restrict more flexible sharing of work roles between the sexes.It was not only women whose work status suffered.As employment became the dominant form of work,young people and old people were excluded-a problem now,asmore teenagers become frustrated at school and more retired people want to live active lives. All this may now have to change.The time has certainly come to switch some efforts and resources away from the utopian(乌托邦的)goal of creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs. Now is the time to handle the issue of employment in a practical manner.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Which of these is the best way to convince a prospect of the benefits of the S-Series?() A、 show them independent tests and reviewsB、 describe the theory of operation and system internalsC、 give a Microsoft PowerPoint presentationD、 give a demonstration that could lead to an evaluation

A prospect is considering a BladeCenter H chassis with the Multi-Switch Interconnect Modules. The number of Ethernet ports is important to them. What is the maximum number of Ethernet ports of an HS22 blade server can support if the blade does not have any expansion blades attached?()A、8B、6C、4D、2

A prospective customer has selected Fiber Channel (FC) for performance reasons. The prospect does not appear to understand the terminology and options of the fiber channel but is very interested in learning before investing money in this technology. What steps should be taken to make sure the customer is satisfied with the solution?()A、Send customer links to documentation for the FC components included in the solutionB、Direct the customer to Red Books and White Papers on FC technologiesC、Work with business partner to include Lab Services engagement to setup FC environment and perform knowledge transferD、Switch toiSCSI

A prospective customer has selected Fiber Channel (FC) for performance reasons.  The prospect does not appear to understand the terminology and options of the fiber channel but is very interested in learning before investing money in this technology.What steps should be taken to make sure the customer is satisfied with the solution?()A、Send customer links to documentation for the FC components included in the solution B、Direct the customer to Red Books and White Papers on FC technologies C、Work with business partner to include Lab Services engagement to setup FC environment and perform knowledge transfer D、Switch to iSCSI

单选题A prospect is considering a BladeCenter H chassis with the Multi-Switch Interconnect Modules. The number of Ethernet ports is important to them. What is the maximum number of Ethernet ports an HS22 blade server can support if the blade does not have any expansion blades attached?()A8 B6 C4 D2

问答题Passage 1  Historians of the war can be 1 into two schools. The 2 considers that it was the unavoidable outcome of conflicting interests between Northern and Southern states. The second blames it 3 political leaders for __4__ to avert an unnecessary war.  Analysts are also divided on whether the issue of slavery was the primary cause of the war, 5 a symptom of other more critical differences—especially sectional interests and the doctrine of states’ rights—between the North and South 6 had been developing since the formation of the American republic.  The fundamental distinction was economic. In the early 1840s the Northern states began the process of industrialization, modernizing their society to 7 the demands of economic change. 8 conclusion, the slogan of Abraham Lincoln’s Republican party, “free labor, free land, free man” encapsulated the ideology of valuing the freedom of individuals to grasp the opportunity 9 economic self-advancement in a booming, expanding society.  The Southern states remained stubbornly agricultural 10 economically and socially. It was a backward-looking way of life of tall white mansions on great plantations dependent on a labour system which made slaves of approximately 4 million black Americans.  America was thus divided by economic structure, and was led into fratricidal (杀同胞的) warfare by 11 series of political clashes. The most common cause was the future of the West. The crises 12 California’s admission in 1850 and over Kansas-Nebraska in 1854 were typical of the divergent economic interests of North and South in relation to the 13 .  The North wanted free land for independent labour in the same new territories 14 the South sought to perpetuate its traditional way of life by extending slavery. The issue was not the slavery already practised, but the prospect of its extension 15 the West.

单选题Which of the following best describes the prospect of the job market this year?ANeither good nor bad.BBright.CDisappointing.DGloomy.

单选题Which of these is the best way to convince a prospect of the benefits of the S-Series?()A show them independent tests and reviewsB describe the theory of operation and system internalsC give a Microsoft PowerPoint presentationD give a demonstration that could lead to an evaluation

问答题One of the questions coming into focus as we face growing scarcity of resources in the world is how to divide limited resources among countries. In the international development (1) com____, the coronal wisdom has been that the billion people living in poor countries could never expect to (2) r____ the standard of living that most of the people in North America enjoy, simply because the world does not contain enough iron ore, protein, petroleum, and so on. At the same time, we in the United States have continued to pursue super-affluence as though there were no limits (3)____ how much we could consume. We (4) m____ only 6 percent of the world’s people; yet we consume one third of the world’s resources.  As long as the resources we consumed each year came primarily from (5) w____ our own boundaries, this was largely an internal matter. But as our resources come more and more from the outside world, we will no longer be able to think in (6)____ of “our” resources and “their” resources, but only of (7) c____ resources.  As Americans consume such a(n) (8)____(proportion) share of the world’s resources, we have to question whether or not we can continue our pursuit of super-affluence in a world of (9)____(scarce). We are now reaching the point at which we must carefully examine the presumed link between our level of well-being and the level of material goods consumed. If you have only one crust of bread and get another crust of bread, your well-being is greatly enhanced. But if you have a loaf of bread, then an additional crust of bread doesn’t make (10) d____. In the eyes of most of the world today, Americans have their loaf of bread and are asking for still more. The prospect of a scarcity of, and competition in, the world’s resources requires that we re-examine the way in which we relate to the rest of the world.

单选题At 0715 you take the following bearings: Race Rock Light 328°pgc; Little Gull Island Light 249°pgc; Mt. Prospect Antenna 036°pgc. Based on your 0715 fix,which statement is TRUE?()AYou are to the left of your track lineBYour fathometer reads about 265 fathomsCYou are in a cable areaDYou are governed by the Inland Rules