Text 3 The provision of positive incentives to work in the new society will not be an easy task. But the most difficult task of all is to devise the ultimate and final sanction to replace the ultimate sanction of hunger—the economic whip of the old dispensation. Moreover, in a society which rightly rejects the pretence of separating economics from politics and denies the autonomy of the economic order, that sanction can be found only in some conscious act of society. We can no longer ask the invisible hand to do our dirty work for us.I confess that I am less horror-struck than some people at the prospect, which seems to me unavoidable, of an ultimate power of what is called direction of labour resting in some arm of society, whether in an organ of state or of trade unions. I should indeed be horrified if I identified this prospect with a return to the conditions of the pre-capitalist era. The economic whip of laissez-faire undoubtedly represented an advance on the serf-like conditions of that period: in that relative sense, the claim of capitalism to have established for the first time a system of “free” labour deserves respect. But the direction of labour as exercised in Great Britain in the Second World War seems to me to represent as great an advance over the economic whip of the heyday of capitalist private enterprise as the economic whip represented over pre-capitalist serfdom.Much depends on the effectiveness of the positive incentives, much, too, on the solidarity and self-discipline of the community. After all, under the system of laissez-faire capitalism the fear of hunger remained an ultimate sanction rather than a continuously operative force. It would have been intolerable if the worker had been normally driven to work by conscious fear of hunger; nor, except in the early and worst days of the Industrial Revolution, did that normally happen. Similarly in the society of the future the power of direction should be regarded not so much as an instrument of daily use but rather as an ultimate sanction held in reserve where voluntary methods fail. It is inconceivable that, in any period or in any conditions that can now be foreseen, any organ of state in Great Britain would be in a position, even if it had the will, to marshal and deploy the labour force over the whole economy by military discipline like an army in the field. This, like other nightmares of a totally planned economy, can be left to those who like to frighten themselves and others with scarecrows.第31题:1. The word “sanction”(Line 2, Paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to______.[A] corrective measures[B] encouraging methods[C] preventive efforts[D] revolutionary actions

Text 3 The provision of positive incentives to work in the new society will not be an easy task. But the most difficult task of all is to devise the ultimate and final sanction to replace the ultimate sanction of hunger—the economic whip of the old dispensation. Moreover, in a society which rightly rejects the pretence of separating economics from politics and denies the autonomy of the economic order, that sanction can be found only in some conscious act of society. We can no longer ask the invisible hand to do our dirty work for us.

I confess that I am less horror-struck than some people at the prospect, which seems to me unavoidable, of an ultimate power of what is called direction of labour resting in some arm of society, whether in an organ of state or of trade unions. I should indeed be horrified if I identified this prospect with a return to the conditions of the pre-capitalist era. The economic whip of laissez-faire undoubtedly represented an advance on the serf-like conditions of that period: in that relative sense, the claim of capitalism to have established for the first time a system of “free” labour deserves respect. But the direction of labour as exercised in Great Britain in the Second World War seems to me to represent as great an advance over the economic whip of the heyday of capitalist private enterprise as the economic whip represented over pre-capitalist serfdom.

Much depends on the effectiveness of the positive incentives, much, too, on the solidarity and self-discipline of the community. After all, under the system of laissez-faire capitalism the fear of hunger remained an ultimate sanction rather than a continuously operative force. It would have been intolerable if the worker had been normally driven to work by conscious fear of hunger; nor, except in the early and worst days of the Industrial Revolution, did that normally happen. Similarly in the society of the future the power of direction should be regarded not so much as an instrument of daily use but rather as an ultimate sanction held in reserve where voluntary methods fail. It is inconceivable that, in any period or in any conditions that can now be foreseen, any organ of state in Great Britain would be in a position, even if it had the will, to marshal and deploy the labour force over the whole economy by military discipline like an army in the field. This, like other nightmares of a totally planned economy, can be left to those who like to frighten themselves and others with scarecrows.

第31题:1. The word “sanction”(Line 2, Paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to______.

[A] corrective measures

[B] encouraging methods

[C] preventive efforts

[D] revolutionary actions


In the project environment, the individual ultimately responsible for quality control is:A . The line workers who must strive "to do things right the first time" to avoid quality problems.B . the company's quality control manager who must work with the project members to ensure the quality control program is effective.C . The head of the production department who retains ultimate quality control responsibility for all the company's projects.D . The project manager who has ultimate responsibility for the entire project.E . the customer who must ensure that he is receiving a quality product from the vendor.

Most quality problems:A . originate in the quality department where the ultimate responsibility for quality rests.B . originate on the shop floor because of waste and product rework.C . are the results of management inattention to potential quality improvement ideas.D . could be eliminated if shop supervisors monitored their work more closely.E . A and B

20 Most quality problems:A. originate in the quality department where the ultimate responsibility for quality rests.B. originate on the shop floor because of waste and product rework.C. are the results of management inattention to potential quality improvement ideas.D. could be eliminated if shop supervisors monitored their work more closely.E. A and B

41 In the project environment, the individual ultimately responsible for quality control is:A. The line workers who must strive "to do things right the first time" to avoid quality problems. B. the company's quality control manager who must work with the project members to ensure the quality control program is effective.C. The head of the production department who retains ultimate quality control responsibility for all the company's projects.D. The project manager who has ultimate responsibility for the entire project.E.the customer who must ensure that he is receiving a quality product from the vendor

The new logistics strategy requires the support of the relevant ( ),for computer provides brand new manners to process the traditional task. A、firewallB、logistic softwareC、ERPD、supply-chain

-Did you get your financial records into shape for your audit next month? - _______. Keeping a strict account of all our incoming and outgoing is not an easy task. A It seems our records are always a little incomplete ;B It's a piece of cake ;C I'm still working on ironing out a few problems

Even though current technologies make the ultimate segmented network impractical, new technologies and products hold the promise of making the concept a reality. Most important of all these new technologies are (66) . The ultimate switched LAN, which is technically possible, now, exhibits the following characteristics:1. High-speed yet cost-effective switching devices can be implemented on a wide scale, providing dedicated connections for individual users and supporting the aggregate (67) of all networked users.2. The ability to deploy switching capabilities incrementally into the (68) base. Switching implementations support switching of individual users or groups so that existing users of shared media modules can continue to use the existing equipment until they can justify moving to dedicate switched LAN connections.3. Support and enhancement of existing routed environments. Switching (69) routint, but rather can be introduced into the network without making any changes to the existing routing equipment or configuration.(70) play a critical role in the integration of switching into existing networks.A.switch-based LANsB.WANsC.user servicesD.LAN-BY-PHONE

The best title for the passage is _____.[A] Education and Progress[B] Old and New Social Norms[C] New Education: Opportunities for More[D] Demerits of Hierarchical Society

According to the New Curriculum Standard, the ultimate goal of English education is to develop students' ability to use English communicatively. Therefore, English education in schools,should be__________.A.knowledge-centredB.ability-orientedC.speaking-focusedD.communication-focused

( ),photo synthesis is the ultimate source of food for almost all organisms on earth.A.It is an extremely important processB.An extremely important process,it isC.That an extremely important asD.An extremely important process

Text 4 The great recession may be over,but this era of high joblessness is probably beginning.Before it ends,it will likely change the life course and character of a generation of young adults.And ultimately,it is likely to reshape our politics,our culture,and the character of our society for years.No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic disaster.Many said that unemployment,while extremely painful,had improved them in some ways:they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent;they were more aware of the struggles of others.In limited respects,perhaps the recession will leave society better off.At the very least,it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses,and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending.But for the most part,these benefits seem thin,uncertain,and far off.In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth,the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the U.S.,lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more meanspirited and less inclusive,and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms.Antiimmigrant sentiment typically increases,as does conflict between races and classes.Income inequality usually falls during a recession,but it has not shrunk in this one.Indeed,this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides,and decrease opportunities to cross them—especially for young people.The research of Till Von Wachter,the economic at Columbia University,suggests that not all people graduating into a recession see their life chances dimmed:those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times;it is the masses beneath them that are left behind.In the Internet age,it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden within American society.More difficult,in the moment,is discerning precisely how these lean times are affecting society's character.In many respects,the U.S.was more socially tolerant entering this recession than at any time in its history,and a variety of national polls on social conflict since then have shown mixed results.We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric.But they certainly will reshape it,and all the more so the longer they extend.The author thinks that the influence of hard times on society is____A.certainB.positiveC.trivialD.destructive

Text 4 The great recession may be over,but this era of high joblessness is probably beginning.Before it ends,it will likely change the life course and character of a generation of young adults.And ultimately,it is likely to reshape our politics,our culture,and the character of our society for years.No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic disaster.Many said that unemployment,while extremely painful,had improved them in some ways:they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent;they were more aware of the struggles of others.In limited respects,perhaps the recession will leave society better off.At the very least,it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses,and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending.But for the most part,these benefits seem thin,uncertain,and far off.In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth,the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the U.S.,lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more meanspirited and less inclusive,and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms.Antiimmigrant sentiment typically increases,as does conflict between races and classes.Income inequality usually falls during a recession,but it has not shrunk in this one.Indeed,this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides,and decrease opportunities to cross them—especially for young people.The research of Till Von Wachter,the economic at Columbia University,suggests that not all people graduating into a recession see their life chances dimmed:those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times;it is the masses beneath them that are left behind.In the Internet age,it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden within American society.More difficult,in the moment,is discerning precisely how these lean times are affecting society's character.In many respects,the U.S.was more socially tolerant entering this recession than at any time in its history,and a variety of national polls on social conflict since then have shown mixed results.We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric.But they certainly will reshape it,and all the more so the longer they extend.The research of Till Von Wachter suggests that in the recession graduates from elite universities tend to____A.lag behind the others due to decreased opportunitiesB.catch up quickly with experienced employeesC.see their life chances as dimmed as the others'D.recover more quickly than the others

Text 4 The great recession may be over,but this era of high joblessness is probably beginning.Before it ends,it will likely change the life course and character of a generation of young adults.And ultimately,it is likely to reshape our politics,our culture,and the character of our society for years.No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic disaster.Many said that unemployment,while extremely painful,had improved them in some ways:they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent;they were more aware of the struggles of others.In limited respects,perhaps the recession will leave society better off.At the very least,it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses,and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending.But for the most part,these benefits seem thin,uncertain,and far off.In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth,the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the U.S.,lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more meanspirited and less inclusive,and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms.Antiimmigrant sentiment typically increases,as does conflict between races and classes.Income inequality usually falls during a recession,but it has not shrunk in this one.Indeed,this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides,and decrease opportunities to cross them—especially for young people.The research of Till Von Wachter,the economic at Columbia University,suggests that not all people graduating into a recession see their life chances dimmed:those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times;it is the masses beneath them that are left behind.In the Internet age,it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden within American society.More difficult,in the moment,is discerning precisely how these lean times are affecting society's character.In many respects,the U.S.was more socially tolerant entering this recession than at any time in its history,and a variety of national polls on social conflict since then have shown mixed results.We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric.But they certainly will reshape it,and all the more so the longer they extend.Benjamin Friedman believes that economic recessions may____A.impose a heavier burden on immigrantsB.bring out more evils of human natureC.promote the advance of rights and freedomsD.ease conflicts between races and classes

Most economic data,____regarding hiring is positive.A.completelyB.exclusivelyC.particularlyD.specifically

共用题干New Changes in American LifeOnce it was possible to define male and female roles easily by the division of labor. Menworked outside the home and earned the income to support their families,while women cooked themeals and took care of the home and the children._______(46)But by the middle of this century,men's and women's roles were becoming less firmly fixed.In the 1950s,economic and social success was the goal of the typical American. But in the1960 s a new force developed called the counterculture._______(47)The counterculture presented men and women with new role choices. Taking more interest in childcare,men began to sharechild-raising tasks with their wives. In fact,some young men and women moved to communalhomes or farms where the economic and childcare responsibilities were shared equally by both sexes._______(48)Some young men refused to be drafted as soldiers to fight in the war in Viet-nam。In terms of numbers,the counterculture was not a very large group of people._______(49)Working men of all classes began to change their economic and social patterns.Industrial workers and business executives alike cut down on“overtime”work so that they could spend more leisure time with their families .Some doctors,lawyers,and teachers turned away from high paying situations to practice their professions in poorer neighborhoods.In the 1970s,the feminist movement,or women's liberation,produced additional economic and social changes.Women of all ages and at all levels of society were entering the work force in greater numbers._______(50)But some women began to enter traditionally male occupations: police work,banking,dentistry,and construction work.Women were asking for equal work,and equal opportunities for promotion.Today the experts generally agree that important changes are taking place in the roles of men and women .Naturally,there are difficulties in adjusting to these transformations._______(49)A: In addition,many Americans did not value the traditional male role of soldier.B:Most of them still took traditional women's jobs as public school teaching,nursing,and secretarial work.C: These roles were firmly fixed for most people,and there was not much opportunity for women to exchange their roles.D: But its influence spread to many parts of American society.E: The people involved in this movement did not value the middle-class American goals.F: A great many jobs that used to belong to men are now taken by women.

In the event of a catastrophic disaster, after which you need to replace the entire UCS blade system (that is, new fabric interconnects, new IOMs, new chassis, and new blades), what type of backup would provide the most complete set of information?()A、 logical configurationB、 all configurationC、 full stateD、 system configuration

Your computer runs Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic edition.  When you attempt to upgrade your computer to Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate edition by booting from the DVD-ROM, you receive the following warning message: "The partition you selected might contain files from a previous Microsoft Windows installation. If it does, these files and folders will be moved to a folder named Microsoft Windows.old. You will be able to access the information in Microsoft Windows.old, but you will not be able to use your previous version of Microsoft Windows." You need to complete the upgrade.  What should you do? ()A、Boot into safe mode. Launch the setup.exe application from the Windows Vista Ultimate edition DVD-ROM.B、Boot from the Windows Vista Ultimate edition DVD-ROM and click the command prompt option. Use the diskpart utility to create a new primary partition for the Windows Vista Ultimate edition installation.C、Log on to the Windows Vista Home Basic edition installation. Launch the setup.exe application from the Windows Vista Ultimate edition DVD-ROM, and then click the Custom (Advanced) option.D、Log on to the Windows Vista Home Basic edition installation. Launch the setup.exe application from the Windows Vista Ultimate edition DVD-ROM, and then click the Upgrade option.

单选题In the event of a catastrophic disaster, after which you need to replace the entire UCS blade system (that is, new fabric interconnects, new IOMs, new chassis, and new blades), what type of backup would provide the most complete set of information?()A logical configurationB all configurationC full stateD system configuration

问答题Practice 3  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?  You should write at least 250 words.

填空题The purpose of new technology is to make life (easy) ____, not to make it more difficult.

单选题The Thanksgiving tradition in North America is more ______ than any other; people of all ages, religions, and ethnic backgrounds ______ this occasion by giving thanks for a bountiful harvest.Aquintessential, laudBrife, promulgateCwidespread, cogitateDpervasive, commemorateEtenable, sanction

单选题The work seemed easy at first but it _____ to be quite difficult.Abroke outBturned outCworked outDset out

单选题British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised the electorate that guns would not be fired without an attempt to win a further UN sanction.AalliesBdelegatesCvotersDjuries

问答题Practice 2  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Many people are busy with work and do not have enough time to spend with families and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects of this on family life and society as a whole?  You should write at least 250 words.

问答题What was the most difficult part for Nightingale’s work at the hospital?

单选题According to the passage, what is the ultimate purpose of virtual reality in education?ATo give special students a chance to experience life in the outside world.BTo train teachers to work with students with special needs.CTo allow special students to learn life-skills in a safe environment.DTo prepare special students for transition into mainstream society.

问答题Practice 7  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic development; however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages?  You should write at least 250 words.