When the length of the run queues, process or thread dispatches interrupts, and lock contention metrics and statistics are analyzed for performance, which of the following resources is being analyzed?()A、 CPUB、 MemoryC、 Disk I/OD、 Network I/O
When the length of the run queues, process or thread dispatches interrupts, and lock contention metrics and statistics are analyzed for performance, which of the following resources is being analyzed?()
- A、 CPU
- B、 Memory
- C、 Disk I/O
- D、 Network I/O
MAX_LENGTH是int型public成员变量,变量值保持为常量100,用简短语句定义这个变量() A.publicintMAX_LENGTH=100;B.finalintMAX_LENGTH=100;C.finalpublicintMAX_LENGTH=100;D.publicfinalintMAX_LENGTH=100.
定义String s=null,会出现异常的选项是()。Ⅰ: if((s!=mll)(s.length()>0))Ⅱ: if((s!=mull)(s.length()>0)) Ⅱ: if((s!=mull)(s.length()>0)) Ⅲ: if((s==null)|(s.length()==0)) Ⅳ: if((s==aull)Ⅱ(s.length()==0))A.Ⅱ、ⅢB.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣC.Ⅰ、ⅢD.Ⅲ、Ⅳ
How long is the longest cross-sea bridge?() A、It has a total length of 94.968 kmB、It has a total length of 49.968 kmC、It has a total length of 68.988 km
ApublicmembervairablecalledMAX_LENGTHwhichisinttype,thevalueofthevariableremainsconstantvalue100.Useashortstatementtodefinethevariable.() A.publicintMAX_LENGTH=100;B.finalintMAX_LENGTH=100;C.finalpublicintMAX_LENGTH=100;D.publicfinalintMAX_LENGTH=100;
int型public成员变量MAX LENGTH,该值保持为常数100,则定义这个变量的语句是( )。A.publicintMAX_LENGTH=100B.finalintMAX LENGTH=100C.publicconstintMAX_LENGTH=100D.publicfinalintMAX_LENGTH=100
执行下列程序后,输出结果为( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("北京 2008" ); System. out. println ("length =" + sb. length ( ) ); } }A.length = 8B.length = 10C.length = 6D.length = 20
When backing down with sternway,the pivot point of a vessel is ______.A.about one-quarter of the vessel's length from the sternB.at the bowC.about one-third of the vessel's length from the bowD.aft of the propellers
What should you expect when you encounter a tsunami in the open ocean ________.A.Violent seas from mixed directionsB.No noticeable change from the existing sea stateC.Winds increasing to gale force from the northwest in the Northern HemisphereD.A major wave of extreme height and length
Which statement about the free surface effect is TRUE ________.A.It increases in direct proportion to the length of the tank times the breadth squaredB.It decreases at increased angles of heel due to pocketing when a tank is 90% fullC.It decreases in direct proportion to increasing specific gravity of the liquid in the tankD.In practice,the correction is considered to be a virtual reduction of KG
According to the Rules, a vessel’s length is her ______.A.length between the perpendicularsB.length along the waterlineC.length overallD.registered length
Definition of Length:()A、The length shall be taken as 96% of the total lengthB、The length shall be taken as 96% of the LbpC、The length shall be taken as 96% of the total length on a waterline at 85% of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keelD、The length from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline
When purchasing a UPS for a server room, which of the following are important factors to consider?()A、Network card configurationB、Remote access proceduresC、Estimated runtimeD、Maximum loadE、Power cord length
In a web page with chechboxes you need to write e jquery that retruns the number checked checkboxes.()A、var n = $(“input:checked”).length;B、var n = $(“:input, :checked”).length;C、var n = $(“input:selected”).length;D、var n = $(“:input, :selected”).length;
填空题On Mindy's guitar, the frequency of a vibrating string varies inversely as the length of the string. When a guitar string of s inches in length that vibrates at a frequency of 80 cycles per second is shortened to 6 inches in length, it vibrates at a frequency of 120 cycles per second. What is the value of s?____
多选题When purchasing a UPS for a server room, which of the following are important factors to consider?()ANetwork card configurationBRemote access proceduresCEstimated runtimeDMaximum loadEPower cord length
单选题You see a vessel carrying a black diamond which indicates a().Avessel towing asternBbarge pushed aheadCvessel towing astern only when the length of her tow exceeds 200 metersDthis signal does not exist in international waters
单选题The catenary().Aacts as a reserve length of towing hawser when the tug applies more power,and it dampens the surge effect of the towBgives an approximation of the amount of strain on the towing hawserCis the dip in the towing hawser between the tug and the towDAll of the above
单选题The length of the steering oar in a lifeboat is().Ashorter than the rowing oarsBthe same length as the rowing oarsClonger than the rowing oarsDunrelated to the length of the rowing oars
单选题A power driven vessel when towing and the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters shall exhibit during daylight hours where they can best be seen which of the following shapes? ()Aa diamond shapeBtwo cones,apexes togetherCa black ballDone cone,apex upward
单选题If the length of RS is 12 and the length of ST is 13, which of the following could be the length of RT?A24B26C28D29E30
多选题Definition of Length:()AThe length shall be taken as 96% of the total lengthBThe length shall be taken as 96% of the LbpCThe length shall be taken as 96% of the total length on a waterline at 85% of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keelDThe length from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline
单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning hawser towing? ()AThe catenary in a hawser should be sufficient so that the hawser just touches the bottomBThe hawser is of sufficient length for towing when taut between tug and towCIncreasing speed usually increases the catenary in the hawserDShortening the tow hawser generally decreases the maneuverability of the tug
单选题When backing down with sternway,the pivot point of a vessel is().Aabout one-quarter of the vessel's length from the sternBat the bowCabout one-third of the vessel's length from the bowDaft of the propellers
单选题The unit of duration of a dash in Morse Code is().Aone and one-half times the length of a dotBtwice the length of a dotCthree times the length of a dotDfour times the length of a dot
单选题The term length of a vessel in International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 means().Athe length between perpendicularsBthe registered lengthCthe length overallDthe length of waterplane on summer draft
单选题A rectangular fish tank has a base 2 feet wide and 3 feet long. When the tank is partially filled with water, a solid cube with an edge length of 1 foot is placed in the tank. If no overflow of water from the tank is assumed, by how many inches will the level of the water in the tank rise when the cube becomes completely submerged?A1/6B1/2C2D3E4